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光化学烟雾的控制试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用MM5与RADM的耦合模式,设计了3个削减源排放的试验,用以探讨控制光化学污染的有效途径。试验结果表明,在NMHC/NOx比值很大的前提条件下,NOx地面源排放的削减对降低大气中O3含量的作用最显著,而削减NMHC对降低大气中PAN含量的作用明显,同时削减NMHC和NOx是降低大气光化学污染强度的最佳途径。  相似文献   
在讨论测点高程平移法区域重力地改的精度问题基础上,提出了系统差概念,并推荐一种新的计算方法,即把测点高程平移法和节点高程插值法有机地结合起来实现地改,通过理论模型和实例计算,表明该方法计算精度优于节点高程插值法和测点高程平移法。  相似文献   
王道远  刘刚 《江苏地质》2010,34(1):67-72
在深基坑的设计施工过程中,由于地质条件、荷载条件、材料性质、施工条件和外界其他条件的复杂影响,以及基于当前土压力计算理论和边坡计算模型的局限性,很难单纯从理论上预测工程中可能遇到的问题。所以在基坑的开挖施工中,对支护结构、基坑邻近建筑物、地下管线以及周围土体等在理论分析指导下有计划地监测,以此监测数据为依据,对基坑支护进行动态设计,是十分必要的。  相似文献   
Noise levels in marine and airborne full tensor gravity gradiometer surveys together with conventional land, marine and airborne gravity surveys are estimated and analysed in gridded form, resulting in relations that detail how these different survey systems can be compared analytically. After defining survey parameters including line spacing, speed and instrument bandwidth, the relations estimate the noise levels that result on either grids of gravity (gz) or gravity gradient (Gzz) as a function of the spatial filtering often applied during geological interpretation. Such comparisons are believed to be a useful preliminary guide for survey selection and planning.  相似文献   
大数据驱动的研究范式正在引起地学领域的革命,而海量大数据的有效管理和共享是数据高效利用的前提。英国地质调查局作为最早成立的国家地质调查局,拥有海量的地学数据资源,通过近年来对数字化工作的全面推进,在数据的开放共享方面走在了世界各国的最前沿。文章对英国地质调查局的数据资源管理和数据共享方式进行了分析调研,详细介绍了他们的一站式管理平台——开放地学的主体组成,以及他们与同行合作建设的数据库。开放地学全面汇总了地调局内的数据资源,并通过一系列数据共享将所有数据集有机链接,通过数据和模型的巧妙结合,在满足用户数据需求的同时,对数据的应用进行了全方位的拓展,是地球系统科学研究框架下地球科学数字化工作的良好典范。  相似文献   
One of the most cost-effective in situ technologies for soil and groundwater (i.e., aquifer) remediation is electrokinetic remediation. In electrokinetic remediation, electromigration due to electric field is combined with hydromigration due to hydraulic flow by purge water to remove pollutants from aquifers through the pore water. This study aims at investigating theoretically the role of electromigration (as active movement) of pollutants and the role of hydromigration (as passive movement) of pollutants in electrokinetic remediation, and making it clear that the control variables for electrokinetic remediation are the applied voltage and the hydraulic flow rate. These aims are pursued by construction of a mathematical model based on physico-chemical considerations and by model simulations of the electrokinetic remediation applied to the virtual aquifer polluted by heavy metals of copper sulfate. According to numerical simulations with the model: (1) heavy metal (nonanionic copper) is removed from the upstream anode region and accumulated in the downstream cathode region; (2) to carry away the heavy metal outside the aquifer (global removal), hydromigration by purge water flow is essential; and (3) electromigration contributes mainly to the redistribution of heavy metals within the aquifer (local removal and local accumulation).  相似文献   
将专家系统技术与常规控制、模糊控制、超前控制、仿人智能操作控制以及计算机控制技术相结合,设计了一种新的基于专家系统决策的多模式控制(MCDBES)。经试验和实际运行结果表明,MCDBES系统对未知数学模型的被控对象,具有良好的控制性能。本文提出的MCDBES已成功地应用于燃油陶瓷窑炉计算机控制系统。  相似文献   
A simulation model of the adaptive optics of the German Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT), Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife, is presented. The model uses modules from the integrated model of the Euro50 extremely large telescope, and includes submodels of a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor, a de-formable mirror, a tip-tilt mirror, high-voltage amplifier low-pass filters, a reconstructor and a controller. We investigate the impact on the closed loop bandwidth of changes in controller configuration and certain system parameters, such as low pass filter bandwidth and camera integration and readout time. Control strategies were tested on simple models before implementation on the full VTT model. Using the models, different control strategies are compared.  相似文献   
王建辉  袁桂生 《现代测绘》2003,26(6):29-30,33
根据精密工程控制网的高精度要求,结合沉降地区的特点,进行GPS、精密水准作业中误差分析及精度控制分析,提出满足轻轨工程施工的控制方案。  相似文献   
参考数据集对Argo剖面浮标盐度观测资料校正的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国际Argo计划采用新颖的Argo剖面浮标来监测全球大洋中上层的变化,对浮标盐度观测资料进行质量控制是非常重要的。本文采用历史水文观测资料集得到的温-盐度(-S)关系,并利用Wong等人开发的WJO延时模式盐度校正方法,对电导率传感器出现漂移、偏移等故障的Argo剖面浮标盐度资料进行校正。对影响校正结果的历史水文资料集(或参考数据集)的选取进行了初步研究,并在不同的海区进行试验。结果表明,选取合适的参考数据集可以提高盐度校正的精度。  相似文献   
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