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A finite volume upwind numerical scheme for the solution of the linear advection equation in multiple dimensions on Cartesian grids is presented. The small-stencil, Modified Discontinuous Profile Method (MDPM) uses a sub-cell piecewise constant reconstruction and additional information at the cell interfaces, rather than a spatial extension of the stencil as in usual methods. This paper presents the MDPM profile reconstruction method in one dimension and its generalization and algorithm to two- and three-dimensional problems. The method is extended to the advection–diffusion equation in multiple dimensions. The MDPM is tested against the MUSCL scheme on two- and three-dimensional test cases. It is shown to give high-quality results for sharp gradients problems, although some scattering appears. For smooth gradients, extreme values are best preserved with the MDPM than with the MUSCL scheme, while the MDPM does not maintain the smoothness of the original shape as well as the MUSCL scheme. However the MDPM is proved to be more efficient on coarse grids in terms of error and CPU time, while on fine grids the MUSCL scheme provides a better accuracy at a lower CPU.  相似文献   
In low permeability environments, transport by advection is often neglected based on a Péclet number criterion. Such a criterion usually states that if the Péclet number (Pe) is much smaller than 1, diffusion dominates over advection and transport may be modeled considering diffusion only. Unfortunately, up to 10 different Péclet number definitions exist and for a particular case these different definitions lead to very diverse Péclet number values, differing several orders of magnitude from each other. In this paper, the different Péclet number definitions are therefore evaluated on their ability to determine the relative importance of transport by advection and by diffusion in low permeability environments. This is done by comparing the results of the analytical solution for pure diffusion with the analytical solution for diffusion, advection and dispersion for a large number of different input parameter values. The relation between the different Péclet numbers and the difference between the calculated concentration considering diffusion only and the calculated concentration considering both diffusion and advection is studied. These calculations show that some Péclet number definitions are not well suited to decide whether advection may be neglected in low permeability media.
Resumen Frecuentemente se descuida el transporte por avección en ambientes de baja permeabilidad sobre la base del criterio del número de Péclet. Dicho criterio usualmente sostiene que si el número de Péclet (Pe) es mucho menor a 1, la difusión domina sobre la avección y es posible modelar el transporte considerando la difusión únicamente. Desafortunadamente existen 10 definiciones diferentes del número de Péclet y para un caso en particular estas diferentes definiciones conducen a valores de número de Péclet muy diversos los cuales difieren entre sí en varias magnitudes. Por lo tanto, en este artículo se evalúan las diferentes definiciones en base a su habilidad para determinar la importancia relativa del transporte por avección y difusión en ambientes de baja permeabilidad. Esto se lleva a cabo mediante la comparación de los resultados de la solución analítica para difusión pura con los de la solución analítica por difusión, avección y dispersión para un número amplio de diferentes valores como parámetro. Se ha estudiado la relación entre los diferentes números de Péclet y las diferencias entre la concentración calculada considerando difusión únicamente y considerando tanto difusión como avección. Estos cálculos muestran que algunas de las definiciones de los números de Péclet no son muy apropiadas par decidir si se puede descuidar la avección en medios de baja permeabilidad.

Résumé Dans les milieux à faible perméabilité, le transport par advection est souvent négligeable lorsquon se base sur le critère du nombre de Péclet. Un tel critère suggère habituellement que pour un nombre de Péclet beaucoup plus petit que 1, la diffusion domine sur ladvection et que le transport peut être modélisé par diffusion seulement. Malheureusement, il existe jusquà environ dix définitions du nombre de Péclet et pour un cas spécifique, ces différentes définitions mènent à des valeurs du nombre de Péclet très différentes, et qui varient entre elles de plusieurs ordres de grandeur. Dans cet article, les différentes définitions du nombre de Péclet sont évaluées en fonction de leur habileté à déterminer limportance relative du transport par advection et par diffusion dans les milieux à faible perméabilité. Ceci est fait en comparant les résultats de la solution analytique pour la diffusion pure à la solution analytique pour la diffusion, ladvection et la dispersion, et ce, pour un grand nombre de valeurs différentes comme paramètre dentrée. La relation entre les différents nombres de Péclet et la différence entre la concentration calculée en considérant la diffusion seulement et la concentration calculée considérant simultanément la diffusion et ladvection est étudiée. Ces calculs prouvent que certaines définitions de nombre de Péclet ne sont pas appropriées afin de décider si ladvection peut être négligée dans les milieux à faible perméabilité.
The attempts at unified model fitting to explain the spectral variations in Cyg X-3 suggest equally probable fits with a combination of an absorbed blackbody and a separately absorbed power law with an exponential cut-off or a composite of absorbed free-free emission with a power law hard X-ray component apart from the iron emission line. These seemingly ordinary but ad hoc mixtures of simple X-ray emission mechanisms have a profound implication about the geometry of the X-ray source. While the first set suggests a black-hole nature of the compact object, the second combination is consistent with a neutron star binary picture. The spectral variability at hard X-ray energies above 30 keV can provide crucial input for the unified picture. In this paper, we present spectral observations of Cyg X-3, made in our on-going survey of galactic and extragalactic X-ray sources in the 20–200 keV energy region, using Large Area Scintillation counter Experiment. The data show a clear power-law photon spectrum of the form dN/dE ∼ E−2.8 in the 20 to 130 keV energy range. A comparison with earlier data suggests that the total number of X-ray photons in the entire 2–500 keV energy band is conserved at all time for a given luminosity level irrespective of the state. We propose that this behaviour can be explained by a simple geometry in which a thermal X-ray source is embedded in a hot plasma formed by winds from the accretion disk within a cold shell. The high/soft and low/hard X-ray states of the source are simply the manifestation of the extent of the surrounding scattering medium in which the seed photons are Comptonized and hot plasma can be maintained by either the X-ray driven winds or the magneto-centrifugal winds.  相似文献   
周永胜  何昌荣 《地震地质》2002,24(1):124-132
京津唐张地区普遍存在壳内低速层 ,鄂尔多斯块体内部没有发现低速层 ,壳内低速层的这种分布受新生代裂陷伸展的控制。华北地区中地壳下部和下地壳低速层是岩石塑性流变的结果 ,中地壳上部低速层是地壳裂陷伸展时形成的水平拆离带和韧性剪切带 ,岩石各向异性和流体作用可能是引起低速的原因。壳内软弱层 (低速和塑性流变层 )增强了块体层间的解耦作用 ,对地震孕育起着重要作用  相似文献   
Our study examined the effects of Corexit 9500 and sediment on microbial mineralization of specific aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons found in crude oil. We also measured gross mineralization of crude oil, dispersed crude oil and dispersant by a marine microbial consortium in the absence of sediment. When provided as carbon sources, our consortium mineralized Corexit 9500 the most rapidly, followed by fresh oil, and finally weathered oil or dispersed oil. However, mineralization in short term assays favored particular components of crude oil (2-methyl-naphthalene > dodecane > phenanthrene > hexadecane > pyrene) and was not affected by addition of nutrients or sediment (high sand, low organic carbon). Adding dispersant inhibited hexadecane and phenanthrene mineralization but did not affect dodecane and 2-methyl-naphthalene mineralization. Thus, the effect of dispersant on biodegradation of a specific hydrocarbon was not predictable by class. The results were consistent for both high and low oiling experiments and for both fresh and weathered oil. Overall, our results indicate that environmental use of Corexit 9500 could result in either increases or decreases in the toxicity of residual oil through selective microbial mineralization of hydrocarbons.  相似文献   
青海省大柴旦地区是我国硼资源主要产地之一,经数十年的开采,矿体中富矿已基本枯竭。通过对大柴旦地区硼资源的分析,重点介绍了分级富集与沉矿浮选联合流程法和直接分级法两种低品位硼矿富集技术,同时对两种技术的内容、路线以及创新效果进行了讨论,并由创新效果的比较分析,得出两种方法的优点和创新性,同时提出对未来低品位硼矿富集技术的展望。  相似文献   
一次梅雨期台风远距离暴雨的分析研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
王宏伟  方娟 《气象科学》2014,34(6):601-611
用NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料、MICAPS系统地面站资料、TRMM卫星降水资料以及自动站雨量资料分析了2011年梅雨后期发生在江苏省南京市的一次暴雨过程。结果表明:此次暴雨发生在中高层高空深槽前部、低空切变线附近、低层低涡和地面低压的东北部,是西风带低值系统及其引导的低层低涡与西进北上的"马鞍"台风共同作用产生的。925 h Pa上中国东南沿海位于低层低涡东北部的东南偏东气流影响下,将来自于西太平洋的水汽源源不断向暴雨区输送,为暴雨的发生提供了良好的水汽条件。不仅如此,此东南偏东气流还使得华南和东南沿海地区暖平流明显。低层暖平流输送伴随的小幅增温和水汽输送导致的湿度层增厚,导致南京附近大气层结不稳定是暴雨发生的热力环境。随着"马鞍"台风的西进北上,其北侧副高中的干空气逐渐被卷至中国东南沿海附近,与大陆上的暖湿气流形成明显对比,形成了一条明显的能量锋。与此同时,在长江中游地区,残余的梅雨锋也表现为一条能量锋,两条能量锋在南京附近相接,造成明显的上升运动,从而触发了暴雨的发生。  相似文献   
Based on a simulation using a newly developed climate system model(Chinese Academy of Sciences-Earth System Model-Climate system component, CAS-ESM-C), the author investigated the Aleutian Low- Icelandic Low Seesaw(AIS) and its decadal variation. Results showed that the CAS-ESM-C can reasonably reproduce not only the spatial distribution of the climatology of sea level pressure(SLP) in winter, but also the AIS and its decadal variation. The period 496–535 of the integration by this model was divided into two sub-periods: 496–515(P1) and 516–535(P2) to further investigate the decadal weakening of the AIS. It was shown that this decadal variation of the AIS is mainly due to the phase transition of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO), from its positive phase to its negative phase. This transition of the PDO causes the sea surface temperature(SST) in the equatorial eastern(northern) Pacific to cool(warm), resulting in the decadal weakening of mid-latitude westerlies over the North Pacific and North Atlantic. This may be responsible for the weakening of the inverse relation between the Aleutian Low(AL) and the Icelandic Low(IL).  相似文献   
不良天气条件下妃子笑荔枝螺旋环剥增产效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在妃子笑荔枝将要进入花芽分化期时实施螺旋环剥,观测其各生育期及产量构成要素。结果表明螺旋环剥在不良天气条件下的增产效果明显.其原因是:在秋、冬季气温偏高的天气条件下,螺旋环剥能抑制冬梢抽发,促进花芽分化,有利开花结果;螺旋环剥能推迟花期,有利于避过花期低温连阴雨天气的不良影响;春季气温偏高的天气条件下,螺旋环剥能抑制“...  相似文献   
Regionalization of low flows based on Canonical Correlation Analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Regional analysis of low-flow statistics is a critical step in solving water resources management problems related to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. Important element in this analysis is the determination of homogeneous sub-regions based on physiographic characteristics of the corresponding basin. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the use of the canonical correlation method for partitioning the set of drainage basins of a region into a number of homogeneous sub-regions and determining the relations between the physiographic and low-flow statistics of the basins of each sub-region. The method is also proposed to be used for classifying an ungauged basin in a sub-region of gauged basins.  相似文献   
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