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侧重散射机理研究,以GPS相关函数和相关功率模型为基础,主要通过对双站雷达散射截面计算模型进行修改,得到裸土的GPS散射信号模型。其中裸土的双站圆极化雷达散射截面采用双站随机粗糙面散射模型计算得到,利用极化合成的方法使模型具备全极化计算功能。通过修改后的模型,模拟分析不同极化下裸土参数(土壤水分和地表粗糙度)对延迟多普勒图DDM(delay Doppler map)的影响。该理论模型研究有助于机载/星载GNSS-R接收机数据解释、GNSS-R实验设计以及后向反演算法的开发。同时,延迟多普勒图模型的研究结果也为GNSS+R土壤水分遥感研究提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   
本文建立了一个采用地形坐标的、包含大气边界层湍流参数化方案,大气辐射过程的参数化方案、陆-气-水相互作用的地面温湿度预报方案等物理过程的非静力近似中小尺度数值模式,用这个模式试验研究了在气候平均值的背景下谷底水体的有无对山地气候影响的一般情况。模拟结果表明:由于水体的存在,夜间谷底气温较干符情况有较大的升高,山谷逆温受到破坏;白天谷底气温则有降低。湿谷中的地湿一般都较干谷中大,尤其是夜间更为明显。无论白天还是夜间,由于山谷风和湖陆风共同作用的结果,湿谷中的风速都此干谷中大,湿谷中的局地环流比干谷中的更为明显。  相似文献   
全球范围内大量布设的GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System)参考网为精密定位、导航和授时等应用提供了丰富的数据资源.基于局域参考网,先后发展了若干侧重实现双频精密定位的技术,如NRTK(Network Real Time Kinematic),PPP(Precise Point Positioning)和PPP-RTK等.其中,PPP-RTK融合了NRTK和PPP的技术优势,是目前相关研究的热点.本文改进了利用局域参考网提取各类改正信息的算法,以便于实现单频PPP-RTK,具体步骤包括:1) 逐参考站实施非组合PPP,并固定已知站星距和卫星钟差,预估电离层延迟、浮点模糊度等参数;2)联合所有参考站的PPP模糊度预估值,通过重新参数化,形成一组双差整周模糊度和接收机、卫星相位偏差;3) 固定双差整周模糊度,精化求解卫星相位偏差和各参考站PPP电离层延迟.基于网解中用到的卫星轨道和钟差,以及网解所提供的卫星相位偏差和(内插的)电离层延迟,参考网内的单频流动站即可实施PPP-RTK.基于澳大利亚某连续运行参考站网和流动站的实测数据,考察了:1) 参考网数据处理中,双差模糊度的固定成功率(98.89%)和卫星相位偏差估值的时间稳定性(各连续弧段优于0.2周);2)流动站处电离层延迟的内插精度(优于10 cm);3)单天内任一历元起算,固定静态(动态)单频PPP整周模糊度所需时长(均不超过10 min);4) 模糊度固定前后,单频动态PPP的定位精度(模糊度固定后,平面和天顶RMS分别优于5 cm和10 cm;模糊度固定前,相应RMS仅为28~53 cm).  相似文献   
Real‐time hybrid testing is a method that combines experimental substructure(s) representing component(s) of a structure with a numerical model of the remaining part of the structure. These substructures are combined with the integration algorithm for the test and the servo‐hydraulic actuator to form the real‐time hybrid testing system. The inherent dynamics of the servo‐hydraulic actuator used in real‐time hybrid testing will give rise to a time delay, which may result in a degradation of accuracy of the test, and possibly render the system to become unstable. To acquire a better understanding of the stability of a real‐time hybrid test with actuator delay, a stability analysis procedure for single‐degree‐of‐freedom structures is presented that includes both the actuator delay and an explicit integration algorithm. The actuator delay is modeled by a discrete transfer function and combined with a discrete transfer function representing the integration algorithm to form a closed‐loop transfer function for the real‐time hybrid testing system. The stability of the system is investigated by examining the poles of the closed‐loop transfer function. The effect of actuator delay on the stability of a real‐time hybrid test is shown to be dependent on the structural parameters as well as the form of the integration algorithm. The stability analysis results can have a significant difference compared with the solution from the delay differential equation, thereby illustrating the need to include the integration algorithm in the stability analysis of a real‐time hybrid testing system. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The 1°×1° National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) data and mesoscale numerical simulation data are analyzed to reveal a mechanism for the formation of heavy rainfall in Northern China; this mechanism is the non-uniformly saturated instability induced by a dry intrusion. The dry intrusion and the accompanying downward transport of air with a high value of potential vorticity (PV) are maintained during the precipitation event. As the dry air intrudes down into the warm and moist sector in the lower troposphere, the cold, dry air and the warm, moist air mix with each other, and, as a result, the atmosphere becomes non-uniformly saturated. On the basis of this non-uniform saturation, a new Brunt-Vaisaila frequency (BVF) formula is derived and applied to the precipitation event. It is shown that, compared to the conditions of either a dry or a saturated atmosphere, the BVF in a non-uniformly saturated, moist atmosphere (BVF) may be more appropriate for depicting the atmospheric instability in rainy regions.  相似文献   
Real‐time hybrid testing is an experimental technique for evaluating the dynamic responses of structural systems under seismic loading. Servo‐hydraulic actuators, by nature, induce inevitable time delay between the command and the achieved displacements. This delay would lead to incorrect test results and even cause instability of the system; therefore, delay compensation is critical for stability and accuracy of hybrid simulations of structural dynamic response. In this paper, a dual delay compensation strategy is proposed by a combination of a phase lead compensator and a restoring force compensator. An outer‐loop feed‐forward phase lead compensator is derived by introducing the inverse model in the z domain. The adaptive law based on the gradient algorithm is used to estimate the system delay in the format of parametric model during the test. It is shown mathematically that the parameter in the delay estimator is guaranteed to converge. The restoring force compensator is adopted to improve the accuracy of experimental results especially when the structure is subjected to high frequency excitations. Finally, analytical simulations of an inelastic SDOF structure are conducted to investigate the feasibility of the proposed strategy. The accuracy of the dual compensation strategy is demonstrated through several shaking table tests. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
地下水污染研究中要讨论的问题很多。本文的主要内容是介绍关于地下水污染含义的各种观点,并提出作者的看法;综合归纳包气带中污染物的各种水文地球化学作用,并介绍监测包气带污染物迁移的各种方法;最后讨论地下水资源区域防护及局部防护的问题,并提出含水层防污性能的分类及地下水供水水源地防护带确定方法。  相似文献   
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentrations in throughfall, throughflow, and runoff were recorded in a small (95 ha) woodland catchment in North Warwickshire for a period of eight weeks following a prolonged dry spell. DOM is shown to be positively related to stream discharge over the sampling period, although distinctive flushing effects were identified. The net contribution of DOM to total dissolved solids load carried in the river was only 2.4 per cent, and represented significantly less than published carbon losses by mineralization of soil organic matter. Throughfall inputs were some 100 times higher than streamflow outputs from the catchment.  相似文献   
The diurnal cycle of ozone at the surface and within the PBL is examined. It is concluded that the intrusion of air masses from ozone-rich layers in the lower troposphere results in late evening ozone maxima observed at ground stations on mountain slopes as well as within distinct layers of the PBL above the valley bottom. The ozone-rich layers are assumed to exist due to meso- or large-scale horizontal transport of smog air masses and a local cross-valley wind system is shown to be responsible for the occurrence of the intrusion processes.  相似文献   
针对BDS中长基线RTK定位中整周模糊度受大气延迟误差影响难以正确固定的问题,提出一种BDS中长基线三频整周模糊度确定方法。采用MW组合确定B2-B3超宽巷整周模糊度,利用B2-B3超宽巷和B1-B3宽巷组合观测值所受电离层延迟误差较接近的特点,确定B1-B3宽巷整周模糊度。利用无电离层组合解算窄巷整周模糊度和相对天顶对流层延迟误差,最终实现实时动态定位。利用实测的BDS中长基线进行算法验证,结果表明,该方法可有效固定中长基线三频载波相位整周模糊度,获得cm级定位精度。  相似文献   
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