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新建9个正式岩石地层单位、4个非正式地层单位;将上三叠统日干配错群解体为6个岩石地层单元;解体中上侏罗统雁石坪群;将色哇组分为三段;将班公湖-怒江带木嘎岗日群解体为4个岩石地层单元;在西藏首次发现(上三叠统姜钟组)纳拉菁耳羽叶;在羌塘盆地首次发现(下—中侏罗统色哇组)辐鳍鱼类化石;新建8个侵入岩填图单位,时代为晚侏罗世—新近纪末期;在班-怒结合带塔仁本一带首次发现了洋岛型玄武岩;新发现了一系列新生代岩浆岩;在班-怒带及南羌塘盆地中发现一些呈串珠状分布的小型斑岩体;发现班-怒带上时代最新的枕状玄武岩。  相似文献   
在毕节青场桐梓组顶部至石炭系中发现有大量的暴露构造现象;发现毕节地区中二叠世茅口期存在两条走向北北东、宽10~50km的“黑区带”;在威信县城第四系中发现大量象牙、牙齿及骨骼化石;在凤冈琊川、遵义茅坡及威信鱼井等新发现多个志留纪植物化石;对黔中隆起进行了研究。  相似文献   
罗重阳  张玉洁 《地球物理学报》2022,65(12):4900-4913

磁异常反演是获取地下场源磁化率分布的重要手段之一,在地球勘探中扮演着重要角色.在磁异常反演中,对比光滑反演,稀疏反演的结果具有边界分明,物性参数分布集中的特点,更符合实际情况.针对稀疏反演,本文首先构建了具有代表性的基于L1范数目标函数,利用交替方向乘子算法可分离凸函数的特点,将极小化L1范数的优化问题分解为一系列的子问题,通过对子问题求解获得原问题的解;为了增强交替方向乘子算法的适应性,本文结合广义软阈值函数将交替方向乘子法推广于Lp(0 < p < 1)范数的反演中.为了验证本文提出的算法的有效性,采用了三种常规模型进行模拟实验.与基于L2范数的反演算法进行实验对比,结果表明,本文算法得到了边界清晰,磁化率分布更集中的反演结果.最后,将基于交替方向乘子算法的L1Lp(0 < p < 1)范数的反演应用到青海省尕林格铁矿保护区获得的实际磁异常数据中,获得了较为符合实际地质情况的稀疏反演结果.

在灰岩发育地区进行钻探作业时经常会遇到溶洞,给钻探带来不小的风险.为了减小钻探风险,可以采用探测深度大、对溶洞识别能力强的大地电磁测深法进行溶洞探测,确定钻孔的有利位置.本文以慈页1井的钻孔定位研究为例,通过在井场开展大地电磁测深工作,查明井场下方可能有溶洞发育的区域,最终确定了孔位的有利位置,在实际钻进过程中并未遇到溶洞发育段,说明通过大地电磁测深法布置的孔位合理,保证了钻探的安全施工.  相似文献   
通过观测资料的分析和数值模拟,研究了热带大气季节内振荡与ENSO的相互关系.一方面,在E1Nino事件发生之前,热带大气季节内振荡(尤其是在赤道中西太平洋地区)异常偏强,通过海一气相互作用它可能是E1Nino的一种重要激发机制.同时,赤道中西太平洋地区大气季节内振荡的异常加强同东亚中高纬度地区30—60天振荡的加强和强东亚冬季风有关.另一方面,ENSO对热带大气季节内振荡也有重要影响,在E1Nino期间,热带大气季节内振荡明显减弱;其结构明显趋于正压性.  相似文献   
利用被动微波可穿透云层的优势,基于GCOM-W1/AMSR2(Global Change Observation Mission-Water/ Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2)星载被动微波传感器的多通道亮度温度数据,反演了2016年1月下旬“超级寒潮”过程的广东省每日地表温度,分析了寒潮过程中广东省地表温度的时空变化特征。结果表明:在寒潮前后,广东省地表温度呈现出明显的先下降而后上升的趋势,寒潮过程带来的地表最低温度在广东北部大部分地区达到了277 K(4℃),西南大部分地区为280~282 K(7~9℃),其余大部分地区278~279 K(5~6℃);降温幅度在广东南部地区达到了8~12 K(8~12℃),北部大部分地区为5~7 K(5~7℃)。此外,利用归一化植被指数(NDVI)对植被生长的指示作用,基于HJ-1 A/B卫星的CCD传感器的多通道反射率数据,计算了近3年冬季广东省典型马铃薯种植区域马铃薯叶片的NDVI值,结果表明:马铃薯叶片的NDVI值在此次寒潮过程后出现了明显的下降,大部分地区(55.4%)马铃薯NDVI降低了0.1~0.2,部分地区(17.2%)马铃薯NDVI下降了0.2~0.3;进一步对比此次“超级寒潮”后同时段的前2年数据,发现寒潮后马铃薯叶片NDVI相对于正常年份也低了0.2,表明马铃薯叶片NDVI下降的主要原因是寒潮带来的低温,而不只是马铃薯的正常老化现象。NDVI的降低表明大部分地区马铃薯生长受到了抑制,马铃薯生长状况的这一变化也通过现场调查得到了证实。  相似文献   
作为CAS的复杂城市地理系统的SOC性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘继生  陈彦光 《地理科学》2007,27(2):129-135
将城市作为复杂适应性系统(CAS)研究其自组织临界性(SOC)具有重要的理论意义和实践价值,这方面的探索工作刚刚开始。本文从城市的地理空间角度出发,论证城市是一种复杂适应性系统。城市在本质上是不可还原的,我们可以根据积木的机制将城市分解,但分解的结果对解释城市的复杂行为丝毫没有帮助。由于城市和城市体系都具有分形结构、服从Z ipf定律,且具有1/f噪声的特征,由此判断城市地理系统具有自组织临界性质。自组织临界性与复杂性适应性立论的视角不同,但可以统一于“混沌的边缘”这一概念。  相似文献   
As a solid reservoir, a glacier can regulate regional water resources. The annual net mass balance directly reflects the fluctuation of the glacier and climate variability. Based on 51 years of mass balance observation data, the mass balance of Tianshan Mountains Urumqi Glacier No. 1 experienced a nine times positive balance fluctuation and nine times negative balance fluctuation. There were 35 and 16 negative and positive balance years, respectively. From 1996/97 to 2008/09, 12 consecutive negative balance years were observed at Tianshan Mountains Urumqi Glacier No. 1. These results demonstrate that the Urumqi Glacier No. 1 is experiencing a strong negative balance, and the strongest negative balance, -931 mm w.e. (mm water equivalent), during the observation period occurred in 2008. In addition, the cumulative mass balance reached 13,709 mm w.e. in 2008. However, in 2009, the mass balance was positive at 63 mm w.e. The equilibrium-line altitude changes with the fluctuation in the mass balance, and the effective mass balance gradient is 7.4 mm/m. In this paper, the headwaters of the Urumqi River were analyzed using meteorological data from 1958 to 2009, including the average seasonal temperature and precipitation. The results showed that the main factor associated with the mass balance variation of Glacier No. 1 is the fluctuation in the summer air temperature, followed by changes in the precipitation.  相似文献   
The páramo is a neotropical alpine ecosystem that covers more than 75,000 km2 of the northern Andes of Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Peru. It provides important environmental services: more than 10 million people in the Andean highlands benefit from the water supply and regulation function, which is attributed to the volcanic soils that underlie the ecosystem. The soils are also major carbon sinks of global significance. Severe land use changes and soil degradation threaten both the hydrology and carbon sink function. Nevertheless, soil genesis and properties in the páramo is rather poorly understood, nor are their ecological functions well documented. The impact of the geomorphology of the páramo on soil genesis was studied in the rio Paute basin, south Ecuador. Two toposequences were described and analysed. In each toposequence, four pedons were selected representing summit, backslope, undrained plain situation, and valley bottom positions in the landscape. The soils are classified as Hydric Andosols in the World Reference Base for Soil Resources and Epiaquands or Hydrudands in Soil Taxonomy. They are very acidic and have a high organic matter content, high P deficiency, and Al toxicity. Their water content ranges from 2.64 g g− 1 at saturation, down to 1.24 g g− 1 at wilting point, resulting in a large water storage capacity. Two major soil forming processes are identified: (1) volcanic ash deposition and (2) accumulation of organic carbon. Volcanic ash deposits may vary in depth as a result of regional geomorphological factors such as parent material, orientation, slope, and altitude. Organic carbon accumulation is an interaction of both waterlogging, which depends on the position in the landscape, and the formation of organometallic complexes with Al and Fe released during volcanic ash breakdown. Despite the high variability in parent material and topography, the soil is characterised by a notable homogeneity in physico-chemical properties. Statistical analysis reveals that only topographic location has a slight but significant influence on soil pH as well as the organic matter content, saturated conductivity and water retention at high pressure. Finally, the exceptional properties of these soils provide useful insights to improve classification of the Andosols reference group of the FAO World reference Base for Soil Resources.  相似文献   
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