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基于空间模型的全球粮食安全评价   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
在综合考虑自然、社会和经济等因子对粮食安全影响的基础上,选择了人均粮食占有量和人均GDP两个指标空间显性评价全球粮食安全状况。为此,本研究构建了3个模型,即空间EPIC模型、作物选择模型和IFPSIM模型,分别模拟作物单产、作物播种面积和作物价格。利用构建的评价框架和模型,以网格大小为6分弧度的地理单元为评价对象,选择水稻、玉米、小麦和大豆等4类全球主要作物类型,以2000年为初始年份,对未来2020年的全球粮食安全状况进行了评价。结果表明,到2020年,多数南亚国家和非洲国家,由于其人均粮食占有量和人均GDP两个指标值都显著降低,粮食供应不足和贫困一起将可能导致该区域存在粮食危机和饥饿风险。对于其他区域,日益增长的粮食需求可以通过本区域的粮食生产自给予以满足,或通过外部购买或粮食进口得到满足,总体上不存在粮食安全问题。为保障未来粮食安全,一方面要保护耕地数量和质量、防止土壤退化、增加资本投入、进行技术创新和升级,提高粮食综合生产能力,保障粮食的有效供给;另一方面加大农业补贴,切实提高农民收入,保障农民利益,增强农业购买力。同时,大力改善粮食流通和农产品贸易体制,通过外部市场来调节粮食供给;积极应对气候变化,提高农业生产对气候变化的适应能力,保证粮食生产的稳定。  相似文献   
Land pressure and adaptation are the main factors determining environmental degradation in most of China’s mountainous regions. Little attention so far has been paid to the adaptation strategies based on evaluation of land pressure in these regions. We evaluated the grain production pressure and economic development pressure for 21 small watersheds undergoing soil conservation measures in the northern mountainous region of China, compared the evaluation results with actual production for each of the watersheds, and analyzed the adaptation strategies. The results imply that land pressure was spatially heterogeneous among the sample watersheds, but there was a balancing trend between land pressure and productive capacity for each watershed. Under rising pressure, these watersheds developed a variety of adaptation strategies such as labor migration, increasing fruit and nut production, and expanding rural tourism if possible. These strategies result from evolution of the market economy in China, and persistent development of the national economy determines the variation of environment in these mountainous regions.  相似文献   
哈萨克斯坦粮食价格形成机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李宁 《世界地理研究》2010,19(4):40-46,39
自2006年下半年以来,哈萨克斯坦同全球其他国家一样出现了粮食价格的持续上涨的现象,由食物价格上涨引发了消费物价指数的暴涨,引起了哈萨克斯坦国内的社会抢购粮食风潮和社会动荡。而哈萨克斯坦是世界第六大谷物出口国,第一大面粉出口国为什么会受到全球粮食危机的冲击,导致国内粮食价格快速且大幅度的上涨。本文通过对哈萨克斯坦粮食价格的波动指数的研究,表明了哈萨克斯坦粮食价格动具有特殊的规律性的显著特征,提出了哈萨克斯坦的粮食价格波动主要是受供求关系、自然灾害、国际市场传导、农业政策变化等因素影响。  相似文献   
Rice planted in southern China accounts for 94% of the total in sown acreage and 88% of the total in production, which matters a lot to Chinese food security. However, due to the prolonged conflict between water availability and rice growth in spatial/temporal distribu-tion, rice production suffers from seasonal drought at acreage of 16%-22%, which compro-mises food production capacity and food security. Focusing on the spatial distribution of seasonal drought with rice and the practices to adapt to it, and based on an analysis of bal-anced water supply for and demand by rice at a growing season scale during 1981-2030, this paper assesses the changing seasonal drought in the process of rice production under the changing climate in the future, and identifies general rice re-cultivation options for climate change adaptation. Some conclusions can be drawn as follows. (1) Rice suggests a decline in seasonal drought, with early season rice (early rice hereafter) by 12,500 km2, middle season rice (middle rice) by 80,000 km2, and in particular late season rice (late rice) by 25,000 km2, which accounts for almost 20% of its cultivated acreage. It is indicated that due to climate change, seasonal drought in major rice producing areas tends to alleviate in general, late season rice in particular. (2) Future climate change brings about a significant impact on the spatial/temporal distribution of water resources in rice producing areas in China. Based on ’pre-designed’ adaptation actions for rice-re-cultivation, the rice cultivation pattern undergoes a significant alteration between 1981-2000 and 2001-2030. In eastern Guizhou and western Hunan, the pattern of single early plus single dry farming is changed into double cropping. In eastern Hunan, the pattern of dry cropping is changed into single early plus single dry farming. In northern Anhui, the pattern of dry farming cropping is changed into middle rice. All this is aimed at a potential adequate availability of water for rice production in the future. (3) Rice re-cultivation patterns developed in this paper help re-balance water demand and supply for rice growth using the spatial analysis tool to adapt rice growth to the changing water avail-ability from spatial perspective, and come up with rice producer-friendly re-cultivation options in response to climate change.  相似文献   
粮食主产区河南省经济欠发达,粮食总产位居前列,以耕地压力指数对粮食安全进行定量分析和计算,采用重心量算模型和空间变差函数对河南省粮食安全的空间格局和变化特征进行了分析.研究结果表明:研究时段内,耕地压力指数小于1的县区主要位于河南省东部,呈现先增加后减少的趋势;最高值位于西北地区,最高值与最低值的差距逐步扩大,重心从东南平原区向西北山地区转移,迁移轨迹符合耕地变化情况.耕地压力指数的空间特征结构性上表现出一定的随机性,粮食安全总体格局表现出一定的稳定性,而各向异性表现明显,其中以南北的差距最为显著.  相似文献   
今天是第22个全国土地日,今年全国土地日宣传活动的主题是"建设高标准基本农田,保障国家粮食安全"。粮食生产是国民经济的基础,耕地又是粮食生产的基础。基本农田作为耕地中的精华,是保障粮食生产的主要载体和基础,因此基本农田保护是耕地保护工作的重中之重。耕地始终是我们必须坚守的"生命  相似文献   
潘春辉  何玉红 《地理学报》2013,(8):1157-1158
2006年,程龙《北宋西北战区粮食补给地理》(社会科学文献出版社,简称《西北战区》)出版,该书旨在探讨宋夏战争中北宋西北战区的粮食补给地理问题。时隔6年,作者再次推出《北宋粮食筹措与边防:以华北战区为例》(商务印书馆2012年版,简称《华北战区》)。作者将观察区域从西北转向华北,研究宋辽对峙期间的粮食补给地理。韩茂莉评价说"这是作者在历史军事地理研  相似文献   
去年10月份以来,因降水偏少造成华北、黄淮等地出现严重气象干旱,涉及河北、山西、山东、河南、安徽、江苏、陕西、甘肃等多个粮食主产区,对粮食安全造成严重影响。中央领导对此高度重视,相继作出一系列重要批示。国务院专门开会研究,作出重要部署。  相似文献   
国土资源部公布数据称,全国每年被重金属污染的粮食多达1200万吨,每年足以养活4000多万人。专家对比称,1200万吨粮食几乎相当于广东一年的粮食总产量  相似文献   
滑县位于河南省东北部,地处豫北平原,县域面积1814平方公里,耕地面积198.81万亩,总人口127万,其中农业人口116万,是全省第一产粮大县,曾荣获全国粮食生产先进县标兵“八连冠”,属国家级扶贫开发工作重点县。  相似文献   
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