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The object of the paper is to provide an insight into the changes in livelihood strategies of the people in the Garhwal Himalayas over time. From sustaining an economy based on transit trade and subsistence agriculture, there has been a shift towards tourism in recent times. This shift has been due to the tradition of pilgrimage to the higher reaches and also due to promotion by the state by developing infrastructure and providing incentives. The paper is divided into four parts. In the first part, the policies of the colonial state and the events leading to the destruction of forests and the impoverishment of the self-sustaining semi-pastoral economy in the Garhwal Himalayas are outlined. It is argued that the destruction of forests and subsequently, the economy of the Himalayas were directly responsible for the large-scale migration to the plains. This also led to further exploitation of forests by the people who were unfamiliar with any other form of livelihood. The paper also discusses the policies of the newly independent Indian state and sees them as an extension of the British policy of large-scale exploitation of Himalayan forests for the purpose of development and economic growth. In the third section, the growth of ecotourism as a direct outcome of the orocess of deforestation and as resulting from the need of society to conserve and yet to earn a livelihood is discussed. The case study of the Gangotrir egion examines the dilemma faced by the people of Garhwal in sustaining their livelihood, income or the development in the area. In addition, tourism has fostered monopolies of groups external to the region thereby contributing neither to the income or the development in the area. In addition, there is an added threat to the environment-deforestation, and erosion-a direct outcome of increased and unplanned tourism. Such problems demand state intervention and management of t.ourism. The conclusion to the paper asserts that in order that the requirements of the society to progress and to sustain itself in its natural habitat are not compromised, it is essential to increase the process of democratization by strengthening local structures and by vesting the community with the autonomy to determine its future. The paper therefore argues that ecotourism in the Himalayas undertaken without local involvement is not desirable. The constant need for local monitoring of external agencies or even of the State‘s participation and the need for re-evaluation of environmental standards are cumbersome details that add to the costs of promoting low-impact tourism. To be viable, ecotourism should be community based and the needs of the community, their ideas of conservation should be given prime importance and local community must be encouraged to review the standards governing conservation. Local structures should thus receive patronage and promotion, so that ecotourism becomes a dynamic facet of economic development.  相似文献   
乡村旅游文化资源开发研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
乡村旅游是中国近年来才兴起的一种旅游活动,乡村旅游资源的开发形式多种多样,而旅游文化资源是旅游资源中的“质”。对乡村旅游文化资源的特点、类型、开发模式以及开发的切入点进行论述,以期在乡村旅游文化资源开发的过程巾,根据自身情况选择VC、EC、SC3种模式,实现旅游与生产双重功能、传统与现代文化双重结合、“硬环境”与“软环境”双重建设、自然与人文双重保护、游客休闲与丰富当地居民文化生活双重目标,实现乡村旅游的可持续发展。  相似文献   
(2012年4月22日)四月的北京,轻风和煦,春意盎然。我们在久负盛名的中华世纪坛隆重集会,举行纪念第43个"世界地球日"主题宣传话动。这次宣传活动的主题是:"珍惜地球资源,转变发展方式——推进找矿突破,保障科学发展",旨在通过系列活动,宣传资源国情国策,普及地球科学知识,增强全民资源忧患意识和节约意识,大力推进找矿突破战略行动,保障我国经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   
新一轮教学改革的推广与实施工作已经开展了六年,如何深入推进素质教育,提升课堂教学的实效性,为学生的终身发展奠基,成为摆在教育工作者面前的重要课题。《普通高中课程方案(实验)》指出"为保障新课程的实施,学校应加强课程资源建设,充分挖掘并有效利用校内外各种课程资源。"并赋予学校合理而充  相似文献   
张飞良 《地理教学》2012,(15):17-19
信息社会需要有信息能力的新型人才,而信息能力就是指获取、分析和加工信息的能力,随着Internet的接入和完善,浩如烟海的网络资源更为教育者提供广袤的信息与知识,课程改革已由封闭式的、以知识为中心的课程整合进入到开放式的、以资源为中心的课程整合的新阶段,这意味着教育者如何培养学生信息能力中获取信息、分析信息的能力,让学生在对大量信息进行筛选的过程中,实现对事物的多层面的了解,使学生不再只是为了学习知识而被动地学习,而成为学习的主动者、研究者、探索者。  相似文献   
“中国地形地势的主要特点”一课内容是在学生学习了我国主要山脉、高原、盆地、丘陵和平原等各类地形后,进一步认识我国地形地势的特点及其影响。就教学价值而言,了解我国地形地势特点并非本节课的首要目标。更重要的是,在此基础上,学生能感受到我国自然环境的复杂性及凶山区面积广、平地少而导致耕地资源的有限性,这是我国的基本国情,学生不可不知。另一重点是,学生能初步理解地形地势特点对气候、河流、灾害、农业生产、交通等各方面的影响。  相似文献   
《干旱区地理》1978年创刊,是中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所、中国地理学会主办的综合性学术期刊,由科学出版社出版。在国内外公开发行。具体包括:自然地理、全球变化及大气科学、水文与水资源、生物与土壤学研究、环境变化、生态及其生态系统建设、地理信息与遥感技术的应用、动植物生态学与动植物地理学、区域地理与可持续发展、灾害与防治、资源开发与利用、干旱区与大气圈、水圈、生物圈、岩石圈和人类活动之间的相互作用等方面。  相似文献   
辩论一我国是一个地大物博的国家VS我国不是一个地大物博的国家 全班可分为男生和女生2个大组,进行辩论。让学生辩证地认识问题,从多个角度得出综合的结沦。  相似文献   
教学中适当地利用教学资源会使学生学习得心应手。众所周知,教学资源包括课堂教学资源和课外学习资源。在课堂教学资源中,教材的地位是毋庸置疑的,但许多教师却往往会忽视现有的教材资源。这就无形中造成了教学资源的浪费。如何有效利用各种教学资源,让其更好地为教学服务、发展学生的思维力呢?笔者认为可以从以下几方面入手。  相似文献   
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