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汶川县、都江堰市、崇州市、大邑县等毗邻地区,分布着诸多的旅游景点,根据景点的开发情况和地质地貌 景象特征,可以划分为已开发旅游景区和特开发旅游景区两大类,分别阐述了各景点、景区的特征及其形成的地质背景,并对旅游片区的旅游资源的开发与保护提出了建议。  相似文献   
EH-4电磁成像系统具有勘查深度大、轻便高效、反映成果直观等特点。在寻找地下水及水文地质方面得到了广泛的应用。为帮助青海省平安县严重缺水南部山区寻找地下水,选用了EH-4电磁系统进行剖面探测,通过确定该区内隐伏断层的位置及断层破碎带,进行构造找水,实践证明:以其他电磁法相比,EH-4电磁成像系统穿透力强、不受浅部高阻层的影响,适用性强、效率高。  相似文献   
曾庆铭  薛强  徐继伟 《西北地质》2014,47(3):192-199
黄央沟位于“5.12”汶川地震的极重灾区四川省都江堰市龙池镇,地震使沟内山体发生大规模的滑坡和崩塌,其为泥石流的形成提供了丰富的松散固体物质。地震后黄央沟泥石流十分活跃,2010年8月13日、8月18日和2013年7月9日均暴发了泥石流,造成了严重的经济损失。笔者通过对黄央沟泥石流灾害现场进行实地调查,详细分析了黄央沟泥石流的形成条件和发育特征,并对已有防治工程效果进行了分析和探讨。针对防治工程存在的问题和黄央沟泥石流的特点,建议在沟道下游和堆积区修建排导沟,使泥石流顺畅排入龙溪河;采取工程和生物措施来稳定沟道内的崩滑堆积体和不稳定斜坡,减少泥石流物源;沟口公路采用高架桥跨越方式通过泥石流堆积扇。该研究结果可为强震区泥石流灾害的防治提供参考。  相似文献   
文化遗产景区安全标识系统作为传播信息和规范观赏行为的有效方式,已成为影响游客旅游体验和衡量景区服务水准的重要因素。借助实地考察与随机抽样问卷调查,以青城山-都江堰世界文化遗产景区为例,综合利用文献分析和数理统计验证,拟定11项安全标识测量指标以调查游客对景区安全标识系统的认同感,研究结果表明:游客普遍认同遗产景区安全标识系统的重要性,但多是从利己角度的直观考虑;游客对青城山-都江堰文化遗产景区安全标识系统认同度低,安全标识系统各构成要素急需改进,尤其是安全标识的设计和功能;游客对文化遗产景区安全标识系统的认同度并不完全受人口统计特征影响;游客对文化遗产景区安全标识系统的认同度受游客出游频率和旅游形式影响。建议文化遗产景区从完善安全标识布局和基本功能、强调景观感设计、规范安全标识系统文字和色彩、改进标识的视觉尺寸和开展定期检查维护方面实施优化。  相似文献   
城市化对地下水流系统的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着世界经济的飞速发展和人口增长,城市的规模和数量也在急剧增加,城市化的趋势变得日益明显,尤其在发展中国家。在这一过程中,地下水所扮演的角色越来越重要,揭示城市化与地下水各方面之间的相互影响规律以实现其可持续发展,成为一个全球性的重要研究课题。本文在分析世界城市人口增长规律和地下水对城市供水的重要性基础上;以三个典型示范城市为例,进一步具体探讨了城市化对地下水补给与地下水流系统的影响。最后认为,城市化会引起地下水补给量的增加;但城市大规模和经常性毫无节制地开采地下水可产生明显的地下水位下降、地面沉降和盐水入侵而导致地下水流系统的剧烈改变。  相似文献   
In recent earthquakes in developing countries, severe damage was observed on reinforced concrete buildings. This study focuses on exterior beam-column joints with substandard beam rebar anchorage and seismic strengthening by installing wing walls. First, a series of experiments was conducted to investigate the seismic behavior of exterior joints with substandard beam rebar anchorage representing typical Bangladeshi buildings. Two 0.7-scaled exterior joint specimens were tested, and these specimens showed beam rebar anchorage failure and/or joint shear failure. Prior to strengthening of the joint, a series of pullout tests was conducted on postinstalled bonded anchors in low-strength concrete for strengthening design. Then, an experiment was performed to apply the strengthening method by wing walls to one of the exterior joint specimens to improve the integrity, and this method was intended to prevent the failure of beam rebar anchorage. The strengthening method is proposed to extend the development length of beam longitudinal bars by considering the embedment length along the wing walls. The test results verified the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed strengthening method to upgrade exterior RC beam-column joints with deficient beam rebar anchorage.  相似文献   
In developing countries, land productivity involves little market, where the agricultural land use is mainly determined by the food demands as well as the land suitability. The land use pattern will not ensure everywhere enough land for certain cropping if spatial allocation just according to land use suitability. To solve this problem, a subzone and a pre-allocation for each land use are added in spatial allocation module, and land use suitability and area optimization module are incorporated to constitute a whole agricultural land use optimal allocation (ALUOA) system. The system is developed on the platform .Net 2005 using ArcGIS Engine (version 9.2) and C# language, and is tested and validated in Yili watershed of Xinjiang Region on the newly reclaimed area. In the case study, with the help of soil data obtained from 69 points sampled in the fieldwork in 2008, main river data supplied by the Department of Water Resources of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China, and temperature data provided by Data Center for Resources and Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, land use suitability on eight common crops are evaluated one by one using linear weighted summation method in the land use suitability model. The linear programming (LP) model in area optimization model succeeds to give out land area target of each crop under three scenarios. At last, the land use targets are allotted in space both with a six subzone file and without a subzone file. The results show that the land use maps with a subzone not only ensure every part has enough land for every crop, but also gives a more fragmental land use pattern, with about 87.99% and 135.92% more patches than the one without, while at the expense of loss between 15.30% and 19.53% in the overall suitability at the same time.  相似文献   
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本文以南水北调中线工程核心水源区淅川县为例,选取2004年TM、2014年GF1号影像等数据,解译获取了淅川县土地利用数据,对2004-2014年淅川县土地利用变化进行定量分析。通过选用区域生态环境质量模型,对研究期内淅川县土地利用变化的生态环境效应进行评估,并采用灰色关联法对导致淅川县生态环境质量变化的驱动因素进行分析。研究结果表明:① 2004-2014年,林地、建设用地和水域面积增加,耕地面积减少。在林地资源演化趋势上,有林地、疏林地、灌木林地和苗圃地与林地资源的整体演化格局一致,而宜林地和无立木林地、未成林造林地呈减少的趋势;② 在空间分布上,林地主要分布在海拔高、坡度较陡的北部山区,耕地和建设用地密集分布于海拔低、相对平缓的东南部地区;③ 2004年和2014年2期生态环境质量均在县域内表现出明显的空间差异,呈现出北高南低的分布趋势。研究期内淅川县区域生态环境质量指数从0.5443上升至0.6039,生态环境质量提高,其中宜林地和无立木林地转化为有林地、退耕还林对区域生态环境改善贡献最大;④ 局部地区生态环境呈负向发展,其中对森林资源采取掠夺式开采和粗放型管理、毁林开地对县域生态环境产生的负面影响最为深刻。⑤ 2004-2014年县域生态环境质量变化主要由政策和居民追求利益最大化的行为所驱动。  相似文献   
辽宁建昌玲珑塔地区中侏罗世地层与化石初步报道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽西建昌县玲珑塔地区出露一套火山岩所夹的沉积地层, 富含叶肢介、介形类、双壳类、鱼、昆虫、脊椎动物和植物等化石。经区域地层研究, 结合对玲珑塔大西山地质剖面实测以及对该剖面新近所采集的各门类化石的综合研究, 确认此套沉积地层位于义县组之下, 属髫髻山组, 化石显示“燕辽生物群”面貌, 时代为中侏罗世。  相似文献   
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