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利用湟源台四分量钻孔应变观测的分钟值、1 sps、10 sps和100 sps四种不同采样率的观测数据,通过自检分析、同震应变阶分析和频谱分析等方法研究青海玛多M7.4地震同震变化特征。研究结果表明,分钟采样记录的地震波信息缺失严重,用分钟采样数据进行地震波初动、同震变化幅度等研究将会得到信度较低的结论;采样率越高,记录应变地震波信息的能力越强,但100 sps采样和10 sps采样结果相差不大,10 sps采样已能记录到比较全面的应变地震波信息;同震应变阶的变化性质和变化幅度与采样率无关;未来布设四分量钻孔应变仪时,建议应将采样率至少提高至1 sps。  相似文献   
Analyses of aircraft observations of the stratocumulus-topped boundary layer during the First ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) Regional Experiment (FIRE I) show the frequent presence of clear, but relatively moist, air patches near the stratocumulus cloud-top interface. A conditional sampling of measurements in these clear air patches shows that their thermodynamic properties do more resemble boundary-layer air characteristics than those of free troposphere air. From an aircraft leg through cloud tops it is demonstrated that turbulent mixing across the cloud-top interface can lead to the local dissipation of the cloud top. Analogous to the terminology used for shallow cumulus parameterizations this process can be considered as detrainment, with which we mean that after a mixing event across the cloud-top boundaries, mixed unsaturated parcels become part of the clear environment of the cloud.  相似文献   


不同孔径底层筛对胶州湾大型底栖动物取样结果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2003年11月在胶州湾所设的20个站,每站成功取4个定量采泥样品,每两个样品分别用底层筛孔径0.5mm和1.0mm的套筛冲洗所得的大型底栖动物样品,进行大型底栖动物栖息密度、生物量及种数比较分析。结果显示,0.5mm孔径底层筛样品的总平均栖息密度、总平均生物量、总种数分别是1.0mm底层筛的样品的1.36,1.19,1.15倍;两种筛所获的样品对大型底栖动物的栖息密度影响最明显,对生物量、种数影响较小;环节动物多毛类、甲壳动物类群中的钩虾类个体较细小,是受底层筛孔径影响最明显的类群;0.5mm孔径底层筛的取样质量明显好于1.0mm孔径底层筛。  相似文献   
The remediation strategy for an industrial site located in a coastal area involves a pump and treat system and a horizontal flow barrier (HFB) penetrating the main aquifer. To validate the groundwater flow conceptual model and to verify the efficiency of the remediation systems, we carried out piezometric measurements, slug tests, pumping tests, flowmeter tests and multilevel sampling. Flowmeter tests are used to infer vertical groundwater flow directions, and base exchange index is used to infer horizontal flow directions at a metric scale. The selected wells are located both upstream and downstream of the HFB. The installation of the HFB produced constraints to the groundwater flow. A stagnant zone of contaminated freshwater floating over the salt wedge in the upper portion of the aquifer is detected downstream of the HFB. This study confirms that the adopted remediation system is efficiently working in the area upstream of the HFB and even downstream in the bottom part of the aquifer. At the same time, it has also confirmed that hot spots are still present in stagnant zones located downstream of the HFB in the upper part of the aquifer, requiring a different approach to accomplish remediation targets. The integrated approach for flow quantification used in this study allows to discriminate the direction and the magnitude of groundwater fluxes near an HFB in a coastal aquifer. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We have used two different sampling techniques to study the geochemical response of a small lowland rural catchment to episodic storm runoff. The first method involves traditional daily spot sampling and has been used to develop a standard end‐member mixing analysis (EMMA) of the relative contributions of ground water flow and surface runoff to the total stream flow. The second method utilizes a continuous sampling device, powered by an osmotic pump, to produce an integrated 24‐h sample of the stream flow. When combined with the EMMA results from the spot samples, analyses of the integrated samples reveal the presence of a third component that makes a significant contribution to the dissolved NO3, Ca and K export from the catchment during the rising limb of the hydrographic profile of a storm event following a prolonged dry period. The storm occurred in the middle of the night, so that the response of the stream chemistry was not captured by the daily samples. We hypothesize that this third component is derived from the flushing of stored soil water that contains the geochemical signature of decaying vegetation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Most of the existing data on the effective particle size characteristics of fluvial suspended sediment derive from instantaneous sampling methods that may not be representative of the overall suspended sediment loads. This presents difficulties when there is a need to incorporate effective particle size data into numerical models of floodplain sedimentation and sediment‐associated contaminant transfer. We have used a field‐based water elutriation apparatus (WEA) to assemble a large (36 flood) database on the time‐integrated nature of the effective and absolute particle size characteristics of suspended sediment in four subcatchments of the River Exe basin of southwest England. These catchments encompass a wide range of terrains and fluvial environments that are broadly representative of much of the UK and temperate, low relief northwest Europe. The WEA provides important data on the physical characteristics of composite particles that are not attainable using other methods. This dataset has allowed, for the first time, detailed interbasin comparisons of the time‐integrated particle size characteristics of suspended sediment and reliable estimates of the contribution of five effective size classes to the mean annual suspended sediment load of the study catchments. The suspended sediment load of each river is dominated by composite rather than primary particles, with, for example, almost 60% (by mass) of the sediment load of the River Exe at Thorverton transported as composite particles > 16 µm in size. All the effective size classes contain significant clay components. A key outcome of this study is the recognition that each catchment has a distinctive time‐integrated effective particle size signature. In addition, the time‐integrated effective particle size characteristics of the suspended loads in each of the catchments display much greater spatial variability than the equivalent absolute particle size distributions. This indicates that the processes producing composite particles vary significantly between these catchments, and this has important implications for our understanding of the dynamics of suspended sediment properties. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The link between spatiotemporal patterns of stream water chemistry and catchment characteristics for the mesoscale Dill catchment (692 km2) in Germany is explored to assess the catchment scale controls on water quality and to characterize water sources. In order to record the spatiotemporal pattern, ‘snapshot sampling’ was applied during low, mean and high flow, including 73 nested sites throughout the catchment. Water samples were analysed for the elements Li, B, Na, Mg, Al, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ba, Pb and U using inductively‐coupled‐plasma mass spectrometry, and for electric conductivity and pH. Principle component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis were used to find typical element associations and to group water samples according to their hydrochemical fingerprints. This revealed regional hydrochemical patterns of water quality which were subsequently related to catchment attributes to draw conclusions about the controls on stream chemistry. It was found that various lithologic signals and anthropogenic point source inputs controlled the base flow hydrochemistry. During increased flows, stream waters were diluted causing additional hydrochemical variability in response to heterogeneous precipitation inputs and differences in aquifer storage capacities. The hydrochemical patterns further displayed in‐stream mixing of waters. This implied, that stream waters could be apportioned to the identified water sources throughout the catchment. The basin‐wide hydrochemical variability has the potential to outrange the tracer signatures typically inferred in studies at the hillslope scale and is able to strongly influence the complexity of the catchment output. Both have to be considered for further catchment scale tracer and modelling work. Despite the likelihood of non‐conservative behaviour, the minor and trace elements enhanced the rather qualitative discrimination of the various groundwater types, as the major cations were strongly masked by point source inputs. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
针对深海运载器海底岩芯原位取样作业需求,对基于水下运载器的深海原位取芯钻机在深海低温、高压、底层流速多变等特点条件下的作业机理及受力进行分析,并选取硬质合金钻头和PDC钻头进行了取芯钻头的轴向力、切向力和切削功率的数学力学对比计算,确定了单环四齿周向均布的金刚石复合片(PDC)钻头设计方案。在理论分析基础上,针对深海钴结壳设计了台架试验,开展钻进试验研究。通过理论计算和实验研究,探寻了一种基于深海运载器的钴结壳小型钻机设计方法,确定了钻机功率、转速、钻进正向压力和取芯率等基本参数选取范围,对开展海底岩芯原位取样作业具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
页岩气是一种新的能源矿产,具有巨大的勘查开发潜力,现已成为全球油气勘探的一个新领域。采样测试作为一种勘查手段,在页岩气气藏岩性、成因来源、赋存形式、成藏特征、成藏条件、含气量等方面的研究中起着极其重要的作用,在页岩气的勘查开发中具有极其重要的意义。在页岩气资源评价等勘查中,正确采集测试样品、合理选定测试项目和测试方法、有效运用采样测试这一勘查手段,是页岩气资源调查评价中一项十分重要的工作。  相似文献   
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