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湖泊水库湖流模拟系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在系统研究湖泊、水库各项水动力影响因素的基础上,建立了湖流模拟系统,其中包括水流叠加波浪后波流的共同作用、波浪剩余动量流、风作用剪应力、风吹流以及悬移质扩散分布等。数值模拟中还采用了几种处理技术,并对ADI法进行了双向双步扫描改进。在引滦入津输水工程中的于桥水库湖流计算预报的应用表明,计算结果与现场实测吻合良好,具有计算精度高、收敛快、稳定性好、通用性强等优点。  相似文献   
湖相介形类壳体地球化学在环境变化研究中的应用与进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李军  余俊清 《湖泊科学》2001,13(4):367-375
双壳微体甲壳类动物介形虫,广泛分布于各类湖泊体系中,其碳酸盐壳化石通常在湖泊沉积物中保存完好,介形类的古生态学,尤其是介壳的地球化学在环境变化研究中,近年来得到越来越广泛的应用,介壳的氧同位素组成四形成壳体时湖水的同位素组成和温度决定,可以反映由蒸发和降水的变化所引起的湖水水化学以及与之关联的气候变化情况,一般而言,低δ^18O反映了温度潮湿的气候;高δ^18反映了寒冷干燥的气候,碳同位素可以反映总溶解无机碳的组成以及影响其组成的诸因素的变化,多数情况下可以反映湖泊古生产力的大小及变化,介壳中Mg和Sr的含量,往往与其宿生水体的盐度和温度呈一定的函数关系,据此可以恢复湖泊的温度,尤其是盐度的变化,为了满足高分辨率环境变化,特别是定量研究的要求,必须充分了解介形类各个种属的生命历史和生态消长的过程;通过定期收集野外介壳和水样进行化学分析了,了解湖水水化学和温度对介壳稳定同位素和微量元素组成的影响;详细了解湖泊湖沼学,包括湖水的同位素组成和M/Ca(M指微量元素Mg、Sr等)与盐度的关系以及它们随空间和季度变化的特征;开展实验室养殖培养实验,测定单个种属介壳与水体的氧同位素分馏系数,建立微量元素吸收的生理效应。  相似文献   
古湖泊砂砾堤研究表明,24kaB.P.,兹格塘错、错鄂分别存在10m、30m(高出现代湖面)的高湖面,湖泊面积分别可达272km2、220km2,是现代湖泊的1.42、3.12倍.与此相比,9.0-6.0kaB.P.湖面略低;在兹格塘错,古湖泊高出现代湖面8m,面积约为246km2,比现代大56km2;在错鄂,古湖面高出现代12m,面积约为138km2.基于Kutzbach水能联合方程,利用逐次逼近法取得有关参数,重建的各流域上述各时期的降水量分别可达(400±20)mm/a (兹格塘错 24kaB.P.)、(535±20)mm/a (错鄂 24kaB.P.)、(370±20)mm/a (兹格塘错 9.0-6.0kaB.P.)、(470±20)mm/a (错鄂 9.0-6.0kaB.P.).  相似文献   
张程  黄文峰  李瑞  杨惠杰  赵雯  林战举 《湖泊科学》2022,34(4):1186-1196
伴随结冰过程的盐分排出是驱动冰封浅湖营养盐动态变化的关键过程,影响湖泊水质、环境与生态演变.为探究湖冰冻融过程如何改变寒区浅湖营养盐条件,采用自制定向冻结装置开展了无机氮磷营养盐溶液(NH3-N、NO-2-N、NO-3-N、PO3-4-P)的室内冻结试验,结合现场采样分析评估了冻结排出效应对典型浅湖氮磷营养盐的影响.结果表明:营养盐浓度、盐度(以NaCl表征)是影响冻结排出效率的关键因素;随营养盐浓度的升高,冰内营养盐浓度升高,但冻结分离系数减小;若盐度升高,冰内营养盐浓度和分离系数均增大,主要与未冻卤水泡的形成有关;3种形态的无机氮、磷酸根的分离系数均存在明显差异.将试验结果应用于内蒙古乌梁素海结冰期氮磷营养分析,计算表明湖冰冻结排盐过程不仅造成湖水各类营养盐浓度升高,同时改变无机氮素构成、氮磷比等营养结构状态;特别是若湖泊盐度发生变化,氮磷营养盐的冻结排出效率及其差异性均会显著改变,增加冰封期湖泊营养条件的时空变异性.本文结果可广泛应用于定量评价冰层冻融过程对冬季湖泊营养条件的影响,有助于理解冰封期浮游植物群落演变的内在驱动力.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the formation of whiting events, drifting milky clouds of water, and their role in the formation of recent aragonite sediments in a semi-enclosed, karstic, marine lake on the island of Mljet (Adriatic Sea). This study is based on detailed structural, morphological and sedimentological characterization of, and strontium distribution in, particles originating from suspended matter and sediments. The particles were examined by X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction analyses, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, as well as electron microprobe energy dispersive X-ray analyses and atomic absorption spectroscopy. Morphological features, granulometric characteristics, strontium enrichment and characteristic details of the aragonite structure in the needle-like particles were identical in both the suspended matter collected during whiting events and in the bottom sediments. The whiting events, which occasionally occurred in surface waters, were found to be sites of short-term active authigenic aragonite precipitation and the main source of fine-grained aragonite mud. This study exemplifies the role of biologically induced inorganic precipitation processes in the formation of recent aragonite mud in a restricted Mediterranean environment.  相似文献   
Directly dated Cucurbita from archaeological sites near Lake Huron expand the range and human usage of adventive, cultivated wild gourds or squash into the Great Lakes region, USA, by 4000 14C yr BP. The data also show that domesticated C. pepo squash was cultivated there by 3000 14C yr BP. Although milder Hypsithermal climate may have been a contributing factor, squash and gourds expanded northward during the mid-Holocene mainly by human agency and may be the first human-introduced adventive plant in temperate North America. Even after 3000 14C yr BP, when domesticated squash generally replaced wild varieties at northern sites, squash stands were probably informally managed rather than intensively cultivated.  相似文献   
We used an isotopic mass-balance model to examine how the hydrogeologic setting of lakes influences isotopic response of evaporating lake water to idealized hydroclimatic changes. The model uses a monthly water and isotope balance approach with simplified water-column structure and groundwater exchanges. The framework for comparative simulations is provided by lakes in a region of the Northern Rocky Mountains that display high interlake geochemical variability, thought to be controlled by groundwater hydraulics. Our analysis highlights several isotopic effects of flow between aquifers and lakes, leading to possible divergence of isotopic paleorecords formed under a common climate. Amplitude of isotopic variation resulting from simulated climate forcing was greatly damped when high groundwater fluxes and/or low lake volume resulted in low lake fluid residence time. Differing precipitation and evaporation scenarios that are equivalent in annual fluid balance (P−E) resulted in different isotopic signatures, interpreted as a result of evaporation kinetics. Concentrating low-δ groundwater inflow during spring months raised springtime lake δ values, a counterintuitive result of coincidence between times of high groundwater inflow and the evaporation season. Transient effects of reduced fluid balance caused excursions opposite in sign from eventual steady-state isotopic shifts resulting from enhanced groundwater inflow dominance. Lags in response between climate forcing and isotopic signals were shortened by high groundwater fluxes and resulting short lake residence times. Groundwater-lake exchange exerts control over patterns of lake isotopic response to evaporation through effects on lake residence time, inflow composition, and seasonal timing of inflow and outflow. Sediments from groundwater-linked lakes, often used for paleoenvironmental analysis, should be expected to reflect isotopic complexities of the type shown here. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
《Marine Geodesy》2013,36(3-4):335-354
This article describes absolute calibration results for both JASON-1 and TOPEX Side B (TSB) altimeters obtained at the Lake Erie calibration site, Marblehead, Ohio, USA. Using 15 overflights, the estimated JASON altimeter bias at Marblehead is 58 ± 38 mm, with an uncertainty of 19 mm based on detailed error analysis. Assuming that the TSB bias is negligible, relative bias estimates using both data from the TSB-JASON formation flight period and data from 48 water level gauges around the entire Great Lakes confirmed the Marblehead results. Global analyses using both the formation flight data and dual-satellite (TSB and JASON) crossovers yield a similar relative bias estimate of 146 ± 59 mm, which agrees well with open ocean absolute calibration results obtained at Harvest, Corsica, and Bass Strait (e.g., Watson et al. 2003). We find that there is a strong dependence of bias estimates on the choice of sea state bias (SSB) models. Results indicate that the invariant JASON instrument bias estimated oceanwide is 71 mm, with additional biases of 76 mm or 28 mm contributed by the choice of Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS) SSB or Center for Space Research (CSR) SSB model, respectively. Similar analysis in the Great Lakes yields the invariant JASON instrument bias at 19 mm, with the SSB contributed biases at 58 mm or 13 mm, respectively. The reason for the discrepancy is currently unknown and warrants further investigation. Finally, comparison of the TOPEX/POSEIDON mission (1992–2002) data with the Great Lakes water level gauge measurements yields a negligible TOPEX altimeter drift of 0.1 mm/yr.  相似文献   
Chemical composition and nutrient concentrations of 39 relatively poorly known Patagonian lakes (38–50°S and from 70° to 68°W) are described and analysed using principal component analysis (PCA). The general relationships between nutrients (total phosphorus, bioavailable phosphorus and dissolved inorganic nitrogen) and plankton biomass are examined.We seek to demonstrate that the extreme oligotrophy characterising many lakes and reservoirs of the Argentine Patagonian region of South America owes more to nitrogen deficiency than to a shortage of available phosphorus. The data show a range of trophic conditions with variable water chemistry characteristics.The first two axes of the PCA ordination explain most of the variance (63%). The first component of the variance in the environmental data is a trophic gradient, with positive correlations with the concentrations of nutrients (TP, SRP, DIN) and electrical conductivity and a negative correlation with transparency. For all the reservoirs considered, the calculated annual, summer and winter chlorophyll-a carrying capacities of the available phosphorus were consistently and significantly (P<0.05) in excess of observations but maximum chlorophyll-a values correlate with DIN availability. Indeed the chlorophyll-a carrying capacities, as an index of the resource-sustainable maximum biomass, of the available nitrogen gives a better predictive yield relationship than does P. Our findings are remarkable in so far as the general expectation that dinitrogen-fixing phytoplankton should thrive in the absence of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, at least to the supportive limits of the available phosphorus, is unfulfilled.  相似文献   
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