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Flash-flood events resulting from paroxystic meteorological events concentrated in time and space are insufficiently documented as they produce destructive effects. They are hardly measurable and present single features that are not transposable to another event. In the South of France, the flash flood of November 1999 gives a perfect illustration of these characteristics. The physical complexity of the process and consequently the volume and the variety of the data to take into account are incompatible with the real time constraint allocated to the forecasters confronted to the occurrence of such phenomena. So, we have to make choices to afford acceptable simplifications to the complete mechanical model. MARINE (‘Modélisation de l'Anticipation du Ruissellement et des Inondations pour des évéNements Extrêmes’) is the operational and robust tool we developed for flash-flood forecasting. This model complies with the criterions of real-time simulation. It is a physically based distributed model composed of two parts: first the flood runoff process simulation in the upstream part of the basin modelled from a rainfall–runoff approach, then the flood propagation in the main rivers described by the Saint-Venant equations. It integrates remote sensed data – Digital Elevation Model, land-use map, hydrographic network for the observations from satellites and the rainfall evolution from meteorological radar. The main goal of MARINE is to supply real time pertinent information to the forecasters. Results obtained on the Orbieu River (Aude, France) show that this model is able to supply pertinent flood hydrograph with a sufficient precision for the forecasting service to take the appropriate safety decisions. Furthermore, MARINE has already been tested in the French National Flood Forecasting Service of Haute-Garonne in real conditions. To cite this article: V. Estupina Borrell et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
2009/2010年云贵地区(YGR)和2013年夏季中南地区(CSC)发生了近几十年以来最严重的干旱事件。文中对比了两次干旱事件的发展速度,基于水分收支原理,诊断影响干旱发展的物理过程。结果显示,CSC干旱发展前,温度升高,蒸散发增加,土壤湿度减少,高温和降水减少对干旱有触发作用;而YGR的降水减少使干旱开始发展。CSC干旱事件发展迅速,YGR干旱事件发展缓慢,同时前者干旱的维持和恢复时间也短于后者,这些差异与蒸散发过程强弱有关。CSC干旱事件发展阶段,蒸散发过程强,平均为4.7 mm/d,8 d时间,土壤湿度从45%减少到20%,促使干旱快速形成(典型骤发干旱)。YGR干旱发展阶段,蒸散发过程弱,平均为1.7 mm/d,土壤湿度从45%减少到20%历时2个多月(传统干旱)。蒸散发的强弱主要与区域大气柱的水汽净辐散有关。CSC干旱发展阶段,其大气柱水汽净辐散达每天3.1 kg/m2,增强了陆气水分交换,使蒸散发远大于降水,土壤湿度快速下降,加快干旱发展速度。YGR的区域大气柱水汽净辐散为每天1.1 kg/m2,只有CSC的1/3,使干旱发展缓慢。两个干旱事件的大气柱水汽净辐散主要发生在经向方向,即由区域北界相对较强的经向水汽输送引起。  相似文献   
黄燕  黄余明  唐曦 《测绘科学》2011,36(5):125-127
本文立足于“以用户为中心”的理念,在Flash平台下实现“神农架林区旅游发展布局战略空间调整”规划的地图可视化,探讨多媒体技术与空间信息可视化融合在旅游概念规划视觉表达中的可行性、关键技术及具体实现等,并根据用户体验效果进行总结,从而为相关应用研究提供思路和借鉴.  相似文献   
1998年夏季中国暴雨洪涝灾害的气象水文特征   总被引:28,自引:7,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
文章分析了1998年夏季我国长江、嫩江、珠江流域发生的严重洪涝灾害的气象、水文特征及其成因。6月中、下旬珠江、长江、嫩江流域出现了持续性强降水, 局部地区下了大暴雨; 7月下旬长江流域出现了“二度梅”, 湖南、湖北和江西省普降暴雨; 8月上半月嫩江流域再次出现持续性强降水。频繁的强降水使长江、嫩江、华南西江等干、支流水位迅猛上涨, 支流河水不断涌入干流, 使得干流洪峰迭起。雨水和洪峰迭加, 引发了百年一遇的大洪水。1998年7月副热带高压南落是造成长江流域“二度梅”的主要原因。副热带高压、南海季风涌、中高纬冷空气和从青藏高原东移的中尺度对流系统 (MCS) 等4个因子的最佳组配, 有利于长江流域出现持续性强降水。  相似文献   
High resolution radar rainfall fields and a distributed hydrologic model are used to evaluate the sensitivity of flood and flash flood simulations to spatial aggregation of rainfall and soil properties at catchment scales ranging from 75 to 983 km2. Hydrologic modeling is based on a Hortonian infiltration model and a network-based representation of hillslope and channel flow. The investigation focuses on three extreme flood and flash flood events occurred on the Sesia river basin, North Western Italy, which are analysed by using four aggregation lengths ranging from 1 to 16 km. The influence of rainfall spatial aggregation is examined by using the flow distance as a spatial coordinate, hence emphasising the role of river network in the averaging of space–time rainfall. The effects of reduced and distorted rainfall spatial variability on peak discharge have been found particularly severe for the flash flood events, with peak errors up to 35% for rainfall aggregation of 16 km and at 983 km2 catchment size. Effects are particularly remarkable when significant structured rainfall variability combines with relatively important infiltration volumes due to dry initial conditions, as this emphasises the non-linear character of the rainfall–runoff relationship. In general, these results confirm that the correct estimate of rainfall volume is not enough for the accurate reproduction of flash flood events characterised by large and structured rainfall spatial variability, even at catchment scales around 250 km2. However, accurate rainfall volume estimation may suffice for less spatially variable flood events. Increasing the soil properties aggregation length exerts similar effects on peak discharge errors as increasing the rainfall aggregation length, for the cases considered here and after rescaling to preserve the rainfall volume. Moreover, peak discharge errors are roughly proportional to runoff volume errors, which indicates that the shape of the flood wave is influenced in a limited way by modifying the detail of the soil property spatial representation. Conversely, rainfall aggregation may exert a pronounced influence on the discharge peak by reshaping the spatial organisation of the runoff volumes and without a comparable impact on the runoff volumes.  相似文献   
放电后电荷重置对雷暴云电荷结构及闪电行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究放电后电荷重置对雷暴云电过程的影响,在已有的三维雷暴云起、放电模式中分别加入两种不同的电荷重置方案:一种是植入法即放电后闪电通道上的感应电荷与原空间电荷叠加(简称ZR方案);另一种是中和法即放电后直接按一定比例降低闪电通道处的空间电荷浓度(简称ZH方案)。利用长春一次探空个例进行敏感性试验,发现放电后重置方式的不同会导致闪电特征存在明显差异:1)ZR方案下的云闪发生率比ZH方案下的云闪发生率少。闪电放电后ZR方案在云中植入异极性电荷,对雷暴云中电荷的中和量比ZH方案多,摧毁云中电场的能力更强;2)ZR方案下的正、负地闪发生率均比ZH方案多。相对于ZH方案,ZR方案中主正电荷区的分布范围大于主负电荷区,导致其出现了更多的正地闪;ZR方案中的云顶屏蔽层与主正电荷区的混合程度高,混合时间长,导致ZR方案在主正电荷区与主负电荷区之间触发了更多的负地闪;3)ZR方案下的闪电通道长度比ZH方案下的闪电通道长度短。ZR方案在云中植入异极性电荷,导致云中难以形成大范围同极性电荷堆,闪电通道传播局限在一对较小的异极性电荷堆内,而ZH方案不改变云中电荷分布,存在大范围同极性电荷堆,闪电通道传播范围较大。  相似文献   
The geographical distribution of a flash flood's occurrence could be an important consideration in assessing its severity and social impacts. In this study, the spatial distribution of survey responses is analysed with respect to features such as the stream network (natural water path), the drainage network, buildings, and catchments. This provides information on both flash flood distribution causes in an urban setting and residents' perceptions of the hazard that would otherwise not be revealed. The study demonstrated the possibility of taking into account people's experience in detecting the location of potential flash flood hazards. It also illustrates the usefulness of GIS-supported spatial analysis of survey results in identifying factors that increase the occurrence of urban flash floods.  相似文献   
利用网络媒体技术Flash制作电子地图,Flash格式的电子地图不仅体积小,而且适应网络流体传输,比其他媒体更容易在网络上传播。在区域范围和数据量都不大的情况下利用Flash媒体技术开发电子地图的突出优点是:技术相对简单、操作容易、使用方式灵活。网络的发展使电子地图比以往任何时代都更贴近我们的生活,它已经不再是只有专业人员才能制作和操作的复杂系统,本文通过详细介绍Flash电子地图的制作过程和各种利用Flash技术实现专业电子地图的部分简单功能,使更多的电子地图爱好者参加到电子地图的制作和开发中。  相似文献   
JFFS2文件系统的移植分析与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了JFFS2文件系统以及与其相关技术,分析了与μClinux内核接口的关键函数.然后以NOR Flash芯片SST39VF6401B为例,详细介绍了如何构建JFFS2文件系统的关键过程.主要涉及相关源代码和重要数据结构的分析和修改,内核的配置过程以及JFFS2文件系统镜像的制作和挂载的方法.实际测试结果表明了该移植的正确性.  相似文献   

基于湖北省地面加密自动站2010-2015年的分钟雨量数据,利用滑动累积的小时雨量识别短时强降水事件,对比分析了鄂东南、鄂东北、武汉、江汉平原、鄂西北和鄂西南等六个预报区域的短时强降水日数、频次的时空分布特征,并对极端短时强降水进行初步探讨。结果表明:(1)短时强降水年均日数有明显的局地特征,强降水中心主要集中在鄂东南、鄂东北、武汉、鄂西南等区域;月变化呈显著单峰型特征,峰值在7月。(2)短时强降水的频次分布也具有明显的月变化和日变化特征。从月变化上看,江汉平原、鄂东南呈双月峰值分布(6月和7月),武汉和鄂东北地区的主峰在7月、次峰在6月,鄂西北和鄂西南地区的主峰在7月、次峰在8月;从日变化上看,鄂西北(04时和19时,北京时,下同)、鄂西南(01时和17时)、鄂东北(08时和16时)、鄂东南(07时和16时)呈双峰分布,江汉平原呈单峰分布(07时),武汉呈多峰分布(07-14时)。(3)极端短时强降水阈值范围为53~124.8 mm,具有夜发性特征,峰值在午后15时到凌晨01时,空间分布较为零散,相对而言,武汉地区观测到极端短时强降水的可能性最大,鄂西南和鄂西北最小。

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