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热带气旋各个要素对于海表面降温的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热带气旋的经过会引起海洋内部强烈的剪切,由剪切不稳定触发的强混合可以将温跃层的冷水卷挟上来,导致海洋混合层加深和海表面温度的下降。本文利用3-Dimensional Price Weller and Pinkel(3DPWP)模式模拟了不同热带气旋下的海表面降温,分别研究了热带气旋各个要素(气旋的强度,最大风速半径和移动速度)对于海表面降温的影响。模拟结果表明,海表面降温的空间分布主要受到气旋移动速度的影响,移动速度越快的降温,右偏现象越明显。海表面降温的幅度以及降温的区域随着气旋强度和最大风速半径的增大而单调递增,随移动速度增加而单调递减。海表面降温与热带气旋3个要素的拟合结果表明,气旋各个要素对于海表面降温影响作用的大小不同:在气旋移动速度较慢(小于4.5m/s)时,海表面降温主要受到气旋级别和移动速度的影响,在气旋移动速度较快(大于4.5m/s)时,气旋移动速度的影响作用减弱,海表面降温主要受气旋级别的影响。气旋最大风速半径的影响作用始终较小。  相似文献   
三疣梭子蟹HMGR基因的克隆及其在蜕皮中的表达分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了研究3-羟基-3-甲基戊二酰辅酶A还原酶(3-hydroxy-3-methyl glutaryl coenzyme A reductase,HMGR)在甲壳动物蜕皮调控中的作用,采用RT-PCR和c DNA末端快速扩增技术(RACE),克隆得到三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)HMGR基因的c DNA序列(Gen Bank登录号:KF280756)。该序列全长2575bp,包括一个53bp的5′端非编码区,一个686bp的3′端非编码区和一个长度为1836bp的开放阅读框,编码611个氨基酸。该氨基酸序列与已公布的美洲海鳌虾HMGR氨基酸序列相比一致性达65%,具有Ⅰ型HMGR保守催化区域、两个HMG-Co A结合基序和两个NADP(H)结合基序。采用实时荧光定量PCR(q RT-PCR)技术,分析三疣梭子蟹HMGR基因的组织差异表达及在蜕皮周期中的表达水平变化,结果表明HMGR基因在三疣梭子蟹大颚器(MO)中的表达量最高,在其它组织中表达量均极低;在三疣梭子蟹蜕皮周期中,大颚器中HMGR基因的表达量自A期至D0亚期升至最高,然后下降,至D4亚期最低。验证了大颚器是三疣梭子蟹合成甲基法尼酯的唯一器官,表明HMGR在三疣梭子蟹蜕皮调控中起着重要作用。  相似文献   
李志华  李秋峦 《海洋工程》2014,32(4):124-130
结合多核CPU硬件PC平台,设计了一种海底三维声学图像实时处理系统,主要包括声学前端信号处理子系统、数据传输控制子系统和PC客户端图像处理系统三个部分。声学前端信号处理子系统统根据接收到的多路声学换能器信号,通过两级FPGA信号处理,采集多通道水声信号,进行实时电子聚焦波束形成。为了解决海量声学数据快速传输问题,数据传输控制子系统未采用传统用户空间TCP/IP传输机制,而是直接通过嵌入式PowerPC处理器在Linux内核态采用DMA通道进行声学数据转发,减少系统调用和数据拷贝开销,有效提高网络传输效率。针对海量声学数据实时处理需求,PC客户端图像处理系统通过对复杂、耗时的单帧重建和数据拼接算法模块根据声学数据点的角度范围进行等分分割,对每个子范围声纳数据采用多线程并行处理,均衡多个CPU核之间负载,实现高性能三维声学图像实时处理。通过室内水池和湖试实验,结果表明该系统能够实时高效地进行三维声学图像采集、传输与处理。  相似文献   
The diet of Pomatoschistus microps has been studied using both gut content and stable isotope analyses. In the Roscoff Aber Bay (Brittany, France), this fish is commonly found on sandy muddy intertidal flats. Gut content analyses were also interpreted using trophic indices. Owing to the large diversity of prey consumed, these indices emphasised the opportunistic feeding behaviour of P. microps. Here, this species fed mainly on endofauna with meiofauna being of high relative importance. The main biotic components of its trophic habitat, characterized by δ13C and δ15N, provided evidence of a major trophic pathway based on drift Enteromorpha sp. Trophic positions estimated by both diet analyses and isotopic analyses led to similar results. In this bay, P. microps is a first‐order predator with a low degree of omnivory. Despite a preferential consumption of the amphipod Corophium arenarium, we assumed that this goby behaves as a generalist feeding on a uniform variety of endofauna taxa.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a numerical model for jointed rock masses within the 3‐D numerical manifold method (NMM) framework equipped with a customized contact algorithm. The strength of rock sample containing a few sets of discontinuities is first investigated. The results of models with simple geometries are compared with the available analytical solutions to verify the developed computer code, whereas models with complex geometries are simulated to better understand the fundamental behavior and failure mechanism of jointed rock mass. Furthermore, the stability of jointed rock mass in an underground excavation is studied, where rock failure process is determined by the 3‐D NMM simulation. The simulation results provide valuable guidance on excavation process design and stabilization design in rock engineering practice. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
俞小鼎  ERichar  RRosset 《气象学报》1995,53(3):319-327
通过比较一次洋面冷锋过程的干、湿三维模拟结果,揭示潜热释放对冷锋结构的影响。结果表明:由于潜热释放的作用,冷锋区的温度梯度和风矢量的气旋性切变大大地加强了,冷锋附近的涡度场和垂直速度场呈现出更多的更加紧密的中尺度结构;锋面非地转直接环流在湿模拟中比在干模拟中发展得更加充分并且具有更高的组织性;潜热加热倾向于增加锋面环流的强度,尤其是其上升支的强度。研究表明,潜热释放过程是形成冷锋前沿上方低层大气中狭窄强上升气流区的关键因素之一。  相似文献   
Three-dimensional seismic data and wireline logs from the western Niger Delta were analyzed to reveal the sedimentary and tectonic history of a major deltaic growth-fault depocenter comprising a kilometer-scale rollover anticline. The seismic units of the rollover show a non-uniform thickness distribution with their respective maximum near the main bounding growth-fault on the landward side of the system. This wedge-shaped sediment-storage architecture ultimately reflects the non-uniform creation of accommodation space in the study area that was controlled by 1) the differential compaction of the hanging-wall and footwall strata, 2) the lateral variation of fault-induced tectonic subsidence above the listric master fault, and possibly 3) local subsidence related to the subsurface movement of mobile shale reacting to loading and buoyancy. A sequential three-dimensional decompaction of the interpreted deltaic rollover units allowed to reconstruct and measure the compaction development of the rollover succession through time, documenting that sediment compaction contributed per depositional interval to between 25 and 35% of the generation of depositional space subsequently filled by deltaic sediments. The incremental decompaction of sedimentary units was further used to quantify the cumulative amount of accommodation space at and around the studied rollover that was created by fault movement, shale withdrawal, regional tectonic subsidence, isostasy and changes in sea level. If data on the regional subsidence and eustasy are available, the contribution of these basinwide controls to the generation of depositional space can be subtracted from the cumulative accommodation balance, which ultimately quantifies the amount of space for sediments to accumulate created by fault movement or shale withdrawal. This observation is important in that it implies that background knowledge on subsidence, stratigraphic age and sea-level changes allows to reconstruct and quantify fault movement in syn-tectonic deltaic growth successions, and this solely based on hanging-wall isopach trends independent of footwall information.  相似文献   
当地表存在三维非均匀电导率分布时,区域大地电磁响应发生畸变. 以往对这种畸变研究多假设近地表为三维,区域构造为一维或二维. 对于更一般的三维/三维构造,为了分析并消除这种畸变影响,真实反映地下三维区域构造信息,本文实现了三维大地电磁相位张量积分方程数值算法,并研究在不同地质模型下相位张量响应. 结果表明,相位张量不仅可以反映一般三维构造信息,亦可有效反映复杂近地表构造下三维区域构造信息,而无须假设区域构造为一维或二维,证明相位张量具有较强抗近地表局部非均匀构造干扰能力,能够保持更为一般的三维区域构造信息. 为了加快正演计算,同时保持一定精度,算法采用了积分方程多网格法.  相似文献   
当今社会,土地的利用与管理工作与人们的日常生活密切相关,小到居民住房的购买,大到国家的土地利用总体规划,其工作成效直接影响着人民生活的安居乐业和国家的长治久安。随着测绘相关技术的日臻完善,我国的测绘体系经历了由传统测绘向数字化测绘的转变,目前正在向信息化测绘过渡。信息化测绘是测绘行业发展的必然趋势,其高效的作业模式必然会给土地的利用和管理提供巨大的便利。首先介绍了信息化测绘的内涵及技术体系,然后探讨了信息化测绘技术在土地利用和管理中的应用,最后对信息化测绘技术在土地利用与管理上的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
实现对地表采动裂缝的三维建模及可视化能促进裂缝的形状、成因研究,并为开采沉陷监测和生态环境恢复提供科学支持。目前三维建模方法和软件主要面向建筑物、管道、地质体等地物地貌,若直接应用于地表裂缝的建模与表达会存在野外测绘工作量大、形态规律表达不准确、呈现不逼真等问题。本文结合三维地形建模、分形、空间插值等理论,提出了基于几何形态参数的地表裂缝三维建模方法,并利用ArcEngine平台实现了对裂缝的三维可视化;选取甘肃省东峡矿区为试验区,根据裂缝分布与形态预计参数,实现了对区域内裂缝的模拟,并通过与实测数据和高分辨率影像进行对比,验证了该方法能真实逼真呈现裂缝的形态、延伸与细节信息。  相似文献   
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