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塔里木盆地绿洲边缘农田小气候特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用1990年和1991年中国科学院阿克苏水平衡站麦田小气候观测资料,分析了气温、湿度、风的小气候变化。结果表明,由于受干旱荒漠的干热平流影响,小面积无防护林的农田与裸地近地面的气温相近,空气湿度有明显差别,农田上方空气湿度的垂直梯度较大;作物各生长期对风速的制动作用也不同。接近荒漠的农作物易受到高温等危害。  相似文献   
鹤岗地区大风天气形势分析与预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石红艳  刘刚 《黑龙江气象》2006,(2):13-14,17
1引言鹤岗位于黑龙江省东北部、属温带、寒带之间的大陆性气候,表现出明显的季节性变化。全年平均风速3 ̄4m/s,大风日数20d以上。在大风天气形势分析中,黑龙江省气象台有关人员进行过个例分析。在这些经验的基础上,通过对鹤岗40a大风资料的统计,进行分类、整理,从而总结出鹤岗大风天气形势的几种主要类型,以便准确地预报大风天气。2资料分析2.1资料选取选取1960 ̄2000年40 a鹤岗站的大风(≥17m/s)、北半球500hPa高度场、850hPa温度场资料和地面形势图,普查40a的大风日的风向、风速,并结合温压场的配置进行大风天气规律的分析。2.2大风的气…  相似文献   
城市区域屋顶上与地上的风速和温度特征分析   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:12  
以低纬的城市昆明为研究对象,利用城内外屋顶上和地上的风速和温度实测资料,分析了研究较少的,做为城市第二热力面的屋顶面附近的风度温特征,变化规律及其与地上的差异,得到了一些有益的结果。  相似文献   
为了更好的了解江门市年最大风速的变化特征,利用欧洲中尺度天气预测中心(ECWMF)提供的1979-2012年每天8个时次地面(10m高度)阵风后处理资料,通过Mann-Kendall突变检验和经验正交函数(EOF)分解等方法,统计分析了江门市年最大风速的变化趋势及时空分布特征。结果表明:(1)该地区年最大风速一般介于20-30m/s,呈线性上升趋势,并在2003年左右发生了突变。(2)江门市年最大风速出现的季节主要是在夏季和秋季。(3)江门市年最大风速的时空变化存在两种主模态,他们分别可以解释总方差的76.0%和9.0%。第1模态在空间上表现为全区一致性,从21世纪初至今呈现显著的2~4年的变化周期;第2模态在空间上呈现出东北-西南反向型,同样在21世纪初期存在明显的2年和4年年际变化信号。  相似文献   
50a一遇最大风速是风电场风机型号选择的决定因子之一,同时,对风电场的安全运行影响很大,贵州地形复杂,拟建风电场均为山区,50a一遇最大风速的计算尤为复杂。该文在参考国内各种常用的极值计算方法的基础上,采用《建筑结构载荷规范》风压表估算方法及5d最大风速取样法对盘县黄茅坪、惠水摆榜2座测风塔进行50a一遇最大风速估算,探讨山区不同地形条件下最大风速的变化规律。  相似文献   
Based on gradient wind equations,including frictional force,and considering the effect of the movement of a tropical cyclone on wind speed,the Fujita Formula is improved and further simplified,and the numerical scheme for calculating the maximum wind speed radius and wind velocity distribution of a moving tropical cyclone is derived.In addition,the effect of frictional force on the internal structure of the tropical cyclone is discussed.By comparison with observational data,this numerical scheme demonstrate...  相似文献   
酒泉风电基地高分辨率风能资源的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用酒泉地区气象观测资料和NCAR/NCEP再分析资料, 结合中尺度WRF模式, 研究了酒泉千万千瓦级风电基地(39.5°~41.5°N, 94.5°~97.5°E)的高分辨率(3 km×3 km)风能资源。结果表明: 在模拟区域内主要有3个风速和风功率密度大值中心; 该区域大部分地区冬季风速和风能密度最大, 夏季较小\.经比较, 模拟的风能密度与实际观测结果较为一致。  相似文献   
全球有效波高和风速的时空变化及相关关系研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The climatology of significant wave height(SWH) and sea surface wind speed are matters of concern in the fields of both meteorology and oceanography because they are very important parameters for planning offshore structures and ship routings. The TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter, which collected data for about 13 years from September 1992 to October 2005, has measured SWHs and surface wind speeds over most of the world's oceans. In this paper, a study of the global spatiotemporal distributions and variations of SWH and sea surface wind speed was conducted using the TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter data set. The range and characteristics of the variations were analyzed quantitatively for the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans. Areas of rough waves and strong sea surface winds were localized precisely, and the correlation between SWH and sea surface wind speed analyzed.  相似文献   
The first Chinese microwave ocean environment satellite HY-2A, carrying a Ku-band scatteromenter (SCAT), was successfully launched in August 2011. The first quality assessment of HY-2A SCAT wind products is presented through the comparison of the first 6 months operationally released SCAT products with in situ data. The in situ winds from the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) buoys, R/V Polarstern, Aurora Australis, Roger Revelle and PY30-1 oil platform, were converted to the 10 m equivalent neutral winds. The temporal and spatial differences between the HY-2A SCAT and the in situ observations were limited to less than 5 min and 12.5 km. For HY-2A SCAT wind speed products, the comparison and analysis using the NDBC buoys yield a bias of-0.49 m/s, a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.3 m/s and an increase negative bias with increasing wind speed observation above 3 m/s. Although less accurate of HY-2A SCAT wind direction at low winds, the RMSE of 19.19° with a bias of 0.92° is found for wind speeds higher than 3 m/s. These results are found consistent with those from R/Vs and oil platform comparisons. Moreover, the NDBC buoy comparison results also suggest that the accuracy of HY-2A SCAT winds is consistent over the first half year of 2012. The encouraging assessment results over the first 6 months show that wind products from HY-2A SCAT will be useful for scientific community.  相似文献   
南印度洋风场时空特征分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本文根据1950~1995年共46a的南印度洋船舶气象报资料,按1°×1°和5°×5°网格统计的海面风进行分析研究。通过分析每月各要素的等值线分布图,得出南印度洋风场季节变化不如北半球各大洋显著,但仍有较明显的季节变化,只是季节性差异较小,冬季比夏季风强盛,相应的平均风速、6级和8级以上大风频率也较大;全年风场基本相似,10°S以北为季风气候区,而其它海域信风区常年盛行东南风,40°S以南盛行偏西风。本文为船舶远洋交通运输、远洋出访和科学试验等活动,提供了较为详细的风场资料及变化规律。  相似文献   
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