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高层建筑沉降监测与灰色预测   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
高层建筑在施工期间,随着主体荷载的增加,必然造成主体不规则下沉。而建筑物的整体稳定性是确保建筑结构稳定的必要条件,其局部不均匀沉降可能导致建筑物发生倾斜。为了确保建筑物的正常施工及安全使用,对高层建筑进行沉降监测和变形趋势预测是非常必要的。因此,本次应用二级水准测量方法定期对某高层建筑进行沉降监测,对监测成果进行了细致分析,并用灰色系统理论对沉降趋势进行了预测。监测和预测结果表明,所建高层建筑沉降规律正常、稳定性良好,从而为类似条件下的高层建筑的安全施工与管理提供了重要参考依据。  相似文献   
地面沉降灾害制约了社会经济可持续发展,目前地面沉降监测广泛采取水准测量、GPS测量和InSAR技术等方法。为有效解决不同技术方法在精度、时间分辨率和空间分辨率上的缺陷,综合其优点,本文提出了对InSAR、水准及GPS数据进行精密处理和高效融合的理论方法,获取高精度、高时空分辨率的地面沉降监测成果。以广州南沙试验区数据实例验证了理论方法的可行性和可靠性。  相似文献   
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is considered as one of the most powerful tools that are used in geodetic works. It is increasingly considered as an alternative tool for conventional surveying techniques. The goal of this research paper is to produce a methodology for generating topographic contour maps using the post-processed kinematic differential GPS technique (PPK-GPS). The performance of this technique is assessed by comparing it with the traditional spirit-leveling technique taking into consideration the accuracy, time, and cost. The study area is located along the Mediterranean coast in the Rosetta area of the middle Delta in Egypt with a total area of about 39 km2. The field work includes 14 control points and about 50,000 PPK observations. In addition, 20 check cross sections that extend along the coastal line from Rosetta to El Burullus cities were observed using both spirit-leveling and GPS-PPK techniques. The results of the comparison indicate that the PPK-GPS technique can be used instead of spirit leveling in producing a topographic contour map with an accuracy of about 20 cm in orthometric height. We find that the PPK-GPS technique reduces the estimated time of leveling works in our study area by about 70%.  相似文献   
高陵地震前,震中周缘100 km范围内跨断层垂直形变无明显异常变化。地震没有引起活动断裂的同震形变,但导致断层失稳,在余震的持续作用下断层蠕滑加剧,最终引起零口跨断层测点处断裂发生3 mm左右的永久垂直形变,推测地震的发生与渭南塬前断裂活动有关。  相似文献   
滨州市地面沉降成因浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
截至2016年4月,滨州市地面沉降量超过20mm的面积达到了2 881km2,约占全市面积的30%,地面沉降灾害日益严重。为查明滨州市地面沉降现状和沉降成因,采用二等水准测量、地下水位监测、钻探取样、测试分析、地下水开采量调查等方法,对比2005年5月、2008年8月、2012年9月、2014年10月、2015年5月、2016年4月等多期二等水准测量数据和水位数据,从点、线、面3个方面进行了累计沉降量和沉降速率的分析,并从山前冲积、洪积平原水文地质单元区和黄河冲积平原水文地质单元区的水文地质特征、地层结构及其力学性质方面进行了滨州市地面沉降成因分析,基本查明了滨州市地面沉降现状及其演变特征,揭示了超量抽取地下水造成地下水位下降和具有较大压缩性的地层结构是影响该区地面沉降的2个主要因素。  相似文献   
In this study, vertical deformation of different regions of Yunnan area in 1993-2013, 2001-2006, 2011-2017 is obtained using observational data of precise leveling. The results show that:1) In the whole, Yunnan area exhibits uplifting in the east of Yunnan and subsiding in the south of Yunnan, which is well consistent with the current horizontal velocity field obtained by GPS. In the east of Yunnan, southeastward horizontal velocity at the east boundary of Sichuan-Yunnan block is significantly decreased, which indicates extrusion deformation. This result is in accordance with the result that there is uplift in the east of Yunnan with precise leveling data. GPS velocity field rotates clockwise at Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, therefore east-west extension is formed in central and southern Yunnan, which coincides with crustal subsidence observed by precise leveling. 2)The vertical movement in the northwest of Yunnan mainly exhibits the succession movement of basin subsidence and mountain uplift, in which, in the rift zone, Chenghai Basin, Qina Basin, Binchuan Basin and Midu Basin distributed along Chenghai Fault are all in the sinking state and the sinking velocity of Binchuan Basin located in the end of the sinistral strike-slip Chenghai Fault is the maximum. The sinking velocity of Dali Basin distributed along Honghe Fault is approximately 0.5mm/a and the sinking velocity of Midu Basin is approximately 1mm/a under the comprehensive action of right-lateral Honghe Fault and left-lateral Chenghai Fault. On the northwest boundary of the fault zone, the vertical movement of the basins (Lijiang Basin, Jiangchuan Basin)under the control of the nearby Lijiang-Jianchuan Fault is not obvious and the nearby mountain area exhibits uplift. 3)In the Honghe Fault, the southern region still possesses strong activity. Seeing from the leveling profile and vertical deformation field, the Honghe Fault still possesses the significance of block boundary fault and strong activity. GPS velocity field reveals that the southeast movement velocity of the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block is rapidly decreased near Xiaojiang Fault and the earth's crust is shortened and deformed. In the vertical deformation field, the uplift is formed near Xiaojiang Fault and there is obvious vertical deformation gradient. 4)Notably, deformation contour in the junction of Qujiang Fault and Xiaojiang Fault is characterized by four quadrant distribution, which indicates the possibility of earthquake.  相似文献   
μ����ص��α������о�   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
?????л???????????α????GPS????????????2001??2008??μ??????????????仯??????????????????????λ???????о????????????????????????????????????????????????????2004??????μ??????3??仯???????????????????????????仯?????????????????  相似文献   
收集陕西中南部1970年以来的多期精密水准测量数据,用基于GPS垂直运动速率约束的动态平差方法获得区域垂直运动速度场。分析表明,地壳垂直运动总体表现为山地、高原相对隆升,盆地相对下沉。相对于关中盆地,西部秦岭、陇山上升速率为4~5 mm/a,北秦岭造山带为2~3 mm/a,盆地北部的鄂尔多斯南缘为3~4 mm/a;相对于北秦岭,汉中盆地下沉速率为1.0 mm/a左右,安康等北大巴山裂谷下沉速率接近20 mm/a;秦岭北缘断裂垂直滑动速率为1.3~1.8 mm/a,华山山前断裂为2.0~2.8 mm/a,渭河断裂小于1.0 mm/a,渭河盆地北缘断裂为1.0~2.5 mm/a,南部断裂为0.7~1.1 mm/a。  相似文献   
我国于1991—1999年建设的国家第二期一等水准网复测与2012—2015年建设的国家一等水准网成果相隔近20年。受地壳运动、经济建设、地下水开采与回灌等因素的影响,许多地区出现了不同程度的地表沉降和季节性地表起伏,造成区域高程成果发生了不同程度的变化,影响了高程基准的维护及高程成果的使用。本文通过分析两期一等水准重合点、统计分析我国一等水准点20年高程变化量及其变化趋势,并从两期水准网测量设备、措施及测量精度的差异,重力异常改正计算所采用的重力基准、正常重力公式及重力数据的差异,网形结构差异,水准测量周期、水准环闭合周期的差异,地壳垂直运动与局部地表形变影响等4方面进行了两期高程变化的原因分析。研究表明:(1)国家一等水准网点高程近20年发生了不同程度的变化,许多区域出现了严重沉降;(2)地壳垂直运动及局部地表形变是引起高程变化的主要因素;(3)国家一等水准网应进行定期复测更新,复测时应尽量缩短水准测量周期,全网水准测量周期不应超过5年[1]、力争3年内完成。  相似文献   
大范围高程控制测量中经常采用多结点水准测量,根据条件平差的原理和方法,对多结点水准测量严密平差方法进行了深入研究,建立了可靠的数学模型,结合应用实例平差计算了多结点水准网,分析了水准网的平差精度,其计算结果满足规范要求,为多结点水准网平差软件的开发提供了计算经验。  相似文献   
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