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高岭石的结晶有序度及其对纸张涂布粘浓度的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周国平  林毓川 《矿物学报》1991,11(3):267-273
粘浓度是纸张涂布的一项重要指标,测定的变化范围从46.4—72%。用Hinckley方法测定了高岭石的结晶度指数,从0.57变化至1.40。当粘浓度>67%时,结晶度指数>1。粘浓度<67%,结晶度指数<1,有序高岭石有利于粘浓度提高。随着结构无序化,晶粒变小,晶片变薄,比表面增加,晶体边缘和角易破损,使粘浓度降低。结构无序化破坏了颗粒的均匀性,使颗粒长/厚比增加,粘浓度降低。高岭石八面体中Fe~(3+)的存在一定程度上影响了有序度。  相似文献   
数字海底地形分割算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据不同海底地形特征,提出了基于多波束测量数据进行海底地形分割的"三态值模型"法,其步骤包括:将地形数据滤波和网格化;利用"3×3"差分算子计算各节点的梯度;利用最大梯度追踪算法检测正负地形与平缓地形的分界线;利用"三态值"算法识别正、负和平缓地形。应用该方法对胶州湾实验海区多波束实测数据处理结果表明,该方法切实可行,能够对数字海底地形准确地进行快速分割。  相似文献   
胡曙虹  杜德斌  范蓓蕾 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1733-1748
基于中国企业海外R&D投资数据和零断尾负二项回归分析方法,探讨了1998—2015年中国企业R&D国际化的时空格局特征,并从东道国角度分析影响其区位选择的主要因素。结果表明:研究期内中国新建海外R&D机构数量快速扩张;海外R&D投资区域分布广泛,呈现分散和集聚并存的特征;以华为为例分析了典型中国企业海外R&D投资的空间布局特征,认为目前华为海外R&D投资呈现集中布局在欧洲,零散分布在亚洲、美洲、非洲的空间特征,主要是由其以全球技术升级和满足多样化的市场需求等R&D国际化的战略动机所决定。回归分析结果表明,中国企业对发达国家和发展中国家进行R&D投资的影响因素有共同点但也存在一定的差异:① 现阶段东道国的R&D需求不是影响中国企业对其进行R&D投资的主要因素;② 代表中国与东道国经济往来密切程度的关联要素是影响中国企业R&D投资的重要决策因素;③ 发达国家吸引中国企业对其进行R&D投资主要是因其创新能力强、R&D资源数量多,而政策及制度供给是影响中国企业对发展中国家进行R&D投资的主要因素;④ 地理距离对中国企业R&D“走出去”的阻碍作用主要体现在对发展中国家的R&D投资中。  相似文献   
The barotropic, wind-induced circulation, which develops in the Gulf of Patras in Western Greece during the winter, is studied using three-dimensional numerical simulations. The simulations are performed using the numerical code MIKE 3 FM (HD). The Gulf's basin is bracketed between two sills, one on the west at the opening with the Ionian Sea and the other on the east at the Straits of Rio-Antirio at the opening with the Gulf of Corinth. The simulations show that the wind-induced flow creates strong currents near the coasts, which determine the sense of rotation of the gyres that develop in the Gulf. Strong currents are also created at the Rio-Antirio Straits. The wind-induced, barotropic currents do not seem to contribute to the direct replenishment of bottom waters, which recirculate between the two sills. Depending on the wind-speed forcing of the flow, the residence time of the waters in the Gulf of Patras is estimated to range from one week to one month.  相似文献   
Broadband synthetic aperture borehole radar interferometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trials in mines have established that wideband VHF borehole radars (BHR), working in the 10–100-MHz band, can be used to probe the rockmass between boreholes over ranges from <5 m to as much as 150 m with submeter resolution. There is evidence that ore bodies reflect these radar signals both specularly and diffusely, much as the ground/air interface does when overflown by synthetic aperture radar (SAR). In both SAR and BHR, multiple flight lines, together with diffuse reflections admit the possibility of developing interferometric 3D images of the object. This paper examines the possibility of imaging buried objects in three dimensions by interferometrically combining broadband VHF borehole radar profiles shot in adjacent pairs of boreholes. Broadbanding in BHR has the advantage of releasing the image from 2 phase ambiguities, but practically, interferometric borehole radar (InBHR) needs high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) to avoid noise capture. This means that 3D InBHR is limited to ranges in wavelengths which are less than the rock's attenuation factor Q. Interferometric methods are developed which are capable of mapping ore bodies and other structures in three dimensions. Tangent plane migration methods are developed here in order to reconstruct surfaces that lie in the near-field of sparse interferometric arrays.  相似文献   
大地电磁三维正演并行算法研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
大地电磁法三维正演算法计算量大,用传统的串行程序计算相当耗时。而三维正演是逐个频率按顺序计算的,并行性好,适合并行运算。结合MPI自身的优越性,在深入分析大地电磁三维正演串行程序实现流程的基础上,确定了并行计算的思路,实现了三维正演的并行计算。通过三个理论模型对实现的三维正演并行程序进行了试算,分析对比了在多种情况下程序的执行效率。测试结果表明,所实现的三维正演并行程序运行结果正确,效率提高明显。此思路可为解决其它地球物理超大计算量问题所借鉴。  相似文献   
R&D投入的区位模式与区域经济发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于对中国R&D投入的区位模式的实证检验,从投入一产出绩效的角度认为集中投入的区位模式具有较强的适宜性。利用聚类分析技术,按照R&D的投入强度和及其对经济的带动效应、科技化效应、产业化效应将中国各省区划分为6类地区,具有代表性的是科技化模式和产业化模式。其中前者适合于技术存置较高的少数地区,而后者具有较强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Seismic performance of exterior beam–column subassemblages of reinforced concrete structure designed and detailed on the basis of the provisions of Eurocode and Indian Standards at different stages of their evolution is evaluated. Performance of the subassemblages designed and detailed according to the three different stages of codal evolution (gravity load design, ‘Nonductile’, and ‘Ductile’) is evaluated through analytical formulations and experimental investigations. In the ‘NonDuctile’ specimens, it has been observed that the shear distortion and degradation in stiffness and strength are significantly high. Performance of the ‘Ductile’ specimens based on Eurocode and Indian Standards is almost similar in terms of strength and stiffness degradation. Nevertheless, the specimen designed on the basis of Indian Standard shows higher energy dissipation at a given drift ratio. In the analytical study, shear and flexural failure of members of subassemblage and shear failure of the joint are considered as possible modes of failure of the beam–column subassemblage. For evaluating the shear strength of the joint region, a soften strut‐and‐tie model is used. Analytically obtained strengths based on the failure criteria of different components of the specimens have been first validated with experimental results and then used to determine the strength of the specimens. The investigation could indicate even the mode of failure at local level. It is utmost important to mention here that even the ductile specimens dissipate most of the energy through the development of damage in the joint region, which is neither desirable nor safe for the stability of whole structure. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
An unsolved problem of regional importance for both the evolution and structure of the Northwest German Basin is the existence or non-existence of the so-called Bramsche Massif. Explaining the nature of this massif and the cause of a related strong, positive Bouguer anomaly (Bramsche Anomaly) is critical. In the study described here, we tested an existing “intrusion model” against a newer “inversion model” in the southern Northwest German Basin. In the intrusion model, the strongly-positive Bouguer anomaly represents the gravity effect of an intrusion at depths between 6 and 10 km. More recent interpretations invoke tectonic inversion rather than intrusion to explain increased burial and the low level of hydrocarbon maturity found in boreholes. We tested these different interpretations by constructing 3D forward density models to 15 km depth. The intrusion model was updated and adjusted to incorporate recent data and we also modelled pre-Zechstein structures using different scenarios. The final model has a very good fit between measured and modelled gravity fields. Based on currently available seismic and structural models, as well as borehole density measurements, we show that the positive Bouguer anomaly cannot be modeled without a high-density, intrusive-like body at depth. However, further in-sight into the crustal structures of the Bramsche region requires more detailed investigations. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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