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提出了一个由低纬地(海)面风计算边辊层顶垂直速度的方法,得到了低纬边界层顶生趣速度的一些特征,指出了惯性项及β效应的重要作用。  相似文献   
中国华北地区壳内低速高导层(体)成因模式的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高平 《中国地震》1997,13(3):223-231
依据高温高压下华北地区地壳主要岩石的物理性质-波速,电性测定的结果,提出了华北地区低速高导层可能的成因模式以及不同模式的适应范围。认为;碳酸盐岩在深部一定温度,压力和氧逸度条件下碳的析出会导致高导层体的出现;深部韧性剪切带组成矿物的定向排列,可使岩石的波速,电生产生各向异性行为,导致低速高导层的产生;绿片岩相和角闪岩相石中含水矿物的脱水作用会导致上,中地壳岩石物理力学性质的突变,这可能是该地区低速  相似文献   
 Although the strict legislation regarding vehicle emissions in Europe (EURO 4, EURO 5) will lead to a remarkable reduction of emissions in the near future, traffic related air pollution still can be problematic due to a large increase of traffic in certain areas. Many dispersion models for line-sources have been developed to assess the impact of traffic on the air pollution levels near roads, which are in most cases based on the Gaussian equation. Previous studies gave evidence, that such kind of models tend to overestimate concentrations in low wind speed conditions or when the wind direction is almost parallel to the street orientation. This is of particular interest, since such conditions lead generally to the highest observed concentrations in the vicinity of streets. As many air quality directives impose limits on high percentiles of concentrations, it is important to have good estimates of these quantities in environmental assessment studies. The objective of this study is to evaluate a methodology for the computation of especially those high percentiles required by e.g. the EU daughter directive 99/30/EC (for instance the 99.8 percentile for NO2). The model used in this investigation is a Markov Chain – Monte Carlo model to predict pollutant concentrations, which performs well in low wind conditions as is shown here. While usual Lagrangian models use deterministic time steps for the calculation of the turbulent velocities, the model presented here, uses random time steps from a Monte Carlo simulation and a Markov Chain simulation for the sequence of the turbulent velocities. This results in a physically better approach when modelling the dispersion in low wind speed conditions. When Lagrangian dispersion models are used for regulatory purposes, a meteorological pre-processor is necessary to obtain required input quantities like Monin-Obukhov length and friction velocity from routinely observed data. The model and the meteorological pre-processor applied here, were tested against field data taken near a major motorway south of Vienna. The methodology used is based on input parameters, which are also available in usual environmental assessment studies. Results reveal that the approach examined is useful and leads to reasonable concentration levels near motorways compared to observations. We wish to thank Andreas Schopper (Styrian Government) for providing air quality values, M. Kalina for providing the raw data of the air quality stations near the motorway and J. Kukkonen for providing the road site data set from the Finish Meteorological Institute (FMI). The study was partly funded by the Austrian science fund under the project P14075-TEC.  相似文献   
The degradation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) was studied in alkaline solution. The products were characterised using UV/vis spectroscopy, size‐exclusion chromatography (SEC), and by the analysis of low‐molecular‐weight organic acids (LMWOA). The degradation experiments were performed with water from a brown water lake or its isolated fulvic acid fraction and sodium hydroxide at different reaction times and temperatures. Depending on the wavelength and the reaction time, the UV/vis absorbance between 230 nm and 600 nm increased or decreased. The behaviour of model compounds during reactions in alkaline media was compared to the UV/vis spectroscopic behaviour of DOM. The release of LMWOA was described by kinetic data and compared to the data of model reactions. Evidence was given for the carboxylic esters playing a significant role in the release of LMWOA only during the beginning of the alkaline degradation. The results gained by SEC with on‐line UV and DOC detection showed that the average size of DOM was decreasing, and that a major part of the degradation products consisted of low‐molecular‐weight mono‐ and dicarboxylic acids.  相似文献   
王静 《气象科学》2002,22(4):394-401
本文利用40年全球范围的温度场、高度场、UV风场资料,分析东北地区冷暖夏年的大气环流异常空间特征及长期演变,分析结果表明:东北低温冷害是一种时空尺度都很大的灾害性天气气候现象,冷夏年500hPa盛行经向环流。高纬有阻高或暖脊维持,西太平洋副高偏弱,温度场、高度场的垂直分布为伸展至对流层顶的正压结构,纬向呈一波型异常结构,有超长波槽稳定维持于东北地区,冷夏前期,大陆冷高压偏弱,冷空气活跃,冰岛低压和阿留申低压发展较深,太平洋副高持续偏弱,这种状态可以持续到夏季,便形成了东北地区的冷夏。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地轮南低隆起早古生代地层中发现有大量运移沥青及有机包裹体。本研究应用地质地球化学相结合的方法对该区沥青及有机包体进行了研究,探讨了其与油气运移与聚集的关系。结果表明这些沥青与有机包裹体可大致划分为三期 :这三期沥青反射率分别是 :1.2 0 %~ 1.35 %;0.80 %~ 0.95 %;<0.0 5 %;与之对应的三期有机包裹体特征是 :黄绿色荧光,共生盐水溶液包裹体均一温度为 80~ 90℃;绿色荧光,均一温度 6 0~ 70℃;兰绿色荧光,均一温度 10 5~ 15 0℃。沥青与有机包裹体是油气生成与运移的直接证据。轮南低隆起早古生代地层中这三期沥青与三期有机包裹体的大量发现,说明在该区曾出现过三次较大规模油气生成与运移。结合该区埋藏史,受热史推断出这三期油气运移与聚集发生在晚志留世-早泥盆世,白垩纪-早第三纪及晚第三纪。本研究成果为该区油气藏的成因研究提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
兰州市低空风时空变化特征及其与空气污染的关系   总被引:7,自引:9,他引:7  
对1988年至1992年兰州市环境监测站自动监测系统监测到的近地面逐时风和空气污染浓度资料以及对应时段的兰州市低空风资料乃至城,郊近40年的地面风资料做了深入的分析,并将城区与郊区对照点(榆中站)进行对比研究,揭示了风向频率变化特征和风速日变化,年变化,年际变化以及风随高度的变化规律。同时分析了对应时段空气污染的分布状况及其与风速的相关关系,为研究兰州市边界层大气动力稳定度的时空变化规律和开展空气污染预报提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   
A stratigraphic record from a lake in the Central Plateau Regionof northern British Columbia reveals changes in environment and inferredclimate during the Holocene. Upon deglaciation (ca. 11500 BP), Skinny Lakebecame an embayment of an ice-dammed lake. High clastic sedimentationrates, an unstable landscape, and cool, possibly wet conditions likelypersisted until the early Holocene (ca. 9000 BP). From ca. 9000–8300 BPdeclining lake levels coupled with warm and dry conditions resulted in theformation of a prominent marl bed. A colonizing shrub and herb assemblagepersisted from 9000 BP until about 8300 BP when it was replaced by a spruce(Picea) and subalpine fir (Abieslasiocarpa) forest under slightly cooler and moister conditions. Themiddle Holocene was warmer-than-present, however, decreasingtemperature and increasing precipitation trends characterize the period fromca. 6000 BP–3000 BP. The transition to modern climate at 3000 BP isevident primarily in the lithostratigraphic record and corresponds with theinitiation of the Tiedemann glacial advance (ca. 3300 BP) in thesouth-coastal mountains of British Columbia. A significant change infossil pollen occurs at ca. 2400 BP and is characterised by an increase in pinepollen accompanied by decreases in alder (Alnus), spruceand fir. This also coincides with an increase in west-sourced exoticwestern hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) and cedar type(Cupressaceae) pollen possibly transported by regional changes in air masscirculation patterns associated with Aleutian Low dynamics. This studydemonstrates that both lithostratigraphic and biotic proxies are helpful inreconstructing the timing and nature of climate change and that each may havevarying sensitivities to a particular type of change.  相似文献   
苏南块体的深部构造及其油气前景   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
苏南块体中地壳存在一低速层,Vp约为5.8~6.0km/s,它与地下高导层相对应,电阻率仅4~20Ω·m,是中地壳塑性层的反映;苏南块体属于太平洋型块体,是有利的油气分布区块;它处在地球化学急变带上,壳幔相互作用比较强烈,故该区的油气受深部因素的影响或控制比较明显,是有利的深部无机成因油气分布区。中地壳低速高导层(蛇纹石化橄榄岩)构成油气“发生器”;上地幔则是“原料库”;沉积盆地是“存储器”。当地幔流体中H2缺失或不足时便没有烃生成,只能形成CO2或以CO2为主的气藏。黄桥CO2气藏已被公认是幔源无机成因气体,实质上是由在中地壳进行的不完整费-托合成反应所致。镇江—常州—无锡—苏州—昆山一带为油气富集带,具有深部成因油气的良好远景。  相似文献   
应用多台和达法测定温州珊溪水库地区地震的平均波速比   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
邹振轩  李金龙  俞铁宏 《地震》2006,26(4):133-137
应用多台和达法计算了2006年 2月 4日至4月3日发生在温州珊溪水库地区ML≥2.0地震的平均波速比。 计算使用高质量的数字地震记录, 在较强地震前观察到持续的低值异常现象, 在时间分布上出现较明显的异常过程: 下降—持续异常—回升—发震, 分析表明异常变化结果可信。  相似文献   
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