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Image composites are often used for earth surface phenomena studies at regional or national level. The compromise between residual clouds and the length of compositing period is a necessary corollary to the choice of satellite optical data for monitoring earth surface phenomena dynamics. This paper introduced a methodology for estimating availability of cloud-free image composites for optical sensors with various revisiting intervals, using MODIS MOD06 L2 cloud fraction product in the period of 2000–2008. The methodology starts with downscaling of the cloud fraction product to 1 km × 1 km cloud cover binary images. The binary images are then used for the exploration of spatial and temporal characteristics of cloud dynamics, and subsequently for the simulation of cloud-free composite availability with various revisiting intervals of optical sensors. Using Canada's southern provinces as an application case, the study explored several factors important for the design of environmental monitoring system using optical sensors of earth observation, in particular, cloud dynamics and its inter-annual variability, sensors’ revisiting intervals, and cloud-free threshold for targeting composites. While the cloud images used in the analysis are at 1 km × 1 km resolution, our analysis suggests that the simulated availabilities of cloud-free image composites may also provide reasonable estimates for optical sensors with higher than 1 km × 1 km resolution, though the closer to 1 km × 1 km resolution the optical sensor, the more pertinent the application. Also, the methodology can be parameterised to different temporal period and different spatial region, depending on applications.  相似文献   
Multivariate Statistical Analysis (MSA) has successfully been coupled with geographic information system (GIS) mapping tools to delineate zones of aquifer contamination potential. While delineating contaminants is key to site remediation, it is often compromised by a poor understanding of hydrogeologic conditions, and by uncertainties in contaminant observations. MSA provides improved estimates of contamination potential by augmenting observed contaminant concentrations with auxiliary information from other water-quality parameters. GIS is useful for organizing and managing water-quality information by visually communicating large amounts of information. The proposed method first establishes appropriate areal extents, GIS coverages, and scales for displaying groundwater contamination concentrations of tritium and the volatile organic contaminants trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE) at the Savannah River Site, South Carolina, USA. Principal components analysis is used to group variables that are most indicative of contamination potential. Tritium contamination potential is best represented as the combination of tritium with the cations Al, Mg, Na and total dissolved solids, while PCE contamination potential is predicted using PCE and Cl. Maps of contamination potentials for 1993–1995 geochemical data compare favorably with measured contaminant concentrations during 1999. Cluster analysis of water-quality data groups geochemical and contaminant concentrations into zones of homogeneous behavior.
Resumen El Análisis Estadístico Multivariado (AEM) se ha acoplado con éxito con herramientas cartográficas del Sistema de Información Geográfico (SIG), para delinear zonas de potencial contaminación de acuíferos. En tanto que la delimitación de contaminantes es importante para recuperación del sitio, ella está a menudo amenazada por una comprensión pobre de las condiciones hidrogeológicas, y por las incertidumbres en las observaciones del contaminante. El AEM proporciona estimaciones mejoradas de contaminación potencial al aumentar las concentraciones observadas del contaminante, con la información auxiliar de otros parámetros de calidad de agua. El SIG es útil para organizar y manejar la información de calidad de agua, a través de la comunicación visual de cantidades grandes de información. El método propuesto establece primero magnitudes de área apropiadas, el área cubierta por el SIG, y las escalas para mostrar las concentraciones de contaminación del agua subterránea, a partir de tritio y de contaminantes orgánicos volátiles como tricloroetileno (TCE) y tetracloroetileno (PCE) en el sitio del Río al Savannah, Carolina del Sur, EE.UU. El análisis de componentes principales se usa para agrupar variables que son más indicativas de contaminación potencial. El potencial de contaminación Tritio, se representa mejor como la combinación de tritio con los cationes Al, Mg, Na y los sólidos disueltos totales, mientras la contaminación potencial de PCE se predice usando PCE y Cl. Los mapas de potenciales de contaminación para los datos geoquímicos de 1993–1995 se comparan favorablemente con las concentraciones medidas del contaminante durante 1999. El análisis de racimo hecho en datos de calidad de agua, agrupa concentraciones geoquímicas y concentraciones del contaminante en las zonas de comportamiento homogéneo.

Résumé L’Analyse Statistique Multivariée (ASM) a été couplée avec succès avec les outils cartographiques des Sytèmes d’Information Géographique (SIG), afin de délimiter les zones à potentiel de contamination des aquifères. Alors que la connaissance de l’extension des contaminants est primordiale pour la réhabilitation des sites, elle est fréquemment compromise par une compréhension limitée du contexte hydrogéologique, et par les incertitudes sur l’observation des contaminants. L’ASM fournit une meilleure estimation du potentiel de contamination, en complétant les concentrations observées en contaminants par des informations annexes issues d’autres paramètres qualitatifs. Les SIG, par leurs capacités à conjuguer visuellement de grandes quantités d’information, sont utiles pour organiser et gérer les informations sur la qualité de l’eau. La première étape de la méthode proposée consiste à définir les limites spatiales appropriées, les couvertures SIG, ainsi que les échelles de visualisation des concentrations en contaminants des eaux souterraines, soit le tritium et les composés organiques volatiles trichloroéthylène et tetrachloroéthylène, sur le site de la rivière Savannah (Californie du Sud, USA). L’analyse en composantes principales est utilisée afin de regrouper les variables caractérisant de manière optimale le potentiel de contamination. Le potentiel de contamination en tritium est représenté le plus significativement par la combinaison du tritium, des cations Al, Mg et Na, et des solides dissous totaux (TDS). Le potentiel de contamination en tétrachloroéthylène est quant à lui estimé en utilisant le tetrachloroéthylène et Cl. Les cartes des potentiels de contamination établies sur les données géochimiques de la période 1993–1995 renvoient une image comparable aux concentrations en contaminants effectivement mesurées en 1999. Une analyse de groupement des données sur la qualité de l’eau rassemble les concentrations géochimiques et en contaminants dans des zones aux comportements homogènes.
The Oramiriukwa River is within the sandy coastal plain strata of the Benin formation (Miocene–Recent). The base flow is very high ranging from 79.13–98.56%, which is caused by the excellent hydraulic interconnection between the river and the adjacent unconfined aquifer. Recharge rates are high, estimated to range from 1.8×1012–2.5×1012 m3/year. Coastal sands are medium-to-coarse grained, moderately-to-poorly sorted, angular to subangular, with lenses of clay and clayey fine-grained sands. The coastal sands and clay lenses form aquifer and aquitard systems, which are unconfined to semi-confined. Groundwater recharge potential is high. Runoff from precipitation is low. Groundwater and surface water are fairly acidic; pH ranges from 5.5–6.1 (groundwater) and 5.8–6.5 (surface water), and hardness is generally low. Chemical analysis and percentage sodium show that groundwater and surface water are somewhat potable after some pH modification of the surface water. The waters are good for agricultural use, especially for irrigation and poultry water supply. However, pollution from landfill leachate is serious. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Hydrogeoenvironmental studies were carried out at the sewage-disposal site of Obafemi Awolowo University campus, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. The objective of the survey was to determine the reliability of the electrical-resistivity method in mapping pollution plumes in a bedrock environment. Fifty stations were occupied with the ABEM SAS 300C Terrameter using the Wenner array. The electrical-resistivity data were interpreted by a computer-iteration technique. Water samples were collected at a depth of 5.0 m in 20 test pits and analyzed for quality. The concentrations of Cr, Cd, Pb, Zn, and Cu are moderately above the World Health Organization recommended guidelines. Plumes of contaminated water issuing from the sewage ponds were delineated. The geoelectric sections reveal four subsurface layers, with increasing depth, lateritic clay, clayey sand/sand, and weathered/fractured bedrock, and fresh bedrock. The deepest layers, 3 and 4, constitute the main aquifer, which has a thickness of 3.1–67.1 m. The distribution of the elements in the sewage effluent confirms a hydrological communication between the disposal ponds and groundwater. The groundwater is contaminated, as shown by sampling and the geophysical results. Thus, the results demonstrate the reliability of the direct-current electrical-resistivity geophysical method in sensing and mapping pollution plumes in a crystalline bedrock environment. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
基于2003-2006年逐年1、8月WRF区域数值预报产品和单站观测资料,采用最小二乘支持向量机回归方法,结合选取合适的参数和核函数,分别按月通过不同长度样本序列建立了台北和厦门站总云量和低云量短期释用预报模型,利用2007年1、8月样本资料对模型进行了预报和检验,并与神经网络方法进行了对比.结果表明:最小二乘支持向量机回归方法的预报效果要好于神经网络方法;两站不同长度样本的总云量和低云量预报模型,预报效果较好,其预报准确率不会因为训练样本的减少而降低.可见,最小二乘支持向量机回归在云量等气象要素释用预报方面,具有较好的应用前景.  相似文献   
The dynamic seeding and glaciation of a mixed-phase cloud by ice crystals injected from above at Ny Ålesund, Svalbard, Norway is described using continuous lidar measurements and thermodynamic data. Glaciation of this cloud was caused by ice crystal growth and sedimentation due to the preferential differences in saturation vapor pressure over ice versus liquid water and riming. The lidar data suggest that precipitation reached the ground for nearly 4 h as a result. The symbiosis between ice and liquid water hydrometeor presence in the polar troposphere is unique. Thermal perturbations and airmass fluctuations influence microphysical cloud characteristics and radiative balance, which makes the otherwise pristine region sensitive to lower-latitude anthropogenic and biogenic influences and a focal point for observing indirect effects and their influence on climate change. The development of lidar technologies capable of continuous and autonomous measurements is yielding important datasets to study unique atmospheric phenomena.  相似文献   
We have speculated on the influence of organic material on extinction and absorption coefficients and liquid water content of fogs and of clouds immediately after their condensational stage. It results therefore, that the reduction of the speed of growth from fog to cloud droplets due to the presence of organic films largely reduces the properties mentioned. Compared to that their increase coming from the surface tension reduction due to organic material being dissolved or building up films is expected to be less effective.  相似文献   
Because of rapid forcing by varying cloud and sky conditions, turbulence time series collected in the atmospheric surface layer over land may often be nonstationary. The meteorological community, however, has no consensus definition of what nonstationarity is and, thus, no consensus method for how to identify it. This study, therefore, adopts definitions for first-order and second-order stationarity taken from the time series analysis literature and implements new analysis techniques and probabilistic tests to quantify first-order and second-order nonstationarity. First-order nonstationarity manifests as a change in the series mean; second-order nonstationarity, as a change in the variance. The analysis identifies nonstationarity in surface-level turbulent temperature and water vapour series collected during two sample days with solar forcing influenced by cirrus and cirrostratus clouds, but that nonstationarity is not as severe as expected despite the rapid thermal forcing by these clouds. On the other hand, even with negligible cloud forcing, both sample days exhibited severe nonstationarity at night.  相似文献   
该文介绍了当前天地图建设的现状,讨论了天地图与云计算集成的必要性和可行性。结合潍坊的实际情况提出了云架构下的天地图潍坊建设思路,完成了天地图潍坊(潍坊地图网)云架构的总体设计与关键技术研发,总结了天地图潍坊建设的特色与经验,为后续城市开展工作提供了参考与借鉴。  相似文献   
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