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区域生态风险评价是对各种生态风险及环境问题进行评价和管理的重要手段。针对雅安地震灾区特殊的自然地理及生态环境特征,选取芦山县为研究对象,采用遥感、GIS及SPSS统计分析的方法,通过风险源、风险受体、暴露和易损性分析,建立生态风险综合评价模型,划分生态风险区类型,进而提出生态风险管理对策。结果表明:1)微度和低度生态风险区集中分布在高海拔的森林及草地生态系统,该区生物多样性丰富,抗干扰能力较强,地质灾害及人类活动影响较小;2)中度和高度生态风险区具有沿农田及建设用地生态系统集聚分布的特征,该区地质灾害频繁,地壳活动性较强,生态系统抵抗灾害的能力较差。研究结果可为地震灾区防御、规避风险及安全选址提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Land subsidence in densely urbanized areas is a global problem that is primarily caused by excessive groundwater withdrawal. The Kathmandu Basin is one such area where subsidence due to groundwater depletion has been a major problem in recent years. Moreover, on 25 April 2015, this basin experienced large crustal movements caused by the Gorkha earthquake (Mw 7.8). Consequently, the effects of earthquake-induced deformation could affect the temporal and spatial nature of anthropogenic subsidence in the basin. However, this effect has not yet been fully studied. In this paper, we applied the SBAS-DInSAR technique to estimate the spatiotemporal displacement of land subsidence in the Kathmandu Basin before and after the Gorkha earthquake, using 16 ALOS-1 Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) images during the pre-seismic period and 26 Sentinel-1 A/B SAR images during the pre- and post-seismic periods. The results showed that the mean subsidence rate in the central part of the basin was about ?8.2 cm/year before the earthquake. The spatial extents of the subsiding areas were well-correlated with the spatial distributions of the compressible clay layers in the basin. We infer from time-series InSAR analysis that subsidence in the Kathmandu basin could be associated with fluvio-lacustrine (clay) deposits and local hydrogeological conditions. However, after the mainshock, the subsidence rate significantly increased to ?15 and ?12 cm/year during early post-seismic (108 days) and post-seismic (2015–2016) period, respectively. Based on a spatial analysis of the subsidence rate map, the entire basin uplifted during the co-seismic period has started to subside and become stable during the early-post-seismic period. This is because of the elastic rebound of co-seismic deformation. However, interestingly, the localized areas show increased subsidence rates during both the early-post- and post-seismic periods. Therefore, we believe that the large co-seismic deformation experienced in this basin might induce the local subsidence to increase in rate, caused by oscillations of the water table level in the clay layer.  相似文献   
The current approach for seismic retrofit of deficient bridge columns in California involves extensive use of steel jacketing. In this paper, the influence of steel jacketing on the lateral response of circular bridge columns is studied; particularly, the enhancement of the ultimate compressive strain of concrete, the increase in curvature ductility capacity and the increase in lateral stiffness are investigated. The current steel jacket thickness used in California is shown to enhance the ultimate compressive strain of concrete by 4–9 times the spalling strain of unconfined concrete. For larger steel jacket thickness, the ultimate limit state of steel-jacketed columns may be governed by the low-cycle fatigue fracture of the longitudinal reinforcement instead of the ultimate compressive strain of concrete. Steel jacketing is also expected to increase significantly the lateral stiffness of columns if full-height steel jackets are used. The increase in lateral stiffness of flexural columns (3⩽L/D⩽9) is estimated to be 35–60 per cent using current jacket thickness. Inelastic dynamic analyses of steel-jacketed columns using ground motions recorded during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake indicated that the current steel jacket thickness provides adequate protection against the damage potential of the ground motions with comparable spectral acceleration as that specified in current design spectra, and the damage sustained by the steel-jacketed column is likely to be repairable.  相似文献   
广西及邻区中等地震前地震活动参数时间扫描异常特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了广西及邻区中等地震前7种地震活动性参数的时间扫描异常特征,结果表明,地震活动性参数的分析可以提取中等地震前的异常信息,在中等地震前异常明显,对广西及邻区未来中强地震的震情分析有一定的预报意义。  相似文献   
立式储液罐地震破坏快速评估方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用大型有限元程序ANSYS对立式储液罐的地震反应进行了非线性数值分析,考虑了罐体和内部液体的相互作用,得到了3个不同容积的储罐,在不同峰值的地震动时程输入下的反应结果。结合地震灾害中立式储罐的地震破坏现象和特点,以及现有的立式储罐地震破坏预测方法,提出了立式储罐的地震破坏快速评估方法。  相似文献   
1 Introduction Structural retro?t techniques (Roberts, 2005), such as restrainers, concrete shear keys, steel jackets, CFRPshells, base isolators, or dampers have been widely studied and implemented in actual structures based on the experiences learned from past earthquakes. In the Chi-Chi earthquake (EERI, 2001), the damage to simply-supported PCI girder bridges provided a different view from which to examine the function of a rubber bearing system for simply- supported bridges (NCREE,…  相似文献   
2005年云南会泽、文山5.3级地震短临预报及再认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年8月5日、8月13日云南会泽、文山分别发生5.3级地震。震前,前兆各学科出现不同程度的异常变化,异常台项达30多项,并呈现非线性上升趋势。据此,震前对这两次地震做出了短临预报。震后对两次地震的震前异常做了进一步分析研究,认为异常主要分布在距离震中20~180km范围内,集中出现在震前2个月。水温异常对发震地点有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   
伽师强震群的深部动力学条件   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
赵俊猛  卢芳  嘉世旭  徐强  唐伟 《地震研究》2006,29(4):338-343
根据天山造山带及其两侧的塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地的岩石圈二维速度结构、二维密度结构、二维电性结构、壳幔过渡带的详细结构以及大地热流和震源深度的分布,再结合对新疆西北部的蛇绿岩带、高压变质带和岩浆岩分布的综合分析,建立了天山造山带的地球动力学“层间插入消减”模型。该模型认为,塔里木板块的中上地壳在库尔勒断裂附近向天山造山带的中下地壳层间插入;而下地壳连同岩石圈地幔向天山造山带的上地幔俯冲消减。在天山的西段(哈萨克斯坦境内),费尔干纳地块由北向南插入到南天山之下约180km的深处,在其东段(中国境内),塔里木盆地由南向北插入南天山之下。这两个具有不同方向的下降板片的接触部位为费尔干纳走滑断裂。我国的伽师、喀什、乌恰地震区均落在这两个具有不同俯冲方向板块的结合部位附近,有着特殊的深部构造背景。南、北两大板块的双向挤压必定产生强大的应力,在地震区附近,这种应力的积累与释放具有4个显著的特点:(1)板片的俯冲消减速度约高达每年22mm左右;(2)应力的积累与释放速率加快;(3)应力释放较容易;(4)应力释放较为集中。这4个特点可能是伽师地区在较短的时间内连续发生数次强震的构造因素。  相似文献   
采用遥感影像解译、小震精定位等方法,结合野外地震地质调查,分析了贺街-夏郢断裂附近的遥感影像特征和小震分布特征,并据此将贺街-夏郢断裂从南到北分为南段(夏郢镇毓秀-石桥镇新塘)、中段(石桥镇新塘-步头镇白石口)、北段(步头镇白石口以北).结果显示,贺街-夏郢断裂中段卫星影像上线性特征明显,控制石桥-沙头盆地的发育,局部...  相似文献   
震区植被恢复初期土壤理化性质与土壤呼吸间的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解地震灾区不同恢复方式下土壤理化性质和土壤呼吸间的关系,选取2种典型气候区(干旱河谷气候区与亚热带季风气候区)为研究区,设置人工恢复、未受损、自然恢复3种恢复方式的固定样地,定期测定土壤呼吸与土壤理化性质(有机碳、全氮、全磷、速效氮、有效磷、容重、孔隙度、电导率和pH值),并分析各因子间的相关关系。结果表明:气候类型显著影响土壤全氮、容重、孔隙度、电导率以及土壤呼吸,表现为干旱河谷气候区显著优于亚热带季风气候区;恢复方式显著影响土壤呼吸速率、有机碳、全氮、全磷、速效氮、有效磷含量、C:P、N:P、容重、孔隙度和电导率,基本表现为未受损样地优于人工恢复样地优于自然恢复样地;二者交互作用显著影响土壤呼吸、土壤物理性质和除全磷、有效磷外主要土壤养分的流失。两种气候区土壤呼吸的影响因子不同,干旱河谷气候区主要为土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、速效氮、pH值、容重和孔隙度,亚热带季风气候区主要为土壤有机质、全氮、速效氮、容重和孔隙度。本研究为评价和优化西南地区灾后恢复治理措施提供一定科学依据,对其生态安全维护和生态屏障建设提供帮助。  相似文献   
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