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This paper presents an example of application of the double solid reactant method (DSRM) of Accornero and Marini (Environmental Geology, 2007a), an effective way for modeling the fate of several dissolved trace elements during water–rock interaction. The EQ3/6 software package was used for simulating the irreversible water–rock mass transfer accompanying the generation of the groundwaters of the Porto Plain shallow aquifer, starting from a degassed diluted crateric steam condensate. Reaction path modeling was performed in reaction progress mode and under closed-system conditions. The simulations assumed: (1) bulk dissolution (i.e., without any constraint on the kinetics of dissolution/precipitation reactions) of a single solid phase, a leucite-latitic glass, and (2) precipitation of amorphous silica, barite, alunite, jarosite, anhydrite, kaolinite, a solid mixture of smectites, fluorite, a solid mixture of hydroxides, illite-K, a solid mixture of saponites, a solid mixture of trigonal carbonates and a solid mixture of orthorhombic carbonates. Analytical concentrations of major chemical elements and several trace elements (Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Sr and Ba) in groundwaters were satisfactorily reproduced. In addition to these simulations, similar runs for a rhyolite, a latite and a trachyte permitted to calculate major oxide contents for the authigenic paragenesis which are comparable, to a first approximation, with the corresponding data measured for local altered rocks belonging to the silicic, advanced argillic and intermediate argillic alteration facies. The important role played by both the solid mixture of trigonal carbonates as sequestrator of Mn, Zn, Cu and Ni and the solid mixture of orthorhombic carbonates as scavenger of Sr and Ba is emphasized.
Luigi Marini (Corresponding author)Email:
The EPR spectra of Maxixe-type beryl contain a large number of overlapping signals. The angular dependence of the 1:3:3:1 signal typical for the CH3 radical shows that this radical is located at the center of the channel cavity with its symmetry axis parallel to the crystal c-axis and is rotating around this axis. Its EPR spectrum is axially symmetric with g // = 2.00263, g  = 2.00249 and A// = 2.288 mT, A = 2.256 mT. These anisotropies have the opposite signs of those found for surface-adsorbed methyl radicals. Hydrogen atoms are located at position 2a at the center of the beryl cavity and the EPR parameters of the narrow doublet signal are A 0 = 1,407 MHz and g = 2.00230. Another doublet signal, which is broader and has axial symmetry with g // = 2.00265, g  = 2.00625 and A// = 0.895 mT, A = 0.885 mT, could come from a HCO3 radical. One narrow and easily saturated signal with g // = 2.00227 and g  = 2.00386 is interpreted to arise from a carbon monoxide radical in the beryl channel, oriented with its axis parallel to the crystal c-axis. Additional weak doublet lines, which have similar g values as the carbon monoxide radical, are created by nearby hydrogens. A powder spectrum with g // = 2.0017 and g  = 2.0004 appears upon UV irradiation of the single crystal and is easily saturated. This spectrum is interpreted to arise from a carbon dioxide radical, which rotates around its symmetry axis.  相似文献   
为加强地质探矿技术力量,改变地质装备落后现状,经国务院批准,1978年8月8日成立了探矿工艺研究所。30年来,经过新老两代工艺所人的艰苦奋斗、刻苦钻研、勇于创新,在科研攻关、成果转化、基地建设和管理等方面都取得了可喜的成绩,为国家的地质科学事业做出了贡献,目前已成为一个“以勘查技术为基础,以承担地质调查任务和科研项目、提供勘查与监测技术方法和技术服务为手段,以服务国家经济建设、社会发展和地质工作为目标,以探矿工艺技术和地质灾害监测防治技术研发为主业”的地质调查科研机构。回顾了工艺所艰苦创业、改革进取的发展历程,对科技体制改革、专业结构调整、人事分配制度改革、地质调查和科研工作进行了总结,展示了丰硕的科研成果和强劲的科技实力;指出了工艺所在“十一五”期间地质调查和科研工作的重点领域和优先发展方向。  相似文献   
尝试性地将南黄海灾害地质因素分为4大类。同时参考地貌沉积界线和其他因素将南黄海分成4个灾害地质区:即海岸带、苏北浅滩、海州湾和南黄海东部灾害地质区,并时各灾害地质区进行了定性评价,苏北浅滩灾害地质区是研究区内灾害地质环境最不稳定的区域。  相似文献   
万纳断裂带为一典型的右旋走滑系统,由其南段前锋的拉奈—沙捞越走滑-收缩叠瓦扇、北段尾端的南海西南次海盆西南端走滑-伸展叠瓦扇和中段的万安盆地走滑-拉分双重构造所组成,其动力主要源自中生代末以来华南—印支陆缘岩石圈的拆沉作用和南海海底扩张,它的走滑拉分作用直接导致了万安盆地的产生,对该海域油气等资源的形成与聚集起了重要的控制作用。  相似文献   
以1,4—苯二酚和不同的短链脂肪酸为基本原料,经溴代、加成、形成酰卤和酰化等反应,合成了六种新的溴化脂肪酸—2,3,5,6—四溴—1,4—苯二酯。通过对产物的碳、氢、溴等元素的定量分析,以及红外吸收光谱和氢核磁共振谱的研究,验证了化合物的结构。  相似文献   
用Niiler—Kraus类型的混合层积分模式,对TOGA—COARE强化观测期间由《实验3号》科学考察船观测资料得到的混合层深度和SST在季节内时间尺度的变化进行了模式研究。指出:1.混合层耗散参数与较长时间尺度过程风应力的变化存在着比较好的对应关系;2.模式可以较好的对风场和热通量场在季节内时间尺度的变化作出响应,模拟出季节内时间尺度SST的变化;3.Niiler,-Kraus模式在考虑耗散作用后,可用于海洋季节内时间尺度变化的模式研究。  相似文献   
Nowadays there are some chronic serious environmental problems, such as eutrophication, blue tide and so on, in a complicated coastal zone or a semi-enclosed bay, because the water exchanges between an inner bay and an outer sea is weak compared with the supply of contaminant. Under this situation, a method to improve the water quality by 3-dimensional small unsymmetrical structures has been proposed by Komatsu et al. In this paper, several numerical simulations of the tidal current and concentration for various arrangements of bottom roughness in a semi-enclosed model bay are carfled out with a depth-averaged 2-D numerical model. The model is solved by the hybrid finite analytic method with nonstaggered grid. And the SIMPLES algorithm with Rhie and Chow' s momentum interpolation technique is used for the simulation. The effect of Komatsu' s method for water purification is examined by numerical simulation. The result of numerical experiment indicates that it is possible to generate a new tidal residual current and to activate a tidal exchange by bottom roughness arrangement only.  相似文献   
海洋环流模式中不同近似假设下的海表高度   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Boussinesq近似是现代海洋环流模式中经常采用的假设,但随着海洋模式的不断发展完善以及气候研究应用的需要,有必要估算Boussinesq近似造成的模式误差。分别利用一个非Boussinesq近似的海洋模式与另一个结构相同且采用Boussinesq近似的模式计算海表高度,并同时利用模式预报的温度、盐度资料计算了比容异常高度。分析结果显示,这3种不同定义的海表高度无论空间结构,还是时间演变,都基本类似,尤其在热带海区最接近,差值≤1cm。Boussinesq近似意味着在模式中以体积守恒代替质量守恒,通常的做法是对其进行简单的质量补偿来保持质量守恒。比较说明,以质量补偿方法进行的高度订正对减小Boussinesq近似带来的误差没有本质的意义。  相似文献   
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