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王斌  王咏薇  杨大虎 《气象科学》2022,42(6):754-768
采用WRFv3.9.1模式和多层城市冠层模型的BEP/BEM方案耦合,以江苏省2017年7月20—28日一次高温热浪过程为背景,研究了高反照率墙面、路面及屋顶对城市高温及人体健康的影响。研究结果表明:(1)与普通建筑物表面算例(CTR)相比,城市中建筑物越高大密集的区域,降温幅度越明显。金融区白天时段(07—19时,北京时间)高反照率墙面算例(WALL)、高反照率路面算例(ROAD)、高反照率屋顶算例(ROOF),以及全部使用高反照率表面的算例(ALL)2 m高气温白天平均降低0.14、0.44、0.75、1.54℃;最大降温分别达0.98、1.06、1.53、2.71℃。同时,WALL、ROAD、ROOF、ALL算例可使得整个城市区域白天平均降温分别达到0.14、0.43、0.64、1.26℃。(2)当城市采用高反照率表面材料,高温得到一定程度缓解时,对于人体舒适度及死亡率也存在一定的影响。在高温热浪期间相较于CTR算例,13时,ALL算例在低密度住宅区、高密度住宅区、金融区的人体舒适度(THI)最大分别可降低0.93、1.11、1.48;热相关急诊率和死亡率最大可降低2.9%、4....  相似文献   
上甸子秋冬季雾霾期间气溶胶光学特性   总被引:21,自引:10,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
通过对2004年秋冬季(9—12月)4次雾霾天气过程在京、津背景地区——北京上甸子大气本底污染监测站观测的大气气溶胶光学特性的分析,发现该地区气溶胶光学特性受天气过程的影响很大。4次雾霾影响时段,平均气溶胶散射系数σ_(sca)、吸收系数σ_(abs)和单次散射反照率ω都远高于雾霾过后清洁时段的数值,其中气溶胶ω在雾霾影响时段为0.94~0.97,雾霾后为0.84~0.86,平均减小了0.1左右,表明雾霾天气有利于气溶胶的累积和生成。相比于光吸收性气溶胶,雾霾天气对光散射性气溶胶的增加更为有利,反映了二次气溶胶的产生及其对消光的贡献可能有较大增加。  相似文献   
Simulation of East Asian Summer Monsoon by Using an Improved AGCM   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
The IAP 2-L AGCM is modified by introducing a set of climatological surface albedo data into the model for substituting the model’s original surface albedo parameterization. The comparison between the observations and the simulation results by the modified model shows that the general features of the East Asian summer monsoon can be well reproduced by the modified IAP 2-L AGCM. Especially for the simulation of monsoon precipitation, the modi-fied model can well reproduce not only the monthly mean features of the summer monsoon rainfall over East Asia, but also the stepwise advance and retreat of the East Asian summer monsoon rainbelt. Analysis results demonstrate that the good simulation of the monsoon rainfall is closely related to the reasonable simulation of the large scale gen-eral circulation over East Asian region, such as the western Pacific subtropical high, Asian monsoon low and the low level flows. The good performance of the modified model in the rainfall simulation shows its great potential to serve as a useful tool for the prediction of summer drought / flood events over East Asia.  相似文献   
In this study the authors apply the chemistry version of the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF-Chem) to examine the impacts of black carbon (BC)-induced changes in snow albedo on simulated temperature and precipitation during the severe snowstorm that occurred in southern China during 0800 26 January to 0800 29 January 2008 (Note that all times are local time except when otherwise stated). Black carbon aerosol was simulated online within the WRF-Chem. The model resuits showed that surface-albedo, averaged over 27-28 January, can be reduced by up to 10% by the deposition of BC. As a result, relative to a simulation that does not consider deposition of BC on snow/ice, the authors predicted surface air temperatures during 27-28 January can differ by -1.95 to 2.70 K, and the authors predicted accumulated precipitation over 27-28 January can differ by -2.91 to 3.10 mm over Areas A and B with large BC deposition. Different signs of changes are determined by the feedback of clouds and by the availability of water vapor in the atmosphere.  相似文献   
Recent satellite data analysis has provided improved data sets relevant to the surface energy budget in the Arctic Ocean. In this paper, surface radiation properties in the Arctic Ocean obtained from the Surface Radiation Budget(SRB3.0) and the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project(ISCCP-FD) during 1984– 2007 are analyzed and compared. Our analysis suggests that these datasets show encouraging agreement in basin-wide averaged seasonal cycle and spatial distribution of surface albedo; net surface shortwave and all-wave radiative fluxes; and shortwave, longwave, and all-wave cloud radiative forcings. However, a systematic large discrepancy is detected for the net surface longwave radiative flux between the two data sets at a magnitude of ~ 23 W m–2, which is primarily attributed to significant differences in surface temperature, particularly from April to June. Moreover, the largest difference in surface shortwave and all-wave cloud radiative forcings between the two data sets is apparent in early June at a magnitude of 30 W m–2.  相似文献   
黑河实验区的地表反射率与植被指数   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
吴艾笙  钟强 《大气科学》1993,17(2):155-162
本文利用1988年9月黑河地区地气相互作用观测实验研究预试验期NOAA-AVHRR资料讨论了从晴天行星反射率推算地表反射率的方法,分析了与水、热收支有密切关系的下垫面参数——地表反射率与植被指数的分布特征及它们之间的经验关系。  相似文献   
城市热岛效应的卫星遥感分析   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
利用MODIS资料研究了2004年4月南京城市热岛特征及其影响因子,结合地表覆盖类型分析了植被归一化指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)、地表温度(ts)、地表反照率(α)的城乡差异及其相互关系,探讨了城市热岛(Urban Heat Island,UHI)效应形成的机制.结果表明:南京城区存在着明显的城市热岛效应;城市平均ts比乡村高约10.83%;城市NDVI和α分别比乡村低约为62%和18.75%;NDVI与ts呈负相关,相关系数为-0.73,而NDVI与α之间关系与波段有关;城乡植被覆盖差异是造成UHI的主要原因,其次是地表反照率.  相似文献   
典型干旱区荒漠戈壁陆面参数的观测研究   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
根据目前流行的陆面过程模式的需要,利用2000年5-6月敦煌陆面过程野外观测实验加强期的观测资料,分析了西北典型干旱区荒漠戈壁的一些关键陆面过程和土壤参数的特征和规律。并且利用相对反射为权重加权平均,计算得到典型干旱区敦煌荒漠戈壁的平均反射率为0.255±0.021;剔除建筑物干扰后,利用对数平均法计算的粗糙度长度平均值为0,0019±0。00071 m;剔除绿洲影响后,用无降水影响的资料确定出土壤湿度影响因子为0.0045;剔除降水影响后,用观测资料计算的敦煌典型干旱区荒漠戈壁的热容量平均值为1.12×10~6m~(-3)K~(-1),比“黑河试验”在戈壁和在其它沙漠观测的有关值略小一些,但热扩散率和热传导率都比“黑河试验”在戈壁观测的值小一倍左右;观测的敦煌戈壁典型天气条件下的土壤含水量非常小,基本上不超过1%。  相似文献   
中国西北大气沙尘的辐射强迫   总被引:8,自引:10,他引:8  
成天涛  沈志宝 《高原气象》2002,21(5):473-478
利用CCM3的辐射模式CRM研究大气沙尘的辐射强迫特性。大气沙尘减小地面净辐射冷却地面同时增暖沙尘层大气,最大加热率出现在沙尘层的上部和贴近地面处。地表反照率对地面冷却和大气加热的大小有影响,地面净辐射的减幅和大气加热率在高地表反照率的沙漠大于低地表反照率的绿洲。大气沙尘对地一气系统的辐射强迫同样受地表反照率的影响,存在着一个“临界地表反照率”,其值在0.25~0.3之间。当地表反照率高于“临界地表反照率”(如沙漠),大气沙尘减小行星反照率增暖地一气系统,反之(如在绿洲),大气沙尘增大行星反照率冷却地一气系统。  相似文献   
作物最大可能蒸散考虑了作物及当地地表状况,为当地地表实际覆盖情况下实际蒸散的理论上限值,能客观分析作物对水分的需求程度和农业干旱状况。基于遥感(叶面积指数和地表反照率)数据和逐日气象数据,利用Penman-Monteith公式,计算黄淮海平原小麦种植区27个气象站冬小麦生育期2000-2015年逐日蒸散,提取得到冬小麦生育期逐日最大可能蒸散数据集,并分析其时空变化特征及成因。结果表明:与联合国粮农组织(FAO)单作物系数法计算的最大可能蒸散Ek对比,区域平均最大可能蒸散Ec的时间变化趋势与Ek一致,空间分布上Ec符合客观实际。黄淮海平原冬小麦全生育期、越冬期和返青-拔节期Ec均呈北低南高的分布特征,日平均值分别为1.99 mm,0.44 mm和2.75 mm;其余3个生育期(越冬前、抽穗期、乳熟-成熟期)在空间分布上差异不大,日平均值分别为1.23 mm,4.71 mm和3.74 mm。冬小麦不同生育期(含全生育期)Ec的空间分布主要受叶面积指数分布特征的影响,二者呈显著正相关关系。  相似文献   
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