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本文讨论图像处理过程中分析噪声的主要手段,RMS颗粒度,自相关函数,Wiener谱的定义和测试方法以及噪声仿真技术。  相似文献   
隐伏煤田的TM信息提取及地质效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在遥感图像上,被巨厚第四系冲积层覆盖的煤田区隐伏地质构造和火成岩分布信息是一种非直接的、微弱的隐伏信息,本文以淮北煤田为实例,探讨了从TM图像上提取这种信息的可行性与方法,并分析了其地质效果。  相似文献   
森林和林地的图象二向性反射函数是一个统计函数,较之小尺度的树冠,它更多地用于大尺度的均匀覆盖的地块。用航空象片和高空间分辨率扫描仪数据作的图象热点影响研究在小尺度下显示出很大方差,而且,太阳和观测角度的交互变化进一步增加了这种反射各向异性变化的方差并有规律地继续呈现在分辨率低的图象中,这被称作BRVF或二向性反射方差函数。近年来,作为一种解释结构的手段,高分辨率图象的方向性方差和直方图结构越来越受到重视,这方面的数据也越来越多。这项工作是利用图象方差来解释结构问题(Strahler和李小文倡导)的一种延伸,并在过去15年中由众多人员作了大量工作。在树冠尺度下,森林的直方图和二向反射方差函数可以计算出来,这里利用了近似迭代函数来处理这些数据并和数值积分模拟进行了对比,结果显示可对二向性反射方差函数的测量和引入直方图的各向异性进行准确建模。  相似文献   
多角度成象对于获取多角度遥感数据是非常重要的。在对多角度数据进行分析之前,首先要对多角度图象进行配准。经过配准,可以识别出相同的地面目标。在配准过程中,一个主要的困难是由于观察角度的不同、双向反射变化及大气的影响造成的图象灰度变化。如何解决灰度变化的影响关系到图象的配准精度。我们在该文中介绍一种多角度图象配准过程,包括预处理、基于层次结构的图象灰度相关配准。为了去掉大角度造成的灰度变化,我们用改进的模板匹配进行配准。这种方法的优点是与配准模板灰度均值无关,只与灰度变化程度有关。配准过程中也同时考虑到纹理的变化。整个配准过程是沿着观测角度增大的方向进行的序列图象配准,以提高大角度图象配准精度。最后,图象的纠正采用局部自适应几何纠正以获得较满意的结果。我们用法国CNES提供的POLDER飞机模拟多角度图象进行配准,并提取了小麦和水稻等植被的多角度信息。  相似文献   
本文以SPOT和ETM 影像作为主要信息源,经过对图像进行几何纠正、配准、增强和融合等一系列处理后,在ARCVIEW GIS基础上,成功完成了对河北省万全县土地资源利用情况的调查分析。同时还对应用遥感技术成功获取土地资源利用信息的方法和技术进行了探讨。  相似文献   
Significant faulting and deformation of the ground surface has been rarely known during volcanic eruptions. Usu Volcano, Hokkaido, Japan, is a unique example of deformation due to felsic magma intrusion. Usu Volcano has a history of such types of eruptions as phreatic, pumice eruption (Plinian type), pyroclastic flowing and lava doming since 1663. On March 31, 2000, phreatomagmatic to phreatic eruptions took place after 23 years of dormancy in the western piedmont, followed by explosions on the western flank of Usu Volcano. They were associated with significant deformation including faulting and uplift. The eruptions and deformation were continuing up to the end of May 2000.We identified the faulting using total nine sets of aerial photographs taken from before the eruption (March 31, 2000) to more than 1 year (April 27, 2001) after the end of the activity, and traced deformation processes through image processing using aerial photographs. We found that some of the new faults and the associated phreatic eruptions were related to old faults formed during the 1977–1981 eruptive episode.The image processing has revealed that the surface deformation is coincident with the area of faulting forming small grabens and the phreatic explosion vents. However, the faulting and main explosive eruptions did not take place in the highest uplift area, but along the margin. This suggests that the faulting and explosive activities were affected by small feeder channels diverging from the main magma body which caused the highest uplift.  相似文献   
Image processing of 2D resistivity data for imaging faults   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A methodology to locate automatically limits or boundaries between different geological bodies in 2D electrical tomography is proposed, using a crest line extraction process in gradient images. This method is applied on several synthetic models and on field data set acquired on three experimental sites during the European project PALEOSIS where trenches were dug. The results presented in this work are valid for electrical tomographies data collected with a Wenner-alpha array and computed with an l1 norm (blocky inversion) as optimization method. For the synthetic cases, three geometric contexts are modelled: a vertical and a dipping fault juxtaposing two different geological formations and a step-like structure. A superficial layer can cover each geological structure. In these three situations, the method locates the synthetic faults and layer boundaries, and determines fault displacement but with several limitations. The estimated fault positions correlate exactly with the synthetic ones if a conductive (or no superficial) layer overlies the studied structure. When a resistive layer with a thickness of 6 m covers the model, faults are positioned with a maximum error of 1 m. Moreover, when a resistive and/or a thick top layer is present, the resolution significantly decreases for the fault displacement estimation (error up to 150%). The tests with the synthetic models for surveys using the Wenner-alpha array indicate that the proposed methodology is best suited to vertical and horizontal contacts. Application of the methodology to real data sets shows that a lateral resistivity contrast of 1:5–1:10 leads to exact faults location. A fault contact with a resistivity contrast of 1:0.75 and overlaid by a resistive layer with a thickness of 1 m gives an error location ranging from 1 to 3 m. Moreover, no result is obtained for a contact with very low contrasts (1:0.85) overlaid by a resistive soil. The method shows poor results when vertical gradients are greater than horizontal ones. This kind of image processing technique should be systematically used for improving the objectiveness of tomography interpretation when looking for limits between geological objects.  相似文献   
风沙流中沙粒浓度分布的实验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用粒子图像测速技术(PIV),在风洞内对与天然沙接近的石英沙风沙流沙颗粒浓度沿高度分布进行了研究。对 3种不同轴线风速研究结果表明,风沙流中沙粒浓度沿水平方向基本不变,而随高度呈指数衰减,而且其衰减速率与风速密切相关。风速越大,衰减速率越慢;风速越小,衰减速率越快。风沙运动一旦发生时,靠近沙床表面的沙粒浓度随风速变化很小,可以认为趋于稳定,达到最大值。  相似文献   
以吉林省辽源市煤炭矿山为研究对象,通过对SPOT5卫星影像纠正、融合、解译等处理,快速、便捷地查清矿区的地质环境问题:矿区固体废物堆放、尾矿库分布情况;矿山采空区地面塌陷、山体开裂、滑坡、崩塌、泥石流、岩溶塌陷、煤田自燃等地质灾害分布情况;由矿产开发引发的水土流失、土地沙化、侵占土地、植被破坏的情况;矿区水体、植被、土壤污染状况等。通过矿山地质环境调查实践,总结出了SPOT5卫星影像最优波段组合、融合方法及矿山地质环境调查中的地物判读标志,从而使SPOT5卫星影像在遥感环境地质调查中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
此项研究是国家科技攻关项目。在研究此课题以前,世界上采用的多光谱航空摄影机一直是小像幅的(大部分为6cmx6cm,代称为6MSP)。6MSP不能测图,分光“有害吸收”大,故图像质量差,且像幅小,飞行和后期加工量极大。本研究采用18cm×l8cm和23cm×23cm像幅航空摄影测量像机组成多光谱像机组,并设计了“截止滤光镜一特制感光胶片”组合的无“有害吸收”的分光系统,使本多光谱航空摄影像幅比6MSP加大了9倍和14.7倍,并能“一摄多用”,既能测图,又能进行资源调查和环境监测,其图像因无“有害吸收”,分光质量高,可供目视判读,也可输入计算机进行准确地物分类解译。18-23MSP是一项有效的航空遥感技术。  相似文献   
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