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王鑫 《云南地质》2012,(1):84-88
引水隧道施工中屡次发生坍塌,用探地雷达对衬砌质量及地质情况进行探测。经数据反演,清晰勾画出衬砌背后空洞、松散堆积体分布范围,地下水的赋存特征,为治理事故提供切实可靠依据。  相似文献   
东营凹陷广布的始新统沙河街组四段上亚段滩坝砂岩具有十分巨大的勘探价值和潜力。对沙河街组沙四上亚段滩坝砂体的精细勘探,要求对古水深展开水深量化再造的研究。文中在对东营凹陷47口含沙四上亚层段低位域层段多门类微体古生物分析和高分辨层序地层学地层划分基础上,确定量化估计水深的古生物替代标志,获得如下主要研究成果:(1)获得较高分辨率(2m等深线表示)的东营凹陷沙四上亚段低位体系域沉积期间古水深量化等值图;(2)东营凹陷是一个以滨浅湖(水深0~15m)为主的湖泊;(3)湖盆具"北深陡南浅缓"的特点,湖边高地或隆起向湖方向深入的岬角一带与陡坡冲积环境相邻;(4)湖盆凹陷内"东西分异"的次级地貌格局,从东向西,出现较深水区、中央深水区和西南浅水带,其长轴均为北东-南西走向。上述结果可与前人研究比较或验证,表明文中所获的多门类微体化石叠合水深量化标志和结果可信。  相似文献   
在紫金山大岩里铜矿点的勘探中,开展了EH4电导率(电磁)成像系统物探工作,在其电阻率剖面中电阻率1 000~2 000Ω.m为隐爆角矿岩和英安玢岩的反映,较好地圈定了隐爆角砾岩产状及范围,为后续工作提供依据及方向。  相似文献   
820及820G型热敏绘图仪是数控测井系统中比较常用的一种现场绘图设备。本文根据多年的使用及维修经验,总结了电-驱-板-头4步维修法,对一些常见的故障的判断和维修提供了方法和思路。  相似文献   
葚沟矿区位于前河金矿田中心部位,是豫西地区近年发现的规模达大型的构造蚀变岩型金矿床。F4矿体为该矿床主要矿体,除 F4外矿区还有 F22、F18这两条断裂。近年地质人员对 F22与 F4关系提出了不同观点。本文通过对Ⅳ号矿带、F22构造特征研究,理清了它们之间的相互关系,总结出区内断裂的生成顺序为 F4-F22-F4。同时指出了矿区的探矿方向,对指导该区找矿及生产有一定意义。  相似文献   
Plutonic rocks in the southern Abukuma Mountains include gabbro and diorite, fine‐grained diorite, hornblende–biotite granodiorite (Ishikawa, Samegawa, main part of Miyamoto and Tabito, Kamikimita and Irishiken Plutons), biotite granodiorite (the main part of Hanawa Pluton and the Torisone Pluton), medium‐ to coarse‐grained biotite granodiorite and leucogranite, based on the lithologies and geological relations. Zircon U–Pb ages of gabbroic rocks are 112.4 ±1.0 Ma (hornblende gabbro, Miyamoto Pluton), 109.0 ±1.1 Ma (hornblende gabbro, the Hanawa Pluton), 102.7 ±0.8 Ma (gabbronorite, Tabito Pluton) and 101.0 ±0.6 Ma (fine‐grained diorite). As for the hornblende–biotite granodiorite, zircon U–Pb ages are 104.2 ±0.7 Ma (Ishikawa Pluton), 112.6 ±1.0 Ma (Tabito Pluton), 105.2 ±0.8 Ma (Kamikimita Pluton) and 105.3±0.8 Ma (Irishiken Pluton). Also for the medium‐ to fine‐grained biotite granodiorite, zircon U–Pb ages are 106.5±0.9 Ma (Miyamoto Pluton), 105.1 ±1.0 Ma (Hanawa Pluton) and the medium‐ to coarse‐grained biotite granodiorite has zircon U–Pb age of 104.5 ±0.8 Ma. In the case of the leucogranite, U–Pb age of zircon is 100.6 ±0.9 Ma. These data indicate that the intrusion ages of gabbroic rocks and surrounding granitic rocks ranges from 113 to 101 Ma. Furthermore, K–Ar ages of biotite and or hornblende in the same rock samples were dated. Accordingly, it is clear that these rocks cooled down rapidly to 300 °C (Ar blocking temperature of biotite for K–Ar system) after their intrusion. These chronological data suggest that the Abukuma plutonic rocks in the southern Abukuma Mountains region uplifted rapidly around 107 to 100 Ma after their intrusion.  相似文献   
The new result of SHRIMP U–Pb zircon dating of the Kinshozan Quartz Diorite from the Kanto Mountains, Japan, provides 281.5 ± 1.8 Ma. The age is 30 m.y. older than the available age of the Kinshozan Quartz Diorite obtained by hornblende K–Ar method. The new U–Pb zircon age represents the time of crystallization of the Kinshozan Quartz Diorite. The hornblende K–Ar age indicates the time that the Kinshozan Quartz Diorite cooled down to 500 °C which is the closure temperature of the systematics. Permian granites are found in small exposures in Japan, and frequently referred to as 250 Ma granites. The Kinshozan Quartz Diorite is considered as a type of the 250 Ma granites, and the age was influential in establishing a model of Paleozoic tectonic evolution for the Japanese Islands. The new age of the Kinshozan Quartz Diorite provides the opportunity to re‐examine the model. The Kinshozan Quartz Diorite and other Permian granites in the south of the Median Tectonic Line of Japan were constituents of the Paleo‐Ryoke Belt. The geochemical characteristics of the granitic rocks in the Paleo‐Ryoke Belt indicated that the granitic rocks were formed in a primitive island arc environment, and the new trace element data also support this interpretation. Examination of the available data and results of the present study suggests the late Paleozoic granitic activity in Japan as follows. At about 310–290 Ma, arc magmatism generated adakitic granites and other granites in the South Kitakami Belt. Quartz diorite and tonalites of primitive characteristic, such as the Kinshozan Quartz Diorite and granites in the Maizuru Belt appear to have been formed at the immature island arc, and accreted to the Japanese Islands at the end of Paleozoic or early Mesozoic era. During 260–240 Ma, granitic activity took place in the Hida and Maizuru Belts as a part of the Asian continent.  相似文献   
We describe the detailed sedimentary characteristics of a tsunami deposit associated with the 2011 Tohoku‐oki tsunami in Hasunuma, a site on the Kujukuri coastal plain, Japan. The thick tsunami deposit was limited to within 350 m from the coastline whereas the inundation area extended about 1 km from the coastline. The tsunami deposit was sampled by excavation at 29 locations along three transects and studied using peels, soft‐X imaging and grain‐size analysis. The deposit covers the pre‐existing soil and reached a maximum measured thickness of 35 cm. It consists mainly of well‐sorted medium to fine sand. On the basis of sedimentary structures and changes in grain size, we divided the tsunami deposit into several sedimentary units, which may correspond to multiple inundation flows. The numbers of units and their sedimentary features vary among the three transects, despite the similar topography. This variation implies a considerable influence of local effects such as elevation, vegetation, microtopography, and distance from footpaths, on the tsunami‐related sedimentation.  相似文献   
袁泽  丁建丽  牛增懿  李艳华 《中国沙漠》2016,36(4):1070-1078
土壤盐渍化是制约农业生产和发展的主要障碍。目前土壤盐渍化的遥感监测主要基于中、低分辨率卫星影像,并采用传统的基于像元分类方法,对盐渍化信息的细节描述不足,监测精度不高。本文使用国产GF-1影像,结合自上而下的多尺度分割技术和面向对象的信息提取技术,针对田间尺度下的盐渍化信息进行精确地提取、分类,并与传统分类方法进行了对比。结果表明:面向对象法和最大似然法的分类总体精度分别为92.72%和84.31%,Kappa系数分别为0.90和0.78。该技术能准确提取田间尺度下的盐渍地信息,在未来的农田盐渍化高精度监测研究中具有一定应用价值和发展潜力。  相似文献   
YRY-4型钻孔应变仪观测的P波剪应变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邱泽华  池顺良 《地震》2013,33(4):64-70
传统地震仪观测的是一个点的位移随时间的变化, 而应变仪观测的是位移的空间导数随时间的变化。 在四川姑咱台用YRY-4型四分量钻孔应变仪进行的每秒100次采样观测实验, 记录到三次地方震。 在这样高的采样率下, YRY-4型四分量应变仪观测数据保持了令人满意的自洽和足够高的信度。 观测表明, P波的应变不仅有面应变成分, 而且有剪应变成分。 这为澄清P波的性质, 给出了直接的观测证据。 根据弹性波理论, P波无旋转, 可以有体应变和剪应变成分。  相似文献   
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