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In general, the determination of the factor of safety and the location of the critical slip surface are two major challenges in seismic slope stability analysis. In this paper, a new approach for determining the factor of safety and the corresponding critical slip surface of a layered rock slope subjected to seismic excitations is presented, through a case study based on the combination of the shear strength reduction technique and distinct element method. According to this proposed method, the seismic factor of safety and the critical slip surface of the slope are estimated and compared with those obtained by the pseudo-static approach, combined with the limit equilibrium method. It is found that the factor of safety obtained from the proposed method is slightly greater than that computed by the pseudo-static analysis, with a difference of 4.2%, and that the critical slip surface obtained from the two methods is identical, which confirms the reasonability and feasibility of the proposed method.  相似文献   
针对岩石力学试验中传统的声发射定位算法存在局限性,将灰狼算法(GWO)引入声发射定位研究中,该算法模仿了狼群的领导阶层与狩猎机制,用α、β、δ和ω 4种灰狼来模拟头狼领导,通过搜寻猎物、包围猎物和攻击猎物3个步骤实现目标的发现到捕获的全过程。在原始灰狼算法的基础上,针对其局部搜索能力欠佳的缺陷,修改收敛因子递减方式和淘汰最劣个体,提出基于种群记忆淘汰制的改进灰狼算法(BGWO)。基于预制裂隙岩石试件单轴压缩声发射试验结果,对比分析BGWO、GWO、引力搜索法(GSA)、Geiger算法、最小二乘法(LS)算法等5种定位算法的性能,发现改进后的BGWO算法在声发射定位搜索效率、搜索精度、稳定性和试验结果模拟方面效果优于其他算法。  相似文献   
The goal of this study is to determine the chemical composition of rain, in the wider region of Athens, Greece for the time period 1st September 2001 to 31st August 2002. Two model automatic rain samplers were installed in the Meteorological Station of Laboratory of Climatology (latitude: 37° 58′ N, longitude: 23° 47′ E) inside the Athens University Campus and in a site at Heraklio Attica, a northern suburb of Athens (latitude: 38° 03′ N, longitude: 23° 45′ E). The concentrations (μeq l−1) of the major cations (H+, Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+) and anions (Cl, , και ), as well as pH and conductivity of rain in 39 total samples were determined. The figures of pH range from 6.4 to 8.4 and conductivity from 8 to 207 μS cm−1. The analysis showed that Ca2+ ions are abundant within all examined samples, while and present the highest concentrations from the anions. In order to find out the origin of the air masses, the air mass back trajectories were calculated. Five sectors of the origin of air masses were revealed: the North, the South, the Local, the West and the East sector. Multivariate methods included Factor Analysis and Discriminant Analysis were applied to the examined ion concentrations and three main factors were extracted, which discriminated the ions according to their origin. The first group of ions is interpreted as the result of the anthropogenic activity, the second group represents the acidity–alkalinity independently of their source and the third one the marine influence.  相似文献   
Concentrations of thirty-five trace elements in ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were measured from September 2001 to January 2002 in Mira Loma, a semi-urban area in southern California. The most abundant species were found to be sulfur (S; 23% of the total trace element concentration), followed by Si, Fe, Ca, and Al (soil-related elements; 51% of the total). In general, total trace element concentrations were found to be significantly higher for the drier months of September and October, compared to December and January. Factor analysis, enrichment factor (EF) analysis, and ratio analysis (Al/Zn) revealed a significant contribution of soil-related sources to the ambient trace elements for PM2.5 in the study area. Other important contributors to the trace elements in ambient PM2.5 in Mira Loma included motor vehicle-related emissions (brake pads, lubricant oils, gasoline, and diesel combustion), secondary sulfates, sea salts, and biomass burning. The influence of sea salts on the study area was identified using a backward trajectory analysis.  相似文献   
丛冲  李波  朱俊 《云南地质》2009,28(1):28-33
从地球化学特征分析中提取出矿化区控矿因素,矿化存在于海资哨岩组千枚岩、石英岩、石英片岩中,受地层岩性、韧性剪切破碎带的控制。圈出Ⅰ级靶区1处、Ⅱ级靶区2处。  相似文献   
Groundwaters in the crystalline aquifers are the major source of drinking water in Vaniyambadi area of Vellore district. Geochemical methods in collaboration with statistical methods were applied in this industrial area to understand the natural and anthropogenic influences on groundwater quality. To accomplish this objective, groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for physicochemical parameters and the results showed a dominance in the order of Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ and HCO3 > Cl > SO42− > NO3 for anions and cations, respectively. In contrast to this anion dominance were changed to Cl > HCO3 > SO42− > NO3 in samples collected near the tannery industries. Groundwater quality evaluation using TDS and TH suggested that 57% of the total samples are hard-brackish type, indicating its unsuitability for drinking purpose. Generally the water type is Na+Cl to Ca2+Mg2+HCO3 type with an intermediate Ca2+Mg2+Cl, suggesting the mixing of fresh groundwater with tannery effluent and cation exchange. Factor analysis and bivariate plots of major ions suggests that both natural and anthropogenic inputs are equally influencing the groundwater quality. Further investigations proved that silicate weathering is the dominant geogenic source of groundwater solute content, whereas tannery effluent is the anthropogenic source. Saline water mixing index (SWMI) and Cl vs NO3 bivariate plot were employed to differentiate the tannery contamination from the other anthropogenic inputs such as agricultural fertilizers, municipal sewages, etc. This analysis shows that samples 2, 4, 8 and 9 (located within the tannery cluster) have a SWMI value greater than 1, representing the groundwater–tannery effluent mixing. This study infers that groundwater in the Vaniyambadi area is under serious threat from both natural and anthropogenic contamination. However, the controlling discharge of untreated tannery effluents must be regulated to reduce the further deterioration of this vital resource in this part of the country.  相似文献   
推动青海省绿色低碳转型发展,既是推进黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的迫切需要,也有助于缓解我国应对气候变化和碳减排工作压力。采用Tapio脱钩指数和对数平均迪氏指数(LMDI)分解法,在分析能源消费及碳排放变化与经济总量增长脱钩关系的基础上,对影响能源消费及碳排放的因素进行了分解研究,提出了推动青海省绿色低碳发展转型的着力点。主要结论:能源消费及碳排放与经济总量增长实现脱钩,且“十三五”时期“喇叭口”现象日益明显;人口和经济增长是能源消费和碳排放增长的主要驱动力;能源强度下降总体上减缓了能源消费和碳排放的增长,与第二产业能源消费强度变化密切相关;能源结构调整有效抑制了碳排放增长,且抑制作用不断增强;产业结构调整缓解能源消费需求的作用全面显现,但还需进一步调整第二产业结构。建议:提高有色金属冶炼、化工以及非金属矿物制品业等传统工业用煤效率和燃煤发电效率;减少对有色金属冶炼、化工等传统工业的过度依赖;推动风、光、水、火、储多能集约高效利用。  相似文献   
在公司区位选择研究的基础上探索跨国公司研发全球化的空间等级体系,是地理学对跨国公司研发全球化研究的有益尝试。跨国公司研发全球化是多种因素协同互动的结果,为了相对科学直观地构建跨国公司全球研发空间等级体系,本文运用因子分析方法对84个样本进行研究表明。跨国公司全球研发网络是多种因素协同互动的结果,综合实力、研发环境、市场规模是其中最重要的区位因子。根据因子分析的综合得分,将跨国公司研发全球化的空间等级分为五个层次,即核心区域、高密区域、中密区域、低密区域和弱势区域。发达国家明显占据全球研发空间体系的主导地位,掌控着科技发展前沿和关键核心技术,但个别发展中国家和地区也已进入较高层次。根据各主因子的得分情况.按照在全球位势强弱和要素空间流向的不同,把全球国家(地区)分为全面发展型、环境优势型和市场潜力型三种类型。其中,中国位列跨国公司研发全球化的高密区域,但仍属市场潜力型国家,处于接受扩散的境地。基础研究和创新能力薄弱以及内外向流动的不均衡,阻碍了跨国公司全球研发空间体系节点区域的创建。  相似文献   
关双铁矿位于大南婆—惠民—西定金多金属矿富集区。矿床成因与澜沧惠民铁矿类似,属海相火山沉积变质型。  相似文献   
个旧矿区地下水特征及控制因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李荣文 《云南地质》2011,30(1):64-66,9
个旧矿区位于红河和南盘江两大水系的分水岭地带,属岩溶中山地貌,岩溶洼地、漏斗、落水洞等星罗棋布。矿区内无地表河流,地下水主要接受大气降雨补给。矿坑涌水量主要受大气降雨、岩溶发育程度、断裂构造及隐伏岩浆岩体控制。  相似文献   
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