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截至2013年底,黑龙江垦区共完成土地整治项目227个,新增耕地38.4万亩。目前,垦区正在实施的项目171个,预计新增耕地面积66.15万亩。在北大荒这片沃土上,有一群为了守护黑土地始终孜孜不倦、忘我工作的人,他们就是黑龙江垦区国土资源局的干部职工们。近年来,垦区国土资源局引导当地建设发展走节约集约用地之路,为助推黑龙江粮食产量提升作出了不懈的探索和努力。  相似文献   
Soil erosion becomes a serious environmental problem in the world, especially in western China. An effective management practice called the Grain for Green Program (GGP), which was launched in 1999, aims to reduce soil and water loss and alleviate the ecological environment problem in western China. Two typical counties in western China, the Zhongxian (in Chongqing Municipality) and Ansai (in Shaanxi Province) were chosen to evaluate the dynamic changes of land use and agricultural production structure before and after the implementation of the Program in this paper. The results showed that the cultivated land area was reduced by 7.08% from 1989 to 2003. The cultivated land per person was decreased by 8.42% during 1999-2003. Moreover, the stability index of the secondary sector of the economy was increased from 0.91 in the period 1990-1999 to 0.94 in the following ten years. In addition, the stability index of tertiary economic sector increased from 0.88 to 0.92 in Zhongxian county. Meanwhile, the cultivated land area was reduced by 15.48% from 1990 to 1999. The soil erosion modulus was decreased by 33.33% from 1999 to 2006. Also, the stability index of secondary and tertiary economic sectors was 0.86 in the period 1998-2002. However, it decreased by 77% during 2002 to 2007 in Ansai County. These results imply that the Grain for Green Program had different impact on the two regions. Several effective strategies of soil and water conservation have been carried out to ameliorate the sustainable development of ecological environment and economy in these two counties of western China.  相似文献   
正国土资源是社会发展最基础的生产资料,国土资源是百姓生活的立足之本,国土资源工作关系我们每个人的中国梦。2014年以来,柳州市国土资源局紧紧围绕广西国土资源厅党组确定的"开创四个新局面"和十项重点工作,抓住弘扬"担当、认真、创先"三种精神和打造"四个平台"的工作核心,结合党的群众路线教育实践活动,从作风建设、效能建设和廉政建设3方面下功夫出实招,实实在在为群众服务。  相似文献   
“中原水城”——睢县,地处豫东平原,隶属于商丘市,辖8镇12乡,总面积926平方公里,人口86万,耕地面积100.3万卣。近年来,睢县县委、县政府严格执行《睢县土地利用总体规划》,强化土地利用总体规划的控制作用,  相似文献   
小陈乡属于河南省尉氏县,距离尉氏县城12.5公里。全乡辖20个行政村,30个自然村,总人口3.11万人,全乡总耕地面积68655.15亩,基本农田保护面积48169.95亩,人均耕地2.2亩。  相似文献   
“十五”期间,全国因建设占用、灾毁、生态退耕、农业结构调整共减少耕地11380万亩,同期土地整理复垦开发补充耕地2140万亩,耕地面积净减少9240万亩.截至2005年10月31日,全国耕地面积18.31亿亩,人均耕地1.4亩.  相似文献   
1引言方正县位于黑龙江省南部,是全国寒地水稻旱育稀植技术的发祥地。总耕地面积120万亩,水稻100万亩。属于山区、半山区,地形复杂,尤其是小气候差异很大。本文针对黑龙江省方正县气候特点,水稻种植技术及产量分布情况,经过对原始资料和本县气候概况的分析整理,建立了水稻种植分布区域图。  相似文献   
正阳县地处豫南平原,南临淮河,北依汝河,辖19个乡镇,281个行政村,75万人,总面积1903平方公里,耕地面积近200万亩,是一个典型的农业大县.长期以来,由于缺乏必要的规划和管理,正阳农村绝大部分居民点存在着散、多、旧、差的“空心村”现象.全县大小居民点3650个,近18万户,平均每个居民点不到50户人家;全县农村居民点占地24.9万亩,户均达1.4亩,不仅造成了大量土地的低效利用和闲置浪费,而且由于道路、供电、有线电视等基础设施无法集中配套,农民群众的生活居住条件和环境都很差.  相似文献   
一、基本情况松门镇地处浙江东南沿海,是全省136个中心镇之一,也是温岭市“一个中心,五个区块”格局中的东南区块中心。现镇域面积89.6平方公里。人口10.06万,辖62个行政村,8个居委会。全镇耕地面积46930亩,其中水田35840亩。  相似文献   
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