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介绍了国际测地/天体测量学甚长基线干涉测量服务(International Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) Service for Geodesy and Astrometry, IVS)组织机构及下属分析中心概况.系统归纳了目前IVS发布的地球定向参数(Earth Orientation Parameters, EOP)产品类型及不同观测类型的用途.利用2010—2019年公开发布的观测资料,对IVS不同分析中心的EOP日常监测和服务能力进行了评估.通过构造观测台站所构成的几何体积,分析了EOP精度与测站数量、测站网分布的关系,统计了IVS不同观测类型的EOP解算精度.此外,综合公开发布的美国、欧洲等区域网观测数据,分析了不同地区区域网的常规及加强观测结果与IVS结果的差异.结果表明:EOP的解算精度与观测台站的分布密切相关, IVS常规观测确定的极移分量的外符合精度优于0.2 mas,世界时(Universal Time, UT1)与协调世界时(Coordinated Universal Time,UTC)之差(UT1-UTC)的精度在0.015 ms左右,加强观测的UT1-UTC值与国际自转服务组织(International Earth Rotation Service, IERS)的C04之间存在0.02–0.03 ms的差异.区域观测网的精度受观测网形和基线长度制约,总体劣于IVS观测精度,其中,美国甚长基线干涉阵列(Very Long Baseline Array, VLBA)的常规及加强观测结果与IVS全球观测结果最接近.  相似文献   
In conventional seismic exploration, especially in marine seismic exploration, shot gathers with missing near‐offset traces are common. Interferometric interpolation methods are one of a range of different methods that have been developed to solve this problem. Interferometric interpolation methods differ from conventional interpolation methods as they utilise information from multiples in the interpolation process. In this study, we apply both conventional interferometric interpolation (shot domain) and multi‐domain interferometric interpolation (shot and receiver domain) to a synthetic and a real‐towed marine dataset from the Baltic Sea with the primary aim of improving the image of the seabed by extrapolation of a near‐offset gap. We utilise a matching filter after interferometric interpolation to partially mitigate artefacts and coherent noise associated with the far‐field approximation and a limited recording aperture size. The results show that an improved image of the seabed is obtained after performing interferometric interpolation. In most cases, the results from multi‐domain interferometric interpolation are similar to those from conventional interferometric interpolation. However, when the source–receiver aperture is limited, the multi‐domain method performs better. A quantitative analysis for assessing the performance of interferometric interpolation shows that multi‐domain interferometric interpolation typically performs better than conventional interferometric interpolation. We also benchmark the interpolated results generated by interferometric interpolation against those obtained using sparse recovery interpolation.  相似文献   
在并置站上对GPS和VLBI两种空间技术测定的地心坐标进行了比较,经过历元统一、偏心改正和七个转换参数之后,得到了两种空间技术地心坐标之间的不符值,其可以认为是这两种空间技术的真正实现精度,这两种地心坐标三个坐标轴方向分量的外符精度都在1 cm之内,试验说明了GPS和VLBI确定的地心坐标已达到毫米级。  相似文献   
胡剑  胡艳 《全球定位系统》2013,(6):50-53,89
从三轨法D-InSAR基本原理和数据处理流程出发,分析讨论了相位测量误差对三轨法D-InSAR形变测量精度的影响,详细给出了相位测量误差对三轨法形变测量影响的定量关系式。从定量分析中可以看出,基线比是造成相位测量误差对三轨法形变测量精度影响的一个关键因素,同时,卫星视角也是影响三轨法形变测量的一个比较重要的因素。  相似文献   
介绍了将InSAR用于检测地表形变(地壳形变和火山形变)和地震研究取得的成果与相关问题,以及它在地震研究中的应用前景。  相似文献   
Imaging in geological challenging environments has led to new developments, including the idea of generating reflection responses by means of interferometric redatuming at a given target datum in the subsurface, when the target datum lies beneath a complex overburden. One way to perform this redatuming is via conventional model-based wave-equation techniques. But those techniques can be computationally expensive for large-scale seismic problems since the number of wave-equation solves is equal to two times the number of sources involved during seismic data acquisition. Also conventional shot-profile techniques require lots of memory to save full subsurface extended image volumes. Therefore, we can only form subsurface image volumes in either horizontal or vertical directions. To exploit the information hidden in full subsurface extended image volumes, we now present a randomized singular value decomposition-based approach built upon the matrix probing scheme, which takes advantage of the algebraic structure of the extended imaging system. This low-rank representation enables us to overcome both the computational cost associated with the number of wave-equation solutions and memory usage due to explicit storage of full subsurface extended image volumes employed by conventional migration methods. Experimental results on complex geological models demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed methodology and allow practical reflection-based extended imaging for large-scale five-dimensional seismic data.  相似文献   
The availability of new constellations of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors is leading to important advances in infrastructure monitoring. These constellations offer the advantage of reduced revisit times, providing low-latency data that enable analysis that can identify infrastructure instability and dynamic deformation processes.In this paper we use COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) and TerraSAR-X (TSX) data to monitor seasonal induced deformation at the Pertusillo dam (Basilicata, Italy) using multi-temporal SAR data analysis. We analyzed 198 images spanning 2010–2015 using a coherent and incoherent PS approach to merge COSMO-SkyMed adjacent tracks and TerraSAR-X acquisitions, respectively. We used hydrostatic-seasonal-temporal (HST) and hydrostatic-temperature-temporal (HTT) models to interpret the non-linear deformation at the dam wall using ground measurements together with SAR time-series analysis. Different look geometries allowed us to characterize the horizontal deformation field typically observed at dams. Within the limits of our models and the SAR acquisition sampling we found that most of the deformation at the Pertusillo dam can be explained by taking into account only thermal seasonal dilation and hydrostatic pressure. The different models show slightly different results when interpreting the aging term at the dam wall. The results highlight how short-revisit SAR satellites in combination with models widely used in the literature for interpreting pendulum and GPS data can be used for supporting structural health monitoring and provide valuable information to ground users directly involved in field measurements.  相似文献   
We propose a novel set of indexes to classify the information content of Persistent Scatterers (PS) and rate the health of engineering structures at urban to local scale. PS are automatically sampled and grouped via ‘control areas’ coinciding with the building and its surrounding environment. Density over the ‘control areas’ and velocity of PS are converted respectively into: Completeness of Information Index (Ici) that reflects the PS coverage grade; and Conservation Criticality Indexes (Icc) which rate the health condition of the monument separately for the object and surrounding control areas. The deformation pattern over the structure is classified as isolated (i) or diffused (d) based on the Velocity Distribution Index (Ivd). Both Ici and Icc are rated from A to E classes using a colour-coded system that intentionally emulates an energy-efficiency scale, to encourage the exploitation of PS by stakeholders and end-users in the practise of engineering surveying. Workability and reliability of the classification indexes are demonstrated over the urban heritage of Florence, Italy, using well established ERS-1/2 (1992–2000) descending, ENVISAT (2003–2010) ascending and descending PS datasets. The indexes are designed in perspective of handling outputs from InSAR processing of higher-resolution time series.  相似文献   
Posidonia oceanica is an endemic seagrass from the Mediterranean Sea. It is an indicator of water quality and of the ecological state of coastal ecosystems. The aim of this paper is to test acoustic telemetry for monitoring the position of P. oceanica meadow limits with varied types. After evaluating the accuracy of the system, we present results from a spatiotemporal survey of P. oceanica meadows on nine sites located on the French coast. The method has been demonstrated to be highly efficient for high precision underwater mapping regardless of meadow type, with 1 cm accuracy for a distance of 40 m between the base and the pointer. A temporal survey led at Cerbere-Banyuls shows a weak global progression of 4 m2 (progression of 26 m2 - regression of 22 m2) between 2006 and 2010. Finally, we discuss the cost and efficiency of this method, and wether it should be generalized for further studies.  相似文献   
王涛 《天文学进展》2007,25(4):384-391
针对昆明VLBI观测站终端设备(S3数据采集系统)的特殊性,设计在标准的终端控制计算机(Field System)上能够控制相应硬件设备的软件.S3数据采集系统包括SX接收机、中频分配器、视频转换器、时延计数器、噪声控制开关和气象数据自动采集仪.设计过程中,考虑到软件的可读性和可维护性,各种设备分别用相应的子函数来完成具体功能,各子函数由主程序调用.在完成程序安装后,经测试能与S3数据采集系统进行良好的通讯,达到控制各硬件设备的目的及满足实际测控工作的需要.  相似文献   
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