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AMethodforSpaceborneSyntheticRemoteSensingofAtmosphericAerosolOpticalDepthandVegetationReflectance①QiuJinhuan(邱金桓)Instituteof...  相似文献   
OLCI(Ocean Land Colour Instrument)作为MERIS(Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer)的后继升级版传感器,在气溶胶反演中存在潜在优势,但是目前利用OLCI数据进行气溶胶监测的研究较少。因此,本文针对OLCI多通道反射特征开发了OLCI云检测算法,并对传统查找表构建方法进行改进,根据观测几何特征提出动态查找表法,并通过光谱卷积方式等效转换MODIS和OLCI红蓝通道地表反射率并获取OLCI红蓝通道地表反射率固定关系,进而实现台湾岛550 nm处的AOD反演。与550 nm处AERONET level 2.0 AOD验证结果首先表明不同季节、不同站点的精度表现存在一定差异,其次相对于同期MOD04_3K AOD产品,本文反演结果与全球气溶胶自动观测网(AERONET)站点实测值之间表现出更显著 的相关性(R2=0.8199),均方根误差(RMSE)从0.175下降到0.113,相对平均误差(RME)从33.6%下降到26.7%,且67.5%的OLCI AOD落在预测误差(EE)区间内,明显大于MOD04_3K AOD落在预测误差区间的百分比(55.7%)。此外,误差分析表明,当实际AOD值较低时,红蓝通道地表反射率之间关系的误判会导致较为明显的AOD反演相对误差。  相似文献   
复杂地形城市冬季边界层气溶胶扩散和分布模拟   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
郑飞  张镭  朱江  王慧 《高原气象》2007,26(3):532-540
着眼于城市冬季气溶胶扩散特征问题,针对地形复杂的兰州市及周边地区,开发了WRF模式,使之与包含了大气气溶胶辐射效应和气溶胶粒子扩散的综合大气边界层数值模式嵌套,以模拟城市冬季边界层气溶胶的扩散和分布规律。通过一个个例的模拟结果分析,揭示了兰州冬季气溶胶的扩散分布的如下特征;市区盆地内100 m以下存在东、西两个浓度高值中心,中心值为0.6~3.0 mg.m-3,往上浓度递减,1000 m高度处仅为0.02 mg.m-3。受排放源强、源高、气象场等因素的共同影响,白天盆地内气溶胶浓度随高度和时间的变化强烈,白天浓度随时间最大变化幅度为1.0 mg.m-3。气溶胶输送扩散高度可达到600~800 m,此高度以上浓度值很小。代表性测点上模拟的气溶胶浓度廓线表明,中午浓度达到最高,垂直扩散最强。这些结果与以往的烟雾层高度观测和气溶胶光学厚度观测结果吻合。夜间,盆地内气溶胶浓度随高度和时间的变化减弱,气溶胶输送扩散高度在400~500m,夜间浓度随时间变化平均幅度为0.05 mg.m-3。  相似文献   
机载激光雷达对青岛及周边海域的气溶胶探测   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
工作波长为532 nm的机载大气环境探测激光雷达AEDAL(Atmospheric Environment Detecting Airborne Lidar)装载在CMS_3807飞机上,于2005年11月7~11日期间在青岛地区及周边海域上空进行了飞行探测.此次实验的目的有两个:验证我国用于大气环境探测的激光雷达技术已经具备从地基向空基乃至天基发展的条件;获得青岛地区及周边海域边界层结构及大气气溶胶时空分布变化的特点.激光雷达的高时空分辨率为获取飞行路径上的边界层结构及气溶胶时空分布提供了可能.为了研究下垫面对边界层及气溶胶时空分布的影响,预定的飞行路径上包含了丰富的地形变化,有城市、丘陵、海区等.通过给出11月8日及11日的探测结果,不仅得到了不同地区边界层结构及气溶胶的时空分布特点,还可以看到冷锋、地形、地面气象场等因素对它们的影响.  相似文献   
气溶胶单次散射反照率(SSA)表征气溶胶吸收特性,很大程度上决定了气溶胶辐射强迫的正负,对准确评估气候变化中的气溶胶辐射强迫具有重要意义。根据2004年10月至2016年12月地基AERONET(AERosol RObotic NETwork)和OMI(Ozone Monitoring Instrument)卫星数据,分析了中国北方典型地区(北京、香河、兴隆和兰州郊区)SSA的变化趋势以及两组数据的一致性。4个站AERONET和OMI 的SSA年均值分别为:北京0.89±0.04和0.90±0.04,香河0.89±0.04和0.91±0.04,兴隆0.92±0.04和0.91±0.04,兰州0.91±0.04和0.90±0.04。4个站点SSA季节变化一致,夏季高冬季低。SSA年际变化趋势分析时,因有效数据较少且为非正态分布,用月中位数代替月均值,同时需对数据进行筛选和去季节变化,结果显示北京和香河均有地基和卫星有效数据时间尺度不同的情况,而兴隆OMI和兰州AERONET满足趋势分析要求。在研究期间,4站SSA均呈上升趋势,说明近年来中国北方气溶胶的吸收性减弱,散射特性增强,尤其北京四季地基和卫星数据均呈上升趋势,但香河秋冬吸收性增强。同时,对AERONET和OMI两种反演算法得到的SSA一致性进行分析。香河结果差异较大,仅30%的数据在误差±0.03的范围内,55%在±0.05的范围内;北京分别为46%(±0.03)和68%(±0.05),兴隆分别为50%(±0.03)和76%(±0.05),兰州数据一致性较好,分别为51%(±0.03)和86%(±0.05),总体来说是受人为活动影响比较明显的地区,数据一致性较差。  相似文献   
20世纪80年代中国地区大气气溶胶光学厚度的平均状况分析   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
利用中国北京等 41个甲种日射站 1 979~ 1 990年太阳直接辐射日总量和日照时数等资料 ,配合同期 TOMS version - 7臭氧观测资料 ,反演了 41个站逐年、逐月 0 .75μm大气气溶胶的平均光学厚度值 (Aerosol Optical Depth,AOD) ,据此分析了 1 2 a来中国大气气溶胶的变化和时空平均分布特征。结果表明 :中国大气气溶胶光学厚度 AOD的多年平均分布是以四川盆地为中心向四周减少 ,南疆盆地和长江中游武汉附近为另两个大值中心 ;长江中下游大部分地区、山东半岛以及广东沿海等 ,AOD值亦较大 ;而东北大部、西北大部、云南和福建沿海等地 AOD较小。AOD各月平均分布有所不同。中国绝大部分地区春季 AOD值最大 ,最小值则各地不同。 1 979~ 1 990年 ,青藏高原、四川盆地西部、贵州北部、长江中下游大部分地区、山东半岛和南疆盆地西部等 ,AOD呈增长趋势。而东北地区、西北地区大部、云贵高原和广西西部以及华东沿海等地 AOD呈减小势态。中国地区 AOD的季节变化曲线大体可分为单峰、一峰一谷、两峰一谷和多峰等 4种类型  相似文献   
利用2009年3月-2010年3月大同国家基准气候站20m气象梯度塔的风向、风速、气温、相对湿度的观测资料及PM10质量浓度数据、气溶胶散射系数数据,分析大同地区典型沙尘天气过程近地层气象要素演变特征。结果表明,风速在沙尘暴、扬沙的发生、发展过程中均较大,浮尘较小。气温在沙尘暴期间受冷空气的影响迅速减小,而在扬沙和浮尘天气条件下温度的变化主要取决于长短波辐射的强弱和沙尘气溶胶的辐射强迫。相对湿度在沙尘暴期间基本上呈递增态势,结束后比发生前相对湿度增大,在扬沙和浮尘天气条件下,相对湿度与温度完全呈现出反相关关系,且相对湿度均较小。PM10质量浓度在沙尘暴、扬沙、浮尘天气条件下依次递减。沙尘暴期间气溶胶散射系数明显增大。  相似文献   
中国东部若干地区大气气溶胶虚折射指数特征   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
胡欢陵  许军  黄正 《大气科学》1991,15(3):18-23
利用直接取样和积分片方法对大气气溶胶的折射指数虚部n_i进行了大量的实际测量。根据测量结果,给出了中国东部不同类型地区气溶胶n_i的统计特征:城市地区为0.080;郊区为0.063;乡村地区为0.030;高山为0.012;南海区域为0.006。城市和郊区的n_i值,冬半年(11月至次年的5月)比夏半年(6月至10月)大,12月份的n_i为极大值。除南海外,中国东部各类地区的n_i值比国外同类地区偏大,这与把煤炭作为主要能源造成的燃煤烟尘污染有关。  相似文献   
It′s essential to measure air concentrations and depositional fluxes of environmental radionuclides in different regions for modeling global contamination transfer and validation, tracing deposition process and dating, referencing watershed erosion trace and assessing natural radiation of ecosystem. This study introduces the research background and methods and explains weekly variations of 210Pb and 7Be concentrations in surface air and precipitation at Mt. Guanfeng/Guiyang since 2001. The results indicate that 210Pb and 7Be concentrations in surface air fluctuate periodically at 2~6 week interval because of the meteorological condition changes. The annual trend in 210Pb air concentration is overall influenced by air temperature variation and periodical rainfall. 7Be air concentration varies up and down regualarly. The synchronization of low concentrations for both 210Pb and 7Be in surface air and high ratio (210Pb/7Be ≥ 0.8) indicate oceanic poor 210Pb-7Be air mass invasion. The synchronization of high concentrations of 210Pb and 7Be in surface air and low ratio (210Pb/7Be ≤ 0.7) implies rich 7Be air mass invasion from altostratus atmosphere. Weekly concentrations of 210Pb and 7Be in precipitation and the Kd coefficients are high in late Autumn to Spring, and low in late Spring to Autumn. Although 210Pb and 7Be concentrations vary seasonally, their weekly concentrations in precipitation increase with that of air concentration. The 210Pb and 7Be weekly concentrations for seasonal division is about 0.2 Bq/L and 1 Bq/L, respectively. However, the Kd coefficient decreases when 210Pb and 7Be air concentrations increase. Deposition of 210Pb and 7Be with precipitation mainly take place in Spring and Summer; The weekly fallout of 210Pb and 7Be increases with increasing precipitation; the increase of 7Be is triple of that of 210Pb and 2.5 when precipitation nears to zero. The weekly-high fallout of 210Pb and 7Be with precipitation corresponds with the dramatic decrease of their air concentrations within or vicinal weeks. The ratio of 210Pb to 7Be in rainfall is overall ≤ 0.5 and varies synchronously with the ratio in surface air, indicating that the two radionuclides are cleaned by precipitation from air at close speed. In the extreme freezing disaster in 2008, both 210Pb and 7Be air concentrations were low and coupling with coexist of low concentration of aerosol and high nuclides activities. Weekly concentration of 7Be in surface air at Mt. Guanfeng demonstrates the anticipated concentration level in the low-latitude and high-elevation region; the short-term fluctuations of 7Be concentration indicated the hysteresis was influcenced by the strong air current submersion and the low-elevation air mass rising differently at Mt. Guanfeng and Mt. Waliguan.   相似文献   
The second Arctic Gas and Aerosol Sampling Program (AGASP-II) was conducted across the Alaskan and Canadian Arctic in April 1986, to study the in situ aerosol, and the chemical and optical properties of Arctic haze. The NOAA WP-3D aircraft, with special instrumentation added, made six flights during AGASP-II. Measurements of wind, pressure, temperature, ozone, water vapor, condensation nuclei (CN) concentration, and aerosol scattering extinction (bsp) were used to determine the location of significant haze layers. The measurements made on the first three flights, over the Arctic Ocean north of Barrow and over the Beaufort Sea north of Barter Island, Alaska are discussed in detail in this report of the first phase of AGASP II. In the Alaskan Arctic the WP-3D detected a large and persistent region of haze between 960 and 750 mb, in a thermally stable layer, on 2, 8, and 9 April 1986. At its most dense, the haze contained CN concentrations >10,000 cm–3 and bsp of 80×10–6 m–1 suggesting active SO2 to H2SO4 gas-to-particle conversion. Calculations based upon observed SO2 concentrations and ambient relative humidities suggest that 104–105 small H2SO4 droplets could have been produced in the haze layers. High concentrations of sub-micron H2SO4 droplets were collected in haze. Ozone concentrations were 5–10 ppb higher in the haze layers than in the surrounding troposphere. Outside the regions of haze, CN concentrations ranged from 100 to 400 cm–3 and bsp values were about (20–40)×10–6 m–1. Air mass trajectories were computed to depict the air flow upwind of regions in which haze was observed. In two cases the back trajectories and ground measurements suggested the source to be in central Europe.  相似文献   
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