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To study the crustal movement in the vicinity of the epicenter before the Zhangye MS5.0 earthquake in 2019, the characteristics of crustal deformation before the earthquake are discussed through the GPS velocity field analysis based on the CMONOC data observed from GPS. The baseline time series between two continuous GPS stations and the strain time series of an area among several stations are analyzed in the epicenter area. The resulting time series of baseline azimuth around the epicenter reflects that the energy of the fault in the northern margin of Qilian Mountain is accumulated continuously before 2017. Besides, the movement trend of azimuth slows down after 2017, indicating the stress accumulation on both sides of the seismogenic fault zone has reached a certain degree. The first shear strain and EW-direction linear strain in the epicentral area of the Zhangye MS5.0 earthquake remain steady after 2017, and the surface strain rate decreases gradually after 2016. It is illustrated that there is an obvious deformation loss at the epicentral region three years before the earthquake, indicating that a certain degree of strain energy is accumulated in this area before the earthquake.  相似文献   
2020年5月18日云南省巧家县发生M_S5.0地震,中国数字强震动台网的13个强震台站和昭通简易烈度计示范项目建设的43个烈度计台站,共接收168条强震动记录,经常规处理,绘制震区加速度峰值等值线图,并与云南地区常用地震动衰减关系进行对比,分析加速度峰值较大的几个台站频谱特性,计算地震动能量持时,讨论中小地震中高加速度峰值/低震害现象的成因,得到以下结论:(1) PGA等值线图形状较为平滑,其长轴呈NW—SE向展布;(2)云南地区常用地震动衰减关系预测值总体衰减趋势与观测值一致,但在近场(0—30 km)时,预测值基本偏小;(3)加速度峰值较大的几个台站记录主频集中在1—5 Hz;(4)小河镇台记录的能量持时较短,说明能量衰减较快,属脉冲型记录,不会对建筑物造成较大破坏。  相似文献   
2015年1月14日乐山金口河M5.0地震发生在历史地震强度较低的川南山区与四川盆地交界一带。基于四川区域地震台网的震相报告与波形资料,采用双差定位法对地震序列进行重新定位,同时,采用CAP波形反演方法及HASH方法反演了主震及序列中8次ML≥2.0地震的震源机制解。另外,利用Coulomb3计算了主震发生后库仑应力改变量,得到的结果如下:①重新定位结果显示,金口河M5.0地震位于(103.18°E,29.32°N),震源深度16.6km,略深于波形反演结果(12km)。序列分布在NNW向天全-荥经断裂和NE向西河-美姑断裂的交汇部位,余震序列在空间上呈NE向展布。②M5.0主震的机制解为节面Ⅰ:走向350°/倾角46°/滑动角107°,节面Ⅱ:走向146°/倾角47°/滑动角73°,表现为走向NW(NNW)、中等倾角的逆冲型运动方式。序列中其余8次ML≥2.0余震大多以走向NE的逆冲型地震为主,个别为走滑或正断层类型。主震和大部分余震的节面方向不一致,主震节面方向与余震长轴方向也不一致。③主震后库仑应力改变量显示,余震主要发生在主震引起的库仑破裂应力增加的区域。综合分析推测,NNW向天全-荥经断裂为本次地震主震的发震构造,倾向NE的机制解节面Ⅰ指出了该断裂的几何产状;M5.0主震发生后,立即触发了其旁侧的NE向西河-美姑断裂,并激发了多次余震。  相似文献   
Earthquakes are a serious natural disaster faced by countries all over the world. Research on earthquake hazard mitigation are important parts of earthquake science and is a feature of China''s development of earthquake science. In recent years, the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of the People''s Republic of China, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the China Earthquake Administration (CEA) have attached great importance to basic research on earthquake hazard mitigation, and new opportunities and challenges have emerged. This paper collects the applications and approvals of the National Key R&D Program and the NSFC projects undertaken by the research institutes of the CEA system in recent years. The CEA system has received funding in the 13th “Five-year Plan” for “Monitoring, Early Warning and Prevention of Major Natural Disaster”. The implementation of these projects is expected to provide support for the basic science and applied research of the CEA system. In the NSFC, the number of applications from the CEA system is relatively stable, and the funding rate is slightly higher than the average for the department of earth science. Although no detailed statistical analysis has been performed, the CEA system still has room for improvement in the application of talent and major programs. I hope that the brief review of new opportunities that have arose in recent years described in this article can provide some background and new thinking for future challenges.  相似文献   
立足于组件式GIS技术,结合哈尔滨市基础空间地理信息系统的建设与实施,阐述了利用组件式GIS平台进行GIS建设的方式、方法以及采用该方法的优势、现状和未来的发展趋势等内容。  相似文献   
了解农村居民对地震常识的掌握情况是做好农村震害防御工作的重要参考.本文研究设计了调查表格,对农村居民地震常识的掌握情况进行了调查.通过甘肃省16个县(区)的现场抽样调查,得到了甘肃省农村居民的地震常识掌握情况,并通过对比研究,分析了造成农村居民地震常识掌握不足以及造成差异的影响因素.基于调查结果,本文针对农村居民地震常识的掌握情况,提出了增强农村居民防震减灾知识,提高其震害防御意识的工作建议.  相似文献   
2006年,国土资源部确定在全国范围内开展基本农田保护示范区建设,济南市每年设立1 333.33 hm2(2万亩)市级基本农田保护示范区,进行田、水、路、林、村综合整治。通过科学选定项目、明确建设任务、完善建设标准,逐步实现基本农田建设标准化、基础工作规范化、保护责任社会化,促进农业增产、农村增效、农民增收。  相似文献   
成都市作为"中国最佳旅游城市",应该充分挖掘旅游资源潜力,利用信息技术提高旅游管理和服务水平,吸引更多的游客资源,为成都的经济发展服务,树立成都旅游的新形象。同时,以软件技术和空间信息处理为核心的地理信息系统技术,具有强大的空间信息管理、属性数据查询、空间信息分析等功能,为旅游信息系统开发提供了理想的平台。本文根据成都市旅游资源的实际情况,从信息系统的管理开发和软件工程的角度出发,设计了基于GIS的成都市旅游信息系统的开发思路,并利用组件式GIS软件SuperMap Objects为开发平台,结合高级编程语言VB.NET,具体编程实现了成都市旅游信息系统的部分查询功能和空间分析功能,基本上可以满足游客的信息查询和分析的需要。  相似文献   
房产基础测绘为城市房产管理提供最基础的地理信息数据。为满足单位开展房产基础测绘工作的需要,针对房产基础测绘的规范要求,设计实现了一套以AutoCAD为开发平台的房产基础测绘成图软件。该文重点介绍了软件开发过程中的绘图菜单设计、图形图例符号绘制及相应的绘图程序开发工作。  相似文献   
介绍了采用Visual Basic语言编程实现大批量、反复的、条理性的测量数据文件一次性处理的方法和技巧。批量处理数据,能够节省工作时间、减轻劳动强度、提高工作效率,还可减少人工错误、确保数据精度,值得推广。  相似文献   
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