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Long-term monitoring programs for measurement of atmospheric mercury concentrations are presently recognized as powerful tools for local,regional and global studies of atmospheric long-range transport processes,and they could also provide valuable information about the impact of emission controls on the global budget of atmospheric mercury,their observance and an insight into the global mercury cycle. China is believed to be an increasing atmospheric mercury emission source. However,only a few measurements of mercury,to our knowledge,have been done in ambient air over China. The highly-time resolved atmospheric mercury concen-trations have been measured at Moxi Base Station (102°72′E 29°92′N,1640 m asl) of the Gongga Alpine Ecosystem Observation and Experiment Station of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) from May 2005 to June 2006 by using a set of Automatic Atmospheric Mercury Speciation Analyzers (Tekran 2537A). Measurements were carried out with a time resolution of every 15 minutes. The overall average total gaseous mercury (TGM) covering the measurement periods was 4±1.38 ng·m^-3 (N=57310),which is higher than the global background level of approximately 1.5~2.0 ng·m^-3. The measurements in all seasons showed a similar diurnal change pattern with a high concentration during daytime relative to nighttime and maximum concentration near solar noon and minimum concentration immediately before sunrise. The presence of diurnal TGM peaks during spring and summer was found earlier than that during autumn and winter. When divided seasonally,it was found that the concentrations of TGM were highest in winter with 6.13 ± 1.78 ng·m^-3 and lowest in summer with 3.17 ± 0.67 ng·m^-3. There were no significant differences in TGM among wind sectors during each season. Whereas Hg generally exhibited significant correlations with the parameters,such as temperature,saturated vapor pressure,precipitation,ultraviolet radiation (UV) and atmospheric pressure at the whole measurement stage,and t  相似文献   
Tibet Plateau in mountain system is becoming one of the focuses of global technique research, because its crust is marvelous thick, which is twice of the normal thickness of mountain system in lithosphere, and its rapid raise from the Quaternary.By using a finite element analysis software ABAQUS,the numeric analysis has been carried out and presented in this paper for the lithosphere stress field.It is the first time to use the displacement loading in the simulation of Tibet Plateau. During the analysis,the deformed elements are used to simulate the structure band, and friction mechanism is used to model the fracture band. The boundary conditions are given according to the boundary displacements around the Plateau. The stress and displacement distributions are obtained for the geological evolution of the plateau, which are consistent with P axial orientations of the seismic origin mechanism and the measures principle stress orientations. The analysis is also given for the dynamic lithosphere evolution of the Mountain System in the Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   
山区卵砾石河道水流阻力计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
卵砾石河道广泛存在于山区河流中,在卵砾石河床近底层的水流流速低于上方流速,速度剖面出现拐点,类似于自由剪切流动,传统的指数型和对数型水流阻力公式计算误差偏大。将自由剪切流理论类比到山区卵砾石河道,并考虑山区河流特殊流态、流场和剪切力的影响,引入雷诺数(Re)、弗劳德数(Fr)和摩阻流速利用水槽数据进一步修正了该类水流阻力公式。筛选位于意大利南部的亚平宁山脉140条山区河流野外数据对新公式进行验证,并检验对比了已发表的多个山区河流阻力公式。结果表明:修正后的水流阻力公式Nash-Sutcliffe效率指数最接近1、均方根误差最小、相对误差最小。自由剪切流动的类比是从湍流结构角度推导河道水流阻力,能更好地阐释特殊水流结构,进而提高计算精度。  相似文献   
“上山”找金铜, “下山”找钨锡及其理由   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
金铜和钨锡是两种不同类型的矿产资源, 金铜经常伴生, 钨锡经常伴生, 金铜和钨锡通常不在一起.研究表明, 金铜主要与埃达克岩和喜马拉雅型花岗岩有关, 产于加厚的地壳底部, 地表相应的出现高原或山脉; 钨锡主要与南岭型花岗岩有关, 代表减薄的陆壳, 产于平原区, 地势较低.因此, 从找矿的角度来说, 应当“上山”找金铜, “下山”找钨锡.文中识别出中国三叠纪以来可能存在过的7个山脉(华北北部山脉、西秦岭-东昆仑山脉、额尔古纳山脉、松潘-中甸山脉、湘赣山脉、浙闽山脉和哀牢山-羌塘山脉) 和2个高原(中国东部高原和湖南山地) 以及现存的青藏高原, 建议在上述高原和山脉上去找金铜矿, 指出喜马拉雅型花岗岩与金矿的密切关系, 是今后找金矿的一个重要目标.认为钨锡成矿目前仍然以华南为最佳, 但应注意在其他地块寻找钨锡的问题.   相似文献   
埃迪卡拉系底部发育一套覆盖在成冰纪冰碛杂砾岩之上的碳酸盐岩地层,被称为"盖帽碳酸盐岩",它是超级温室气候事件的沉积标志层,代表了新元古代"雪球"冰期的结束。通过对宁镇山脉地区新元古代地层的野外调查,在镇江丹阳帽山剖面南沱冰碛杂砾岩层顶部发现厚约4 m的含锰碳酸盐岩。沉积岩石学和稳定碳、氧同位素研究表明,这层碳酸盐岩具有盖帽碳酸盐岩的典型特征,可以与扬子板块其他地区的盖帽碳酸盐岩进行对比。这是宁镇山脉地区存在盖帽碳酸盐岩的首次报道。  相似文献   
This paper deals with the imperatives of nature-society interaction in the Himalayas as seen through CPR (Common Property Resources). It specifically looks at the process and factors that characterize the dynamics of the above interactions, with particular reference to the changing status and governance of CPRs at community levels. The paper puts together the synthesis of observations and inferences of different studies by ICIMOD and others in mountain regions, particularly in different parts of Nepal, India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, China and Pakistan. Rural CPRs (providing sustenance supplies and services) as an important component of a community’s natural resource base, manifest the institutional arrangements evolved by the communities to facilitate their adaptations to nature. The above process can be more clearly illustrated with reference to specific characteristics of mountain areas, called mountain specificities. However, over time, the situation of CPRs in terms of their extent and status, governance and management as well as contributions to community sustenance, has changed. The paper attempts toindicate potential lead lines for searching options for rehabilitation of CPRs, based on a closer under- standing of the factors contributing to their decline.  相似文献   
尚可 《海洋世界》2011,(3):76-77
公元207年,S2岁的曹操亲率大军北上,追歼袁绍残部,北征乌桓。途经碣石山时,他跃马扬鞭,登山观海,面对洪波涌起的大海,触景生情,写下了壮丽诗篇《观沧海》。曹操高龄亲征实在是有追不得已的原因,乌桓攻破幽州,俘虏了汉民十余万户;袁绍的儿子袁尚和袁熙又勾结辽西马桓首领蹋顿,屡次骚扰边境。危机之困,阻碍了曹操统一中国的宏愿,于是他毅然北上征伐。  相似文献   
梅岭,又名大庾岭,为南岭山系五岭之首。梅关是粤赣交界的险关要塞,素有“岭南第一关”之誉,秦汉以前已存在。梅岭以梅花著称。古道与关同时出现,到唐初张九龄扩展岭路成坦途。  相似文献   
江南春雨的时空分布   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
万日金  吴国雄 《气象学报》2008,66(3):310-319
江南春雨是东亚独特的天气气候现象,已有充分证据表明,它是青藏高原高大地形的动力和热力强迫的结果,但目前其时空分布还不明确。NCEP/NCAR环流及感热资料气候平均分析表明:在3月第1候(全年第13候),高原主体和高原东南部的感热加热、高原东南侧西南风速、江南春雨区西南风速和江南春雨区雨量都提升到一个新的水平,标志着江南春雨的建立;在5月第3候(全年第27候)以后,高原东南部的感热加热、高原东南侧西南风速、江南春雨区西南风速和江南春雨区雨量都迅速减小,对流层中低层南海副高脊线由南倾转北倾,江南雨带中心南移至南海,南海季风爆发,标志着江南春雨期的结束。因此,将江南春雨的建立和终结时间定为第13候和第27候比较适当。资料分析和数值敏感性试验表明,江南春雨期对流层低层冷暖空气的交汇区在30°N附近,但江南春雨雨带的位置和强度明显受南岭、武夷山脉地形的影响:山脉地形能阻挡抬升冷暖空气,加强锋生,增强降水,使雨带中心位置与山脉主轴分布重合。因此,江南春雨的空间范围包括长江中下游(30°N)以南、110°E以东的中国东南部地区。  相似文献   
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