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三车道高速公路隧道通常跨度较大、高跨比较小属于大跨扁平隧道。这种结构型式对围岩稳定和结构受力均产生不利影响,因此施工中有必要通过开挖方案比选确定合理的开挖方法。江苏省宁波-常州高速公路茅山东隧道为上下行分离式双向6车道浅埋大跨扁平隧道。对于破碎的Ⅳ级围岩,针对设计阶段拟采用CRD法和实际施工采用下断面左右分部台阶法的开挖方案在设计支护条件下的三维数值模拟,从理论上分析了下断面左右分部台阶法是可行的。与实际施工过程的监控量测结果进行对比分析,进一步证实了实际开挖方案的合理性。研究成果可以为同类工程的设计与施工提供理论参考。 相似文献
Introduction There are two kinds of methods for the mathematic study on electro-magnetic induction in geo-field: one is analytic method, such as integral equation method; the other is numerical model-ing method, such as finite difference method and finite element method. The analytic method can only be applied to the conductor with very simple shape, such as sphere, circular cylinder, etc. With the increasing of computing speed and popularity of computer, the numerical modeling methods are use… 相似文献
对南海西部越南岸外上升流区17954-2站浮游有孔虫属种组合变化、浮游有孔虫氧同位素、AMS14C测年的分析以及浮游有孔虫表层海水温度、温跃层转换函数的研究结果表明:在MIS3期,南海西部表层海水温度大体呈现暖-冷-暖的变化趋势;温跃层深度由浅到深阶段性变化;短时间尺度上温度与温跃层发生幅度较大的快速变化。暖事件(IS)对应于浮游有孔虫暖水种、混合层属种含量的增加,冷水种、温跃层属种含量的减少以及冬夏SST的升高;冷事件则与之相反。表层海水生产力亦大致呈现3个阶段(61~51ka,51~42ka和42~32ka)的变化,在千年尺度的快速气候事件中,暖事件对应浮游有孔虫生产力属种含量降低,冷事件对应升高。此外,在MIS3内部分暖事件(IS6和IS11~13)表现出表层海水温度降低,温跃层深度变浅和表层海水生产力升高的状况,表明该区此时上升流的存在,其形成原因推测是由于东亚夏季风加强的结果。 相似文献
目前,充分利用国产卫星影像,逐步减少使用国外遥感影像,是我国现代测绘产业发展的大趋势。本文基于资源三号国产卫星影像,利用已有的控制点资料,分别基于有控、无控的条件下生成DEM,分析其精度;并在研究区北部边缘选取部分控制点,通过区域网平差,对控制区域进行外推,生成DEM;再利用其余的控制点作为检查点对DEM精度进行检测,分析DEM在外推约100 km范围内的精度能够满足怎样的精度要求。 相似文献
Digital terrain analysis(DTA) is one of the most important contents in the research of geographical information science(GIS). However, on the basis of the digital elevation model(DEM), many problems exist in the current research of DTA in geomorphological studies. For instance, the current DTA research appears to be focused more on morphology, phenomenon, and modern surface rather than mechanism, process, and underlying terrain. The current DTA research needs to be urgently transformed from the study of landform morphology to one focusing on landform process and mechanism. On this basis, this study summarizes the current research status of geomorphology-oriented DTA and systematically reviews and analyzes the research about the knowledge of geomorphological ontology, terrain modeling, terrain derivative calculation, and terrain analytical methods. With the help of DEM data, DTA research has the advantage of carrying out geomorphological studies from the perspective of surface morphology. However, the study of DTA has inherent defects in terms of data expression and analytic patterns. Thus, breakthroughs in basic theories and key technologies are necessary. Moreover, scholars need to realize that DTA research must be transformed from phenomenon to mechanism, from morphology to process, and from terrain to landform. At present, the research development of earth science has reached the critical stage in which the DTA research should focus more on geomorphological ontology. Consequently, this study proposes several prospects of geomorphology-oriented DTA from the aspects of value-added DEM data model, terrain derivatives and their spatial relations, and macro-terrain analysis. The study of DTA based on DEM is at a critical period along with the issue on whether the current GIS technology can truly support the development of geography. The research idea of geomorphology-oriented DTA is expected to be an important exploration and practice in the field of GIS. 相似文献
We develop a parameterisation for the effective roughness length of terrain that consists of a repeating sequence of patches, in which each patch is composed of strips of two roughness types. A numerical model with second-order closure in the turbulent stress is developed and used to show that: (i) the normalised Reynolds stress develops as a self-similar profile; (ii) the mixing-length parameterisation is a good first-order approximation to the Reynolds stress. These findings are used to characterise the blending layer, where the stress adjusts smoothly from its local surface value to its effective value aloft. Previous studies have assumed that this adjustment occurs abruptly at a single level, often called the blending height. The blending layer is shown to be characterised by height scales that arise naturally in linear models of surface layer flow over roughness changes, and calculations with the numerical model show that these height scales remain appropriate in the nonlinear regime. This concept of the blending layer allows the development of a new parameterisation of the effective roughness length, which gives values for the effective roughness length that are shown to compare well with both atmospheric measurements and values determined from the second-order model. 相似文献
勘探区属郭庄煤矿的后备井田,勘探的目的是掌握井田主可采煤层的赋存形态与断层、陷落柱发育特征。根据勘探区的地质条件,地质任务,兼顾质量和成本,勘探设计方案最终确定为3线1炮制线束状观测系统,采用中间放炮,使勘探物理点由常规二维设计的3000个减至700个,勘探成本明显降低。勘探前后的资料对比分析表明,3#煤层的展布特征和断层构造有较大不同,其中3#煤层展布形态由NE向变化均匀,两翼对称的背斜构造修改为等高线变化扭曲相对剧烈,两翼对称的向斜构造;勘探后新解释断层5条,断点3处,另外3条已知断层的形态、位置、落差等相差各异。 相似文献
各种类型的金矿脉常呈不规则的几何形状产出,对它们用欧几里德方法进行描述和分析,不仅难以精确地说明其几何形态特征,有时甚至无法作出实际测量,因此也就很难掌握其产状变化的准确趋势,给金矿床的定量定位预测造成了困难.分形理论为获得有关隐伏矿床(脉)分布的更为准确的信息提供了有利工具.通过对招远灵山和河东两个典型金矿床矿脉分维数、几何丰度和有效紧密度等研究,讨论了分形理论在紧密结合地质特征条件下,客观准确揭示不规则矿脉变化规律及在找矿预测等方面的应用前景. 相似文献
Silvia Trini Castelli Enrico Ferrero Dominico Anfossi 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》2001,100(3):405-419
In this work, three turbulence closure models, Mellor andYamada level 2.5, E - l and E - implemented in a circulation model, are compared in neutral condition over complex terrain. They are firstly applied to a one-dimensional case on flat terrain and then to a schematic two-dimensional valley. The simulation results, in terms of wind field and turbulent kinetic energy, are tested against measurements from a wind-tunnel experiment. The empirical constants defining the characteristic length scales of the closures are modified based on turbulence parameters estimated in the experiment. The formulation of the diffusion coefficients is analysed to explain the differences among the various closures in the simulation results. Regarding the mean flow, both on flat and complex terrain, all the closures yield satisfactory results. Concerning the turbulent kinetic energy, the best results are obtained by E - l and E - closures. 相似文献