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Global sea level change and thermal contribution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The global long-term sea level trend is obtained from the analysis of tide gauge data and TOPEX/Poseidon data. The linear trend of global mean sea level is highly non-umiform spatially, with an average rate of 2.2 mm year-1 in T/P sea-level rise from October 1992 to September 2002. Sea level change duc to temperature vanation (the thermosteric sea level) is discussed. The results are compared with TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter data in the same temporal span at different spatial scales. It is indicated that the ther-mal effect accounts for 86% and 73% of the observed seasonal variability in the northern and southern hemispheres, respectively. The TOPEX/Poseidon observed sea level lags behind the TSI, by 2 months in the zonal band of 40°-60° in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Systematic differences of about 1-2cm between TOPEX/Poseidon observations and thermosteric sea level data are obtained. The potential causes for these differences include water exchange among the atmosphere, land, and oceans, and some pos-sible deviations in thermosteric contribution estimates and geophysical corrections to the TOPEX/Poseidon data.  相似文献   
东北漫岗黑土区切沟侵蚀发育特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
随着人们对土壤侵蚀空间尺度认识的加深, 发育在更大空间尺度上的切沟愈来愈受到重视。切沟是土壤侵蚀的重要组成部分, 但现有的土壤侵蚀模型尚未包括切沟侵蚀部分。本研究利用高精度差分GPS, 在对东北典型漫岗黑土区切沟监测的基础上, 借助GIS 平台生成DEM, 通过DEM 的叠加分析, 探讨了沟内蚀积变化特征。并在此基础上, 提出了东北切沟侵蚀的概念模型, 认为冬春季冻融侵蚀产生沟内堆积-雨季径流产生侵蚀的过程可能是该区切沟发育的一种重要模式。  相似文献   
分水岭迁移的结果必然会引起河流的袭夺,这是水系演变中的客观规律。分水岭之所以会发生迁移,关键在于分水岭两侧分别存在着高位河流与低位河流,这就使得分水岭两侧的侵蚀能量有差异。分水岭的被切穿主要是由于低位河流溯源侵蚀较强,迫使分水岭向高位河流的一例移动,并最终袭夺高位河流。  相似文献   
王淑佳  孙九霞 《地理学报》2022,77(2):474-491
本文在理论层面构建传统村落保护研究模型,并以西南地区为例,分析宏观视角下传统村落区域保护水平及影响因素。结论显示:① 传统村落保护研究模型涵盖评价体系和影响因素两个子模型。评价体系模型包含从宏观到微观的传统村落时空分布、整体保护水平和单一属性3个层次,其中整体保护水平分为宏观区域和微观社区两个亚层,保存率和分布密度是评价区域保护水平的简易方法;影响因素模型包含基于时间、空间和类型划分的两类基本分析模型。② 西南地区传统村落区域保护水平呈现显著空间分异,在行政区划边界地区形成5个热点集聚区,丽江市传统村落保存率最高,黔东南州分布密度最高。③ 影响西南地区传统村落宏观保护水平的地理区位因素为海拔、水系、中心城市和交通干道。经济社会因素中,非遗规模是最重要的影响因素,人口密度、经济发展、交通建设、交通流动和非遗规模的相关系数存在显著空间分异,城镇化率、产业结构对于区域保护水平无显著影响。本文是对传统村落保护理论体系由个案向整体、由微观向宏观、由零散向系统、由单一向多元方法的推进,具有重要理论和实践价值。  相似文献   
According to climate features and river runoff conditions, Xinjiang could be divided into three research areas: The Altay-Tacheng region, the Tianshan Mountain region and the northern slope of the Kunlun Mountains. Utilizing daily observations from 12 sounding stations and the annual runoff dataset from 34 hydrographical stations in Xinjiang for the period 1960-2002, the variance of the summertime 0℃ level height and the changing trends of river runoff are analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively, through trend contrast of curves processed by a 5-point smoothing procedure and linear correlation. The variance of the summertime 0℃ level height in Xinjiang correlates well with that of the annual river runoff,especially since the early 1990s, but it differs from region to region, with both the average height of the 0℃ level and runoff quantity significantly increasing over time in the Altay-Tacheng and Tianshan Mountain regions but decreasing on the northern slope of the Kunlun Mountains. The correlation holds for the whole of Xinjiang as well as the three individual regions, with a 0.01 significance level. This indicates that in recent years, climate change in Xinjiang has affected not only the surface layer but also the upper levels of the atmosphere, and this raising and lowering of the summertime 0℃ level has a direct impact on the warming and wetting process in Xinjiang and the amount of river runoff. Warming due to climate change increases the height of the 0℃ level, but also speeds up, ice-snow melting in mountain regions, which in turn increases river runoff, leading to a season of plentiful water instead of the more normal low flow period.  相似文献   
杨效忠  张捷  唐文跃  卢松 《地理科学》2008,28(3):445-451
以社区家庭为视角,建立基于利益导向的社区旅游参与水平测度指标,以皖南古村落西递、宏村、南屏为实证研究对象,揭示了古村落社区旅游参与度异同及其影响机理。研究结果表明:① 古村落内部、古村落之间的旅游参与度均有不同程度的差异,归因为家庭微观因子与社区中观因子交互作用所致。② 通过家庭微观因子对家庭人均旅游收入影响的通径系数分析,得出三个景区相应的直接通径系数和间接通径系数,发现古村落家庭微观因子的影响方向趋同而影响程度分异,与问卷调查结果分析的一致性也显示了该方法的较强解释力和潜在应用价值。③ 提高古村落社区旅游参与整体水平、缓解参与度空间差异的根本途径在于"让利于民",增强社区分利能力,政府在其中扮演着重要的引导角色。  相似文献   
The spatial mismatch situation of tourism development in Guangdong Province is analyzed by gravity model and two-dimensional matrix based on the spatial mismatch hypothesis, and the results are visualized using ArcGIS software. This study finds that varying degrees of spatial mismatch exist between the level of tourism development, abundance of tourism resources and accessibility of tourism locations in the 21 cities in Guangdong Province. The gravity centers for tourism economy, tourism resources and tourism location are (113.55° E, 23.00° N), (113.69° E, 23.21° N) and (113.74° E, 22.86° N), respectively. According to the two-dimensional combinatorial matrices, synchronous development is shown in 10 prefecture-level cities for the tourism revenue-resource abundance combination, whereas it is shown in seven prefecture-level cities for the tourism revenue-tourism location combination. Guangzhou and Shenzhen are synchronous-double high zones for both combinations, while Foshan, Qingyuan, Yangjiang, Zhongshan and Jieyang are deviating-negative mismatch zones for both combinations. Furthermore, the vast majority of prefecture-level cities within the province currently present mismatching trends in tourism development. Based on the analysis results, corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward taking into account the actual situation and opportunities for further tourism development in various prefecture-level cities.  相似文献   
基于区域协调发展的判定标准,构建区域协调发展的指标体系,通过线性加权模型和离差系数法分别计算出淮海经济区经济-社会-人口-资源-环境系统的综合发展水平得分和淮海经济区、苏北鲁南豫东皖北四大板块和20个市的协调度,通过对其分析得出以下结论:(1)淮海经济区处于低经济发展阶段的高协调度阶段;(2)市域协调度多处于中级基本协调阶段;(3)协调度呈现东高西低的空间格局。  相似文献   
新疆塔里木河下游断流河道输水对地下水变化的影响分析   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
郑丹  陈亚宁  薛燕 《干旱区地理》2004,27(2):216-220
结合2000~2002年以来塔里木河下游间歇性输水后地下水变化的监测数据.用回归分析的方法对输水后地下水位动态响应变化过程进行分析,揭示输水量与地下水的响应范围之间的关系。结果表明:在横向上.随着向塔河生态输水次数和输水量的增加.地下水的响应范围逐渐扩大.但随远离输水河槽中轴线,响应程度减小.地下水位的抬升幅度减弱;纵向上,输水河段上游区段地下水位响应范围最大,中游区段次之,下游区段较小。在第二次输水过程中,靠近河岸地下水位出现急剧上升,而在第三次输水过程中,地下水的响应范围则有巨幅增加.输水量与输水持续时间与地下水位变化有着密切关系。  相似文献   
This study is focused on climate-induced variation of sea level in Stockholm during 1873-1995. After the effect of the land uplift, is removed, the residual is characterized and related to large-scale temperature and atmospheric circulation. The residual shows an overall upward trend, although this result depends on the uplift rate used. However, the seasonal distribution of the trend is uneven. There are even two months (June and August) that show a negative trend. The significant trend in August may be linked to fresh water input that is controlled by precipitation. The influence of the atmospheric conditions on the sea level is mainly manifested through zonal winds, vorticity and temperature. While the wind is important in the period January-May, the vorticity plays a main role during June and December. A successful linear multiple-regression model linking the climatic variables (zonal winds, vorticity and mean air temperature during the previous two months) and the sea level is established for each month. An independent verification of the model shows that it has considerable skill in simulating the variability.  相似文献   
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