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赤平投影是将物体三维空间的几何要素(线、面)反映在投影平面上进行处理的方法。将极射赤平投影方法应用到定向钻进轴线的设计计算中,将空间问题转化为平面问题,再利用球面三角形有关公式进行计算,即可得到一系列的特征参数计算公式。研究表明,采用极射赤平投影和球面三角形解析几何相结合的设计计算方法,是一种既简便又快捷的定向钻进轨迹设计方法。   相似文献   
提出了一种利用独立成分分析(ICA)正交子空间投影加权的高光谱影像目标探测方法。该方法从影像像元集合的独立成分入手,通过一种光谱相似性测度加权,赋予每个像素合适的权值,从而有效地解决从原始影像中无法正确提取背景数据而造成的虚警概率高的问题。实验结果表明,相比于经典的CEM方法,在相同的探测概率下,该方法能降低1.97%的虚警概率;与相关目标探测算法相比,所提出的算法具有较好的目标探测效果。  相似文献   
为预估全球变暖背景下中国西南地区未来暴雨洪涝灾害风险的变化特征,研究挑选5个CMIP6模式和5个极端降水指数,结合地形因子、社会经济数据和耕地面积百分比,构建暴雨洪涝灾害风险评估模型,对西南暴雨洪涝灾害风险进行基准期(1995—2014年)评估、未来两个时期(2021—2040年,2041—2060年)3种情景(SSP1-2.6,SSP2-4.5,SSP5-8.5)下的预估和对比分析。结果表明:EC-Earth3, EC-Earth3-Veg两个单模式对5个极端降水指数的模拟效果较好,不等权重集合(UEWA-5)的效果整体优于等权重集合(EWA-5)。西南地区5个极端降水指数的高值区位于云南西部、广西东北部以及四川盆地西缘,社会脆弱性和辐射强迫越高,极端降水指数平均值和最大值越大; 从基准期到未来两个时期,5个极端降水指数均呈增大趋势。未来暴雨洪涝灾害的中高风险区和高风险区主要分布在四川成都市、重庆中心和四川盆地西部、云南昆明市、广西中南部和桂林市等局部较发达地区; 未来两个时期SSP2-4.5情景下的中高风险区和高风险区面积最大; 从基准期到未来远期,中高风险区和高风险区面积将随着时间增长而增加。  相似文献   
提出了一种基于多分辨率小波高频特征系数的高光谱遥感影像亚像素目标识别方法。首先利用多尺度小波变换将光谱信号分解为不同尺度的高频特征信号,然后借助接收操作特性曲线(ROC)和马氏距离投影寻踪求取一维最佳识别特征,最后通过高斯最大似然决策函数求解亚像素目标的存在概率。通过38种小波函数的高光谱数据实验证明,该方法对亚像素目标的识别效果较好。  相似文献   
对施奈德等积多面体投影的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了先确定边界、再逐步精化的研究思路,系统、直观地阐述了投影的基本原理,并推导了严密的变换公式,在此基础上给出了详细算法和部分实验结果。  相似文献   
跨带土地利用规划图的编制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在县级土地利用规划用图中,常涉及到跨投影带的地图拼接问题,一般使用邻带转换法实现跨带区域的地图显示,该方法在实际应用中存在面积和角度变形相对较大的不足.本文采用自定义中央经线的投影转带方法,经过高斯投影变换,较好地解决了县域范围的跨带拼接显示并有效控制了相关变形.  相似文献   
矿业权边界在资源储量估算垂直纵投影图上的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用垂直纵投影图进行资源储量估算时,当矿体走向与矿业权边界斜交时,矿业权边界在资源储量垂直纵投影图上投影的准确位置较难确定。该文介绍了利用不同中段平面图和利用计算公式确定矿业权边界在资源储量垂直纵投影图上的投影位置,对解决此类问题具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
The Working Group I report of the Sixth Assessment Report(AR6)of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)was released in August 2021. Base on updated and expanding data, AR6 presented the improved assessment of past changes and processes of cryosphere. AR6 also predicted the future changes us⁃ ing the models in CMIP6. The components of cryosphere were rapid shrinking under climate warming in the last decade. There were decreasing trends in Arctic sea-ice area and thickness. Sea-ice loss was significant. The Greenland Ice Sheet, the Antarctic Ice Sheet and all glaciers lost more mass than in any other decade. Global warming over the last decades had led to widespread permafrost warming, active layer thickness increasing and subsea permafrost extent reducing. Snow cover extent in the Northern Hemisphere also decreased significantly. However, the variations of snow depth and snow water equivalent showed great spatial heterogeneity. The rapid shrinking of the cryosphere accelerated the global mean sea level rise. The impact of human activities on cryo⁃ sphere will become more significant in the future. The Arctic sea-ice area will decrease, and the Arctic Ocean will likely become practically sea ice-free. The Greenland Ice Sheet, the Antarctic Ice Sheet and glaciers will continue to lose mass throughout this century. Permafrost and Northern Hemisphere snow cover extent will con⁃ tinue to decrease as global climate continues to warm. In addition, there are still uncertainties in the prediction of cryosphere due to the absence of observations, the poor sensitivity of models to the components and processes of cryosphere, and the inexplicit represent of the mechanism of light-absorbing impurities. More attentions should be paid on these issues in the future. © 2022 Science Press (China). All rights reserved.  相似文献   
为了便于实现等面积方位投影与椭球等角圆柱或圆锥投影之间的变换,借助具有强大符号运算功能的计算机代数系统Mathematica,推导出了等面积纬度和等量纬度之间变换的直接表达式,进一步将表达式改进为适合电算的形式,并将其系数统一表示为关于椭球偏心率e和椭球第三扁率n的幂级数形式。通过算例分析表明:基于第三扁率n的幂级数表达式具有更紧凑的形式和更好的收敛性,且导出公式的计算误差分别小于10^-8和10^-8″,可以满足大地测量和地图制图计算精度要求。  相似文献   
We evaluated the potential impact of future climate change on spring maize and single-crop rice in northeastern China(NEC) by employing climate and crop models. Based on historical data, diurnal temperature change exhibited a distinct negative relationship with maize yield, whereas minimum temperature correlated positively to rice yield. Corresponding to the evaluated climate change derived from coupled climate models included in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5(CMIP5) under the Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5 scenario(RCP4.5), the projected maize yield changes for three future periods [2010–39(period 1), 2040–69(period 2), and 2070–99(period 3)] relative to the mean yield in the baseline period(1976–2005) were 2.92%, 3.11% and 2.63%, respectively. By contrast, the evaluated rice yields showed slightly larger increases of 7.19%, 12.39%, and 14.83%, respectively. The uncertainties in the crop response are discussed by considering the uncertainties obtained from both the climate and the crop models. The range of impact of the uncertainty became markedly wider when integrating these two sources of uncertainty. The probabilistic assessments of the evaluated change showed maize yield to be relatively stable from period 1 to period 3, while the rice yield showed an increasing trend over time. The results presented in this paper suggest a tendency of the yields of maize and rice in NEC to increase(but with great uncertainty) against the background of global warming, which may offer some valuable guidance to government policymakers.  相似文献   
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