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昆明市气象预警信息发布系统是以提高预警信息及时性和发布效率为出发点,整合了不同种类自动气象站的数据资源,与气象业务平台无缝集成,实时监控数据并生成满足需求的气象预警短信,通过预警号码管理数据库,确定预警信息受众范围,实现了预警短信服务的自动化、标准化、规范化。信息编辑不再需要人工干预,信息发布摒弃了原有的GPRS通信、GSMModem通信、运营商提供短信发布平台等方式,基于Web Service技术直接接入电信短信网关,实现了气象预警信息的高效发布,提高了气象服务的整体质量和效率。 相似文献
通过对武汉中地数码公司推出的新一代MAPGIS7-IMS SOA平台功能进行了充分研究基础上进行了二次开发。详细介绍了该平台二次开发应用到的主要技术方法,包括Web Service、Ajax技术、HTML语言、CSS样表、JAVAScript脚本语言、DOM模型、VML语言、XML语言、JSP技术和数据库技术等,并且应用这些技术方法在MAPGIS7-IMS SOA平台的基础上二次开发出了青藏高原1:25万区域地质空间数据库管理系统,给出了该系统开发的示例。 相似文献
Ecosystem approaches to natural resource management place demands on adopting agencies to focus on those activities that support organizational change, especially communication activities, both to foster adoption of, and later to support continuance of ecosystem management activities. An assessment of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Ecosystem Approach to Fish and Wildlife Conservation found that implementation was incomplete, and its management team consequently took actions related to organizational transformation. This attention to organizational change, concentrated on both agency function and form, represents a new modus operandi for the governance of natural resource management agencies. The concept of leadership, as contrasted to management, is offered as an overlooked tool for achieving an ecosystem approach to natural resource management . 相似文献
Simultaneous to the advent of ecosystem management in the United States, heritage management has occurred. Heritage resources are broadly defined as those resources that describe the past. Within the U.S. Forest Service, heritage management includes using knowledge and skills from diverse cultures in resource decision making. A case study from the Mount Hood National Forest in Oregon is presented. The case study illustrates an integration of ecosystem management and heritage management, especially in regard to American Indians. Four fundamental principles of ecosystem management to guide the heritage management process are using an ecological perspective, forming partnerships, promoting grass-roots participation, and using scientific knowledge. 相似文献
Abstract Nearly one‐quarter of all lands in the United States are managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Forest Service. As a result of laws passed in 1976, the agencies are now developing management plans for this land. The public has many opportunities to provide information and comment as the plans are being developed. Nevertheless, each agency provides an administrative “last chance”; to influence informally the way the lands will be managed. One can “protest”; a BLM plan between issuance of the proposed plan/Final EIS and the Record of Decision or “appeal”; a Forest Service Plan Record of Decision. A key difference between the two processes is that the BLM protest is made prior to the final decision while the Forest Service appeal is of a decision already made. Other differences exist in respect to the formalities of the processes, who may protest or appeal, and each agency's primary purposes for its process. 相似文献
评估生态系统服务价值(Ecosystem Service Values,ESV)有利于衡量生态系统服务供给潜力和生态效益的大小,对城市生态规划与土地利用管控起到重要的支撑作用。选择长沙市为研究区域,基于1990、2000、2010和2018年4期土地利用现状遥感监测数据集,利用ArcGIS软件和经本地化校正的当量因子法,分析1990—2018年间的土地利用变化特征,并探讨土地利用变化对ESV的影响。结果表明: ①1990—2018年长沙市土地利用变化轨迹以耕地→林地互相转化以及建设用地对耕地、林地的侵占为主; ②1990—2018年长沙市的ESV共减少53.17×108 元,降幅3.59%,除水域外各类ESV均呈下降趋势,林地和耕地服务价值减少最明显; ③在各单项服务功能中,水文调节的价值最大,其次是气候调节,两者之和占总价值的54%; ④“退耕还林”“退田还湖”“兴工强市”等政策引起的土地利用变化势必对ESV造成影响,城市快速扩张、土地开发会导致ESV不断下降。综合分析认为,在调整研究区土地利用结构、优化土地配置时应充分重视水域、林地等生态系统服务价值较高的土地利用类型,减缓ESV的下降趋势。 相似文献
再分析风场资料已广泛应用于我国舟山群岛海域可再生能源评估、海洋灾害预防决策以及港口运维和船舶运输等涉海发展领域, 然而不同业务机构所提供的再分析数据在舟山近海的性能表现不一, 严重阻碍了此类数据的有效应用。基于2018年全年单点浮标观测资料, 综合评价了舟山群岛近海面(10 m)风场的长期变化趋势, 并利用误差分析和风玫瑰图等统计工具对6种主流海表风场再分析资料, 包括: ECMWF第五代全球大气再分析数据(the 5th generation ECMWF atmospheric reanalysis, ERA5)、NECP第二版全球高分辨率再分析数据(climate forecast system version 2, CFSv2)、美国宇航局物理海洋学分布存档中心的多卫星融合资料(cross-calibrated multi-platform, CCMP)、日本55年再分析数据(Japanese 55-year reanalysis, JRA-55)、第二版现代研究与应用回顾性分析数据(modern-era retrospective analysis for research and applications version 2, MERRA-2)和ECMWF哥白尼大气监测服务再分析数据(the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service, CAMS)在时间变化特征上进行了对比与评估。研究表明: 在综合性能方面, ERA5对风场的再现能力最优, 其次为JRA-55; 在要素可信度方面, ERA5对风速的再现情况相对较优, 而CFSv2的风向再现情况较好; 风场产品在不同季节的模拟能力有所差异; 不同风场产品在不同风速区间的重构能力也有所不同; 在全年风向分布方面, 各再分析资料都存在显著的东向偏差。研究结果为不同应用场景下风场资料的选取提供评估依据, 并为进一步开发适用于舟山群岛近海的高精度长周期风场数据产品奠定基础。 相似文献