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1IN TR O D U C TIO NA s a persistentand toxic pollutant, cadm ium (C d) canresultin m any adverse health effects in a variety oftis-suesand organssuch asthe lung,kidney,urinary,blad-der,pancreas,breast and prostate (SA TA R U G etal.,2003).C adm ium in so…  相似文献   
构建城市用地结构时空格局演变分析框架,引入信息熵和偏移份额模型定量剖析2000-2017年中国东北地区城市用地结构时空格局演变特征,通过计量经济模型分阶段对比分析收缩情境下东北地区城市用地结构演变的动力机制.结果表明:东北地区城市用地总面积持续增长,用地结构信息熵整体呈现先上升、后下降的趋势.2011年以后,城市用地结...  相似文献   
冬季北极涛动和北极海冰变化对东亚气候变化的影响   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
本文简要回顾了冬季北极涛动 (北大西洋涛动 )和北极海冰面积变化对东亚气候变化的影响、研究中存在的问题以及目前亟待解决的科学问题。  相似文献   
基于兴趣点(POI)大数据的东北城市空间结构分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
薛冰  肖骁  李京忠  谢潇 《地理科学》2020,40(5):691-700
以东北三省36个城市为研究区,利用400余万条兴趣点行业分类大数据,采用核密度估计、标准差椭圆、区位熵等方法分析城市空间结构及其行业构成机制。研究发现,东北城市要素显著集聚,城市内部空间结构呈现集中团块型、分散组合型、线型、放射型特征以及多元复合类型;第二产业和房地产业呈现郊区化特征,各行业发展方向与东北大区域的经济轴线一致,多数行业尚未形成专业化功能区;第二产业与房地产业的离心发展对集中团块型城市的塑造作用不强,但对分散组合型城市空间结构的贡献较大。线型城市通常兼具多中心特征,放射型城市各行业仍偏向于向心聚集。  相似文献   
东北三省城乡收入差距空间格局及其分异机制研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
付占辉  梅林  刘艳军  郑茹敏 《地理科学》2019,39(9):1473-1483
借助多元逐步线性回归、GWR等模型方法,探讨1990年以来东北三省城乡收入差距空间格局、类型特征及其分异机制,最后提出城乡统筹可持续发展建议。结果表明: 1990年以来,东北三省城乡居民收入水平大幅提高,但大部分地区城镇居民可支配收入水平仍低于全国平均水平;城乡收入差距整体有所拉大,呈现出“中间高、两端低”的空间特征。 城乡收入差距空间分布格局受经济发展水平、工业拉动效应、服务业带动力和交通通达程度影响,其中经济发展水平对城乡收入差距由早期的正向拉大作用为主,逐步演变为负向抑制效应。 据此提出对策建议:深化改革开放,加快国有企业改革步伐,优化区域产业结构,提高服务业发展水平和比重,激发市场活力,破解制约区域经济发展的各种障碍;加快实施乡村振兴战略,促进乡村资源开发,开辟致富增收新路径。  相似文献   
The development of overseas industrial parks is a key component of the Belt and Road Initiative and an expected experimental way of promoting inclusive globalization by inventing new forms of cooperation between China and local host countries. Policy mobility, a classic theory within international political geography addressing the connection between local and global policies, has implications for overseas industrial parks development. In this paper, we argue that policies are not easily moved directly from one place to another; instead, policies are embedded due to the role of local actors in policy mobility. This article first provides an overview of seven China-Southeast Asia economic and trade cooperation zones identified by the Ministry of Commerce, and analyzes their key participants. It then discusses policy mobility by looking into the roles of revenue, land, and talent in developing these industrial parks. The paper finds that these parks face challenges, such as the complicated geographical environments of host countries, huge pressure from enterprise investment capital, the lack of overseas service platforms, and underdeveloped agglomeration economies. In the light of the current situation, policy suggestions for the future sustainable development of overseas industrial parks are put forward.  相似文献   
马丽  田华征  康蕾  戚伟 《地理科学》2020,40(6):863-873
在解析支撑能力和东北问题特点的基础上,从"创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享"五大理念出发建立全面振兴社会经济支撑能力评价指标体系和综合评价方法,以地级市为单元对东北三省进行评估。研究发现:各地市社会经济支撑能力差异显著,哈大沿线核心城市的支撑能力较强,西翼城市以及朝阳、七台河、绥化、葫芦岛、铁岭、双鸭山和鹤岗等资源型城市支撑能力较弱。因此未来东北地区在振兴政策的区域分布上应有所侧重,对不同地区施以不同的振兴或扶持政策。在创新、绿色、开放方面需要集中力量重点突破,而在体制机制改革和共享服务建设方面需要全面覆盖,并重点加强黑龙江北部和辽宁、吉林西翼城市的共享能力建设。  相似文献   
厄尔尼诺与亚洲季风对港澳地区降雨影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
分析研究了香港1853~1997年(145年)、澳门1901~1997年(97年)的月和年降雨量的一些特征。主要结论是:(1)香港、澳门年降雨量存在准2~6年的周期振荡,澳门年降雨量有很强的长期趋势,香港年降雨量无明显趋势;(2)香港、澳门年内雨量的峰值出现在西南季风期(6月和8月),而谷值在东北季风期(12月);(3)EI Nino事件年,香港、澳门年降雨量距平百分率多为正,降雨偏多。在La Nila事件年,香港、澳门年降雨量距平百分率多为负,降雨偏少。  相似文献   
Prokopenko and Kendall (J Paleolimnol doi:, 2008) criticise the work presented in Fedotov et al. (J Paleolimnol 39:335–348, 2008), and instead propose an alternative interpretation for the grain-size evolution recorded in the KDP-01 core, retrieved from the central part of Lake Khubsugul. Their interpretation is based (i) on a seismic-stratigraphic re-interpretation of sparker seismic profile khub012 (which they copied from Fedotov et al. (EOS Trans 87:246–250, 2006)), (ii) on the presupposition that changes in lake level are the dominant control on facies distribution in Lake Khubsugul, and (iii) on the invalidation of our age-depth model. In this reply to their comment, we demonstrate that they interpreted seismic artefacts and geometries caused by changes in profile orientation as true stratigraphic features and that the lake-level reconstruction they derive from this interpretation is therefore incorrect. We also demonstrate that their grain-size predictions, which they consider to be predominantly driven by changes in lake level, are inconsistent with the measured sulphate concentration, which is a demonstrated proxy of lake level in Lake Khubsugul, and with the measured grain-size record. Finally, we point out that even if there would be a problem with the age-depth model, this problem would not affect the part of the sedimentary sequence discussed in Fedotov et al. (J Paleolimnol 39:335–348, 2008).  相似文献   
近20 a中亚净初级生产力与实际蒸散发特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中亚碳、水循环在气候变异和人为活动的影响下呈现新的时空特征。但由于观测数据稀缺,生态过程特殊,植被、土壤空间异质性强,中亚植被净初级生产力(NPP)、实际蒸散发(AET)的时空特征相关信息相对不足,且时效性不高。利用全球尺度的NPP、AET、土地覆被数据,气象站点与区域气候数据分析近20 a中亚地区NPP和AET的时空特征。结果表明:与1990年相比,2000年中亚地区农田NPP增幅小于自然植被,植被总固碳量增加了254.65 Tg C;近20 a中亚地区实际总蒸散量先增后降,农田对中亚水资源散失的贡献减小,自然植被的贡献增大,自然植被与农田面积变化决定中亚总蒸散量动态;北部农田区、东部山区及山前绿洲为NPP和AET的高值区,中西部荒漠为低值区。  相似文献   
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