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“碧利斯”(0604)暴雨过程不同类型降水云微物理特征分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
本文利用"碧利斯"(0604)暴雨增幅过程高分辨率的数值模拟资料, 将降水分成对流降水和层云降水, 对比分析了不同类型降水云微物理特征和过程的差异, 探讨了不同类型降水对暴雨增幅的贡献, 结果指出:(1)暴雨增幅前, 降水基本为层云降水, 对流降水只存在于零星的几个小区域, 暴雨增幅发生时段, 对流降水所占比例较暴雨增幅前有显著增加, 平均降水强度达层云降水强度的3倍多。(2)暴雨增幅时段, 云系发展更加旺盛, 云中各种水凝物含量较增幅前明显增加, 其中, 对流和层云降水区云中水凝物含量均有一定程度增长, 但对流降水区增加更显著;而无论增幅前还是增幅时段, 对流降水区云中水凝物含量均要明显大于层云降水区, 并且两者的这种差异随着地面降水强度的增强而增大。(3)暴雨增幅前后, 对流降水区雨滴的两个主要来源最终均可以追踪到云水, 通过云水与大的液相粒子(雨滴)和大的固相粒子(雪)之间、以及大的固相粒子(雪和霰)之间的相互作用和转化, 造成雨滴增长, 并最终形成地面降水, 而层云降水区中与雨滴形成相关的上述主要云微物理过程明显变弱, 但层云降水区中暴雨增幅时段的上述过程又要强于增幅前, 说明层云降水对暴雨增幅也有一定贡献。  相似文献   
在众多种针对云垂直结构的探测中,毫米波雷达可获取云底、云顶、云厚等完整的云垂直结构信息,并可以连续监测云的垂直剖面变化,是有力的探测手段之一。而无线电探空因其直接的测量优势,能直观、确切地描述大气湿度垂直结构,可将其进一步处理生成云垂直结构信息,并作为一种数据源用于与毫米波雷达云垂直结构探测结果进行比对,以评估毫米波雷达针对云宏观垂直结构的探测性能,为毫米波雷达更好地应用于云探测提供参考。通过获取位于北京南郊观象台的毫米波雷达2014年10月28日至2015年2月17日长达113天连续观测的反射率因子以及探空温、压、湿数据,设计或选取合适的方法对二者进行云边界的计算,并进行云高(包括云底高和云顶高)以及云层数的一致性比对分析。结果认为,除对于高层云的云顶高度毫米波雷达由于探测限制不能探测到10 km以上的云顶,某些时刻与探空产生较大差异外,在云底高度以及中低云的云顶高度上可以与探空观测取得很好的匹配效果,对于云的垂直分层上二者也有较强的一致性。该毫米波雷达具有较为准确并连续刻画10 km以下云垂直结构的能力。  相似文献   
利用欧洲数值预报中心(ECMWF)发布的第一代全球分辨率ERA-Interim再分析数据,分析了1979~2014年天山山区水汽含量和云水含量的空间分布特征。结果显示:(1)水汽含量的高值中心出现在伊犁河谷地区,中心值域在10—11kg m-2之间,低值区位于天山中部的巴音布鲁克附近,中心值域在5—6kg m-2之间;夏季水汽含量最丰富,在8—11kg m-2之间。(2)云液水含量的高值区出现在博格达山北坡,而云冰水含量的高值区在西天山海拔较高的托木尔峰地区,低值区均在伊犁河谷等海拔低的地区;夏季云液水含量、云冰水含量均呈减少趋势,云冰水含量较云液水减少的更为明显,下降速率为0.28kg kg-1/10a;(3)垂直分布上,云液水含量在600hpa左右的高空出现高值区,中心最大值为10kg kg-1;云冰水含量的高值区则出现在500hpa左右的高空,为11kg kg-1;在对流层大气中云冰水含量值远大于云液水,且云冰水发展的高度较云液水更高。  相似文献   
2008年1月贵州冻雨的数值模拟和层结结构分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张昕  高守亭  王瑾 《高原气象》2015,34(2):368-377
针对2008年初发生在贵州地区的严重冻雨过程,分别从环流背景、低空急流和水汽输送条件等方面分析了准静止锋维持的原因,并选取本次灾害最严重的第3次过程为典型个例,利用WRF模式针对准静止锋影响下的贵州冻雨进行数值模拟来研究冻雨的发生机制。模拟结果较好地反映出高低空环流形势场特征,强雨雪降水带的走向、落区,以及地面温度的分布,均与观测基本吻合。通过分析高分辨率模式的模拟结果,揭示了准静止锋上贵州地区冻雨的层结结构特征及云物质在冻雨区的分布特征。研究结果表明,贵州中部的冻雨区除一般的三层结构(包含冰晶层、暖层和冷层)外,还具有典型的两层结构特征,即:高空的固体降水粒子稀少,900~600 h Pa深厚的逆温层和0℃以上的暖层使中低空存在大量液态粒子,下落的液滴经过近地面的浅薄冷层,形成大量过冷却雨滴,而后降落至地面迅速冻结。  相似文献   
Cloud droplet chemistry is modelled for the first 150 m of rise in a wintertime, mid-latitude, marine stratus cloud using observations made at and near the Cape Grim Baseline Station as a source of input parameters. The emphasis in this work was to study the variation in droplet chemistry as a function of both droplet size and nucleus composition, with a particular focus on the way in which oxidation of dissolved sulfur dioxide varied.At 150 m above the condensation level, solute concentration as a function of droplet size was found to increase by as much as 2 to 3 orders of magnitude for only a factor of 2 increase in droplet radius, primarily as a consequence of the 1/r dependence in the droplet growth equation. This type of size dependence exists at all levels in the model cloud, and has a significant influence on oxidation rate of sulfur dioxide in droplets growing on sulfate nuclei, oxidation by ozone being favoured in the smallest droplets, but oxidation by hydrogen peroxide being favoured in the larger droplets. Oxidation by ozone is favoured at all sizes in droplets formed on sea-salt nuclei as a result of the initially high alkalinity of these droplets, and in the cloud overall is calculated to be the more important oxidation pathway. Although based on a simplified chemical scheme, these results suggest that both size-dependent and nucleus-dependent chemistry of cloud droplets may need to be considered explicitly in cloud modelling work.Volume-weighted mean pH values in the range 5 to 6 were predicted from sensitivity studies in which input variables were varied over reasonable ranges, in agreement with two sets of bulk cloud-water pH data obtained by aircraft near Cape Grim.  相似文献   
The use of cloud tracking techniques and storm identification procedures is proposed in this paper with the aim of predicting the evolution of cloud entities associated with the highest rainfall probability within a given meteorological scenario. Suitable algorithms for this kind of analysis are based on the processing of digital images in the thermal infrared (IR) band from geostationary satellites: a selection of such algorithms is described in some detail together with a few real case applications. Three heavy rainfall events have been selected for this purpose with reference to the extreme meteorological situation observed during Fall 1992 and 1993 over the Mediterranean area. A window from 30 to 60 °N and from 20 °W to 30 °E has been identified for the analysis of data from the radiometer on board the ESA Meteosat platform. In conclusion, the suitability of cloud tracking techniques for predicting the probability of heavy rainfall events is discussed provided that the former are associated with proper modeling of small scale rainfall distribution.  相似文献   
ICONDUCTINGASEDIMENTATIONSURVEYTOCONFIRMISSUESIn1996,ElectricPowerResearchinstitilteandtheFERCjointlyconductedasedimentationsurveyofprimarilyNFHPreservoirsintheUnitedstates.Theprimarypurposesofthesurveyweref(l)toascertainthescopeandseriousnessofsedimentationproblemsinthereservoirs,(2)toexplorethefeasibilityofapplyingmoderntechnologiestomitigatesedimentationproblems,(3)todeterminetheneedsfortechnicalguidelines,(4)toassistFERCstaffinthelicensingofhydroelectricprojectswith…  相似文献   
本文研究发展利用GMS 5/VISSR每小时卫星观测资料反演地表温度的方法,首先利用时空判断法进行云检测寻找晴空像元,然后从辐射传输方程出发,由实时探空资料求取大气上行、下行辐射率及大气透过率,根据由AVHRR NDVI导出的地表比辐射率,用单时相双光谱分裂窗法反演得到地表温度.比较反演结果与54511站及其他中国基准站2000年地面0cm地表温度实测值,相对于国际上其他经验公式而言,本文算法在精度上有所提高.敏感性分析试验着重于大气衰减的影响.基于本文算法,给出了内蒙中东部地区地表温度连续4天的变化实例以及东亚部分陆地“纯晴天”地表温度图.  相似文献   
The water quality of the Pozuelos-Murillo lagoon system in southern Mexico was evaluated during three periods between March and October 2002, with particular emphasis on the detection of organochlorine and organophosphorous pesticide residues in water and sediments. Physicochemical and microbiological parameters of water were also measured and integrated in a water quality index (WQI). Multivariate analysis was used to regionalise the lagoon system as a function of the behaviour of all measured parameters. Solid phase micro-extraction followed by gas chromatography (SPME-GC) was used for pesticide analysis. The concentration of phosphorous was found to be higher than that of nitrogenous compounds. This, besides a deficiency in dissolved oxygen and a high organic matter concentration (as COD), reflects eutrophication processes in some areas of the system. Measured levels of faecal coliforms and oils and greases were above the limits established by Mexican law and comparable to the concentrations reported for other highly polluted systems in Mexico. Residues of DDD (2.0 microg L(-1)) in water and DDE (247 ng g(-1)) and endosulfan I (814 ng g(-1)) sediments were detected by SPME-GC. The spatial distribution of these contaminants implies major potential risks because the most polluted sites were found to be those with the highest fishing activity. Although in general the WQI is on acceptable levels (65-80%), some contamination problems are evident.  相似文献   
We have used the thermodynamic model of the climate to estimate the effect of variations in the oceanic cloud cover on the surface temperature of the Earth in the North Hemisphere (NH) during the period 1984–1990. We assume that the variations in the cloud cover are proportional to the variation of the cosmic ray flux measured during the same period. The results indicate that the effect in the temperature is slightly noticeable when we consider the surface hemispheric temperature on July 1987, finding an average temperature anomaly between −0.06°C and −0.14°C, along a latitudinal band between 20° and 40°. The surface temperature averaged globally in the NH presents a decrease of 0.01°C in average, which is almost the same for continents and oceans. However, these values are not significant when compared to the overall variability of the time series with and without forcing.  相似文献   
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