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We report on the follow-up and recovery of 100 program NEAs, PHAs and VIs using the ESO/MPG 2.2 m, Swope 1 m and INT 2.5 m telescopes equipped with large field cameras. The 127 fields observed during 11 nights covered 29 square degrees. Using these data, we present the incidental survey work which includes 558 known MBAs and 628 unknown moving objects mostly consistent with MBAs from which 58 objects became official discoveries. We planned the runs using six criteria and four servers which focus mostly on faint and poorly observed objects in need of confirmation, follow-up and recovery. We followed 62 faint NEAs within one month after discovery and we recovered 10 faint NEAs having big uncertainties at their second or later opposition. Using the INT we eliminated four PHA candidates and VIs. We observed in total 1286 moving objects and we reported more than 10,000 positions. All data were reduced by the members of our network in a team effort, and reported promptly to the MPC. The positions of the program NEAs were published in 27 MPC and MPEC references and used to improve their orbits. The OC residuals for known MBAs and program NEAs are smallest for the ESO/MPG and Swope and about four times larger for the INT whose field is more distorted. For the astrometric reduction, the UCAC-2 catalog is recommended instead of USNO-B1. The incidental survey allowed us to study statistics of the MBA and NEA populations observable today with 1–2 m facilities. We calculate preliminary orbits for all unknown objects, classifying them as official discoveries, later identifications and unknown outstanding objects. The orbital elements a, e, i calculated by FIND_ORB software for the official discoveries and later identified objects are very similar with the published elements which take into account longer observational arcs; thus preliminary orbits were used in statistics for the whole unknown dataset. We present a basic model which can be used to distinguish between MBAs and potential NEAs in any sky survey. Based on three evaluation methods, most of our unknown objects are consistent with MBAs, while up to 16 unknown objects could represent NEO candidates and four represent our best NEO candidates. We assessed the observability of the unknown MBA and NEA populations using 1 and 2 m surveys. Employing a 1 m facility, one can observe today fewer unknown objects than known MBAs and very few new NEOs. Using a 2 m facility, a slightly larger number of unknown than known asteroids could be detected in the main belt. Between 0.1 and 0.8 new NEO candidates per square degree could be discovered using a 2 m telescope.  相似文献   
天文观测科学实践中心是一个以天文观测为核心的网络实践体验中心,以网站的形式向公众提供服务。网站建设使用HTML、CSS、JavaScript和JSP/JaveBean等技术;基于B/S结构实现望远镜远程控制;采用Windows Media技术实现视频发布。建成的网站为用户提供了全新的天文观测实践体验机会,达到了传播天文知识的目的。  相似文献   
杨永崇  席晶 《测绘科学》2012,37(4):102-103,116
多比例尺空间数据的表达与处理是GIS的一个固有问题,本文用土地信息多级网格代替多级土地数据库中的多比例尺数据库及其多比例尺表达,以解决多级土地数据库建库过程中制图综合带来的地类数据变化问题,同时也为土地数据的共享提供了方便.  相似文献   
CMOS相机是一种重要的固体成像设备?随着科研级CMOS相机的性能不断提高,现已广泛应用于科研领域?新真空太阳望远镜的成像设备也使用CMOS相机?因此建立一个天文CMOS相机测试系统?对于新购CMOS相机的验收以及现有CMOS相机的定期检测和维护有十分重要的意义。介绍了CMOS相机测试平台的硬件组成,并针对实际测试中对设备控制的需求,以及利用控制器对相应的设备直接控制,提出了基于TCP/IP协议以及串口通信的设计方案?利用C#编程语言设计了一套多线程并行的控制系统软件?实现各设备在局域网内的远程并行控制。通过对设备的运行测试,结果表明,系统能良好地控制各设备的正常运行?满足测试系统集成控制的需求.  相似文献   
以老挝人民民主共和国甘蒙省钾盐矿勘查区1∶50000地形图修测项目实例,介绍GPS RTK技术的基本原理和工作流程,总结出这种技术的优势所在以及实践操作中应该注意到的问题。  相似文献   
西西郎-小水井金矿带控矿因素为断裂和地层,岩浆期后热液、变质水及地下热卤水通过渗滤富集作用形成的微粒浸染型金矿床。该区是有理想的成矿空间。  相似文献   
城镇地区由于建筑物密集、土地利用类型变化快、土地利用现状图比例尺较大等特点,土地利用变更调查主要依靠专业部门利用全站仪完成,但全站仪需要通视的特点限制了其工作效率。而采用3S集成技术进行城镇地区土地利用变更调查的技术方法,则可以相应提高工作效率。基于3S集成技术城镇地区土地利用变更调查的应用模式为:通过GPS接收机与笔记本电脑(已配置GIS软件系统)通讯,实现GPS与GIS的集成,并调用RS影像作为底图,既可实现实时的数据采集、存储和编辑。对于城镇地区部分GPS信号弱的地区,采用测边交会的方法则可以完成这些点的数据采集,克服了GPS使用盲区的限制。  相似文献   
第二次全国土地调查底图生产是一项重大的系统工程,认真做好二次调查底图生产监理工作可有效保证成果的质量。文章对二次土地调查底图生产的监理流程进行了简单介绍,同时对工作中出现的正射纠正、投影变换以及影像质量检查等若干技术方法进行了一些探讨。  相似文献   
现代深部岩溶问题是随着工程建设向复杂场地延伸而逐渐显现,由它带来的一系列地质工程问题对越岭隧道工程具有极强的控制性和危害性,如渝怀线圆梁山深埋特长越岭隧道工程出现的高压突水、突泥问题,既控制了工程的施工难度,又是一个极具挑战性的理论难题。综述了现代深部岩溶相关概念、发育类型、发育特征、形成机制等方面国内外研究现状,勾画了现代深部岩溶研究今后的重点,主要包括现代深部岩溶概念的厘定、现代深部岩溶工程地质分类及特征、现代深部岩溶受控因素、现代深部岩溶发育机制及演化、现代深部岩溶对越岭隧道工程控制作用等几方面的研究。  相似文献   
余红平 《云南地质》2010,29(3):367-370
铅锌矿赋存于灯影组硅质条带白云岩中,局部产于筇竹寺组,脉状、透镜状,与峨眉山玄武岩喷发关系密切,属岩浆晚期热液成因。  相似文献   
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