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采集青藏高原东南缘雅砻江下游代表性植物群落表层土壤(0 ~ 10cm)样品, 测量土壤不同形态碳含量和稳定碳同位素组成(δ13Corg), 运用δ13Corg和化学计量指标探讨干热河谷土壤碳储量及其驱动因素。结果表明: 1)雅砻江下游表层土壤碳储量为121×109 kg C, 其中颗粒有机碳储量占79.48 %, 颗粒无机碳储量占20.05 %, 溶解有机碳和溶解无机碳储量甚微。2)比较发现, 研究区土壤碳含量和碳汇潜力较大。土壤有机碳(SOC)含量较高(21.23g/kg), 尤其杂木林地SOC含量高达49.71g/kg。揭示研究区物种多样性对SOC含量的贡献。研究区分布多种植物群落且具有较强的光合碳同化(植被叶片碳氮比(C/N)高达31.21)固碳能力, 为研究区较大的SOC储量提供了充足的植物源碳保障。研究区较大的土壤无机碳含量和成壤无机碳输出通量(2.065×108 kg C/a), 揭示研究区存在相当大的成壤无机碳碳汇过程和贮存潜力。在流域尺度上计算土壤成壤无机碳碳汇时, 径流输出的成壤无机碳不可忽视。3)研究区土壤C/N变化率和δ13Corg变化率空间变化均不显著(p>0.05), 揭示研究区不同群落土壤微生物代谢活动无显著差异。研究区SOC含量变化受非生物因素(气温、降水和坡度)驱动的生物因素(群落生产力和微生物代谢活动)调控。本研究可为土壤碳汇/源调控机制研究和实现我国"碳中和"目标提供基础数据。  相似文献   
Chemical structure of Jurassic vitrinites isolated from the coals in basins in NW China have been checked using solid state 13C NMR and flash pyrolysis-GC/MS. Study shows some Jurassic collodetrinites are rich in aliphatic products in pyrolysates, consisting with the high amount of methylene carbon in 13C NMR spectra. In contrast, pyrolysates of Jurassic collotelinites are rich in phenols and alkylbenzenes. Also one Pennsylvanian and one Permian vitrinite selected from the Ordos basin, NW China have been checked for comparison. The proportion of aliphatics is low in pyrolysates, and aliphatic carbon peak in 13C NMR spectrum of Permian vitrinite is mostly composed of gas-prone carbons compared with collodetrinites in those Jurassic basins. But both pyrolysis and 13C NMR data shows the Pennsylvanian vitrinite is not only gas-prone but also oil-prone. Relatively high proportion of long chain aliphatic structure of some Jurassic vitrinite in Junggar, Turpan-Hami basins may be due to the contribution of liptodetrinites, which may be included during the formation of vitrinites. And it seems that suberinite is the most possible precursor of long chain aliphatics in the structure of Jurassic collodetrinite.  相似文献   
水文与环境地质专业服务对象涉及自然资源、生态环境、文化旅游、林业草原、水利水务、农业农村、应急管理、交通住建等政府职能管理部门,服务范围涵盖资源能源调查监测、水土污染评价防治、国土空间生态修复、旅游规划、生态环境保护与治理、防灾减灾、重大工程建设等社会经济领域,水工环队伍是资源、环境、生态、空间等国土要素调查评价、利用及保护和监测预警的重要专业技术力量。本文在总结甘肃省地矿局“十三五”期间的水文与环境地质工作在提供资源能源保障、地质技术服务方面的主要成就和支撑生态环境保护与修复方面成果的基础上,依托行业技术优势和发展基础,结合国家及省经济社会发展和生态文明建设等战略部署,面向政府需要和社会需求,分析提出了甘肃省地矿局“十四五”期间水文与环境地质业务转型升级与高质量发展的宏观设想和思路。对地勘单位适应新发展阶段的水文与环境地质工作新要求,规划部署和构建相应的新发展格局有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
In the last ten years, with important discoveries from oil and gas exploration in the Dabashan foreland depression belt in the borderland between Shanxi and Sichuan provinces, the relationship between the formation and evolution of, and hydrocarbon accumulation in, this foreland thrust belt from the viewpoint of basin and oil and gas exploration has been studied. At the same time, there has been little research on the origin of fluids within the belt. Based on geochemical system analysis including Z values denoting salinity and research on δ13C, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr isotopes in the host rocks and veins, the origin of paleofluids in the foreland thrust belt is considered. There are four principal kinds of paleofluid, including deep mantle-derived, sedimentary, mixed and meteoric. For the deep mantle-derived fluid, the δ13C is generally less than ?5.0‰PDB, δ18O less than -10.0‰PDB, Z value less than 110 and 87Sr/86Sr less than 0.70600; the sedimentary fluid is mainly marine carbonate-derived, with the δ13C generally more than ?2.0‰PDB, δ18O less than ?10.0‰PDB, Z value more than 120 and 87Sr/86Sr ranging from 0.70800 to 0.71000; the mixed fluid consists mainly of marine carbonate fluid (including possibly a little mantle-derived fluid or meteoric water), with the δ13C generally ranging from ?2.0‰ to ?8.0‰PDB, δ18O from ?10.0‰ to ?18.0‰ PDB, Z value from 105 to 120 and 87Sr/86Sr from 0.70800 to 0.71000; the atmospheric fluid consists mainly of meteoric water, with the δ13C generally ranging from 0.0‰ to ?10.0‰PDB, δ18O less than ?8.0‰PDB, Z value less than 110 and 87Sr/86Sr more than 0.71000. The Chengkou fault belt encompasses the most complex origins, including all four types of paleofluid; the Zhenba and Pingba fault belts and stable areas contain a simple paleofluid mainly of sedimentary type; the Jimingsi fault belt contains mainly sedimentary and mixed fluids, both consisting of sedimentary fluid and meteoric water. Jurassic rocks of the foreland depression belt contain mainly meteoric fluid.  相似文献   
查向平  郑永飞  龚冰 《地质论评》2010,56(4):595-603
在激光BrF5法分析硅酸盐和氧化物矿物的真空提取流程中,通常采用氧气作为工作气体来测定样品的氧同位素组成。这需要使用分子筛吸附并转移氧气到质谱进样系统,而分子筛的活化对于有效吸附和解吸氧气至关重要,否则会引起分析过程中的氧同位素分馏。通过采用13X分子筛进行多组实验分析,笔者发现用不同活化程度或中毒失活分子筛沸石转移时可能存在氧同位素分馏。在低温下分子筛是不能够活化的(或活化不完全),吸附能力很低,所测定的δ18O值是波动的。在200℃马弗炉中预加热24h,然后迅速转移到温度为100℃、真空度为10-3Pa系统中加热12h的分子筛,对氧气吸附能力很强,氧同位素分析的绝对误差为±0.05‰(1σ),能够满足地球化学氧同位素分析的要求。如果分子筛受BrF5污染,其吸附能力大为降低,测定的δ18O值呈下降趋势,氧同位素分馏高达0.7‰。如果分子筛受水汽污染,质谱接受电压不断地降低,存在解吸温度下的再吸附过程,测定δ18O值呈上升趋势。因此,分子筛在使用前要在适当条件下的活化,在发现污染或测量值发生波动变化时要及时更换,否则难以保证氧同位素分析数据的可靠性。  相似文献   
硫酸侵蚀碳酸盐岩对长江河水DIC循环的影响   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
对长江及其主要支流河水水化学和溶解无机碳(DIC)同位素组成(δ13GDIC)进行了研究。河水阳离子组成以Ca^2+、Mg^2+为主,阴离子以HCO3-、SO4^2-为主,水化学组成主要受流域碳酸盐岩矿物的化学侵蚀控制。DIC含量为0.3~2.5mmol/L,从上游到河口逐渐降低。δ13CDIC值为-12.0‰-3.4‰,与DIC含量具有相似的变化趋势。H2CO3溶解碳酸盐岩是控制河水DIC来源及其占δGDIC组成的主要机制。H2SO4溶解碳酸盐岩加剧了流域碳酸盐岩的化学侵蚀,一方面导致了河水的DIC含量增加,另一方面也使河水的δ13GDIC值升高。  相似文献   
High-resolution 230Th/234U ages and δ18O and δ13C compositions of speleothems in Ma’ale Efrayim Cave located to the east of the central mountain ridge of Israel enable us to examine the nature of the rain shadow aridity during glacial and interglacial intervals. Speleothem growth occurred during marine glacial isotopic periods, with no growth during the two last marine isotope interglacial intervals and during the peak of the Last Glacial Maximum. This contrasts with speleothem growth in caves located on the western flank of the central mountain ridge, in the Eastern Mediterranean semiarid climatic zone, which continued throughout the last 240,000 yr. Thus, during glacial periods water reached both sides of the central mountain ridge. A comparison of the present-day rain and cave water isotopic compositions and amounts at the Ma’ale Efrayim Cave site with those on the western flank shows that evaporation and higher temperatures on the eastern flank are major influences on isotopic composition and the lack of rainfall. The δ18O and δ13C profiles of the speleothems deposited between 67,000 and 25,000 yr B.P. match the general trends of the isotopic profiles of Soreq Cave speleothems, suggesting a similar source (eastern Mediterranean Sea) and similar climatic conditions. Thus, during glacial periods the desert boundary effectively migrated further south or east from its present-day location on the eastern flank, whereas interglacial periods appear to have been similar to the present, with the desert boundary at the same position. The decrease in overall temperature and a consequent reduction in the evaporation to precipitation ratios on the eastern flank are viewed as the major factors controlling the decay of the rain shadow effect during glacial periods.  相似文献   
为探究ASTER GDEMV3、SRTM1 DEM和AW3D30 DEM 3种开源DEM数据的高程精度,本文以高精度ICESat-2 ATLAS测高数据为参考数据,利用GIS统计分析、误差相关分析及数理统计对DEM的高程精度进行对比评价。结果表明:①AW3D30的质量最稳定;SRTM1 DEM在平原精度最高;在高原山地精度由高到低依次为AW3D30 DEM、ASTER GDEMV3、SRTM1 DEM。②DEM数据高程精度受地表覆盖影响较大,且与地形因素密切相关,在相同地表覆盖的两个研究区中DEM数据高程精度表现情况不一致,SRTM在平原地表覆盖下精度表现最好,平均误差为3.15 m,AW3D30 DEM在山地地表覆盖下精度表现最好,平均误差为7.61 m。③坡度对DEM数据的高程精度影响较大,在两个研究区3种DEM数据的高程误差均随坡度的增加而增加;坡向对DEM数据的高程精度影响较小,未发现明显的规律。  相似文献   
成烃理论的发展——(Ⅱ)煤成油及其初次运移模式   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
近几年来,我国针对侏罗系煤系地层的油气勘探,取得了重大突破。在我国西北区的一些含煤盆地中都发现了丰富油气矿藏。煤成油的勘探开发和研究,是对陆相生油理论的重大发展,本文介绍了秦匡宗提出的一种利用^13C NMR谱确定油潜力碳、气潜力碳和芳构碳评价生油气潜力的新方法,以及一种煤成烃的阶段性初次运移模式。  相似文献   
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