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A Moored Underwater Energy Conservation System for Profiling Measurement   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
There is a need to obtain the hydrologic data including ocean current,wave,temperature and so on in the South China Sea.A new profiling instrument which does not suffer from the damage due to nature forces or incidents caused by passing ships,is under development to acquire data from this area.This device is based on a taut single point mid-water mooring system.It incorporates a small,instrumented vertically profiling float attached via an electromechanical cable to a winch integral with the main subsurface flotation.On a pre-set schedule,the instrument float with sensors is winched up to the surface if there is no ship passing by,which is defined by an on-board miniature sonar.And it can be immediately winched down to a certain depth if the sonar sensor finds something is coming.Since,because of logistics,the area can only be visited once for a long time and a minimum of 10 times per day profiles are desired,energy demands are severe.To respond to these concerns,the system has been designed to conserve a substantial portion of the potential energy lost during the ascent phase of each profile and subsequently use this energy to pull the instrument down.Compared with the previous single-point layered measuring mode,it is advanced and economica1.At last the paper introduces the test in the South China Sea.  相似文献   
海底地形测量波束角效应改进模型   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在海洋测深过程中,回声测深仪波束角效应使记录的测深图像失真。现有波束角效应模型应用分段解析几何的方法将其划分为三个作用过程:测深值平移效应、双曲线增伪效应、深度丢失效应。在此基础上,应用微分几何的原理对波束角效应的空间结构及其数学原理描述进行理论分析,提出了波束角效应的改进模型及其改正算法。改进模型的优越之处在于提出决定波束角效应发生作用的是海底地形的线性特征而不是形状特征,由此提高了改正算法的自动化程度。  相似文献   
(一)海洋地磁测量与处理 地球磁场总强度的测量使用G-801/3型质子旋进磁力仪。测量工作与多道地震、重力测量等同步进行。探头电缆长500m,以降低船磁的影响。由于船磁影响与探头至船距离的三次方成反比,目前的措施可将此影响降至1nT以下,故可忽略不计。 为消除区域场的影响,理应使用国际地磁参考场IGRF1985来进行改正,但为节约时间起见,本次采用多项式来逼近IGRF,两者的差在整个测区内不足1nT,其结果是可信赖  相似文献   
前人对南海北部新生代陆缘盆地结构、构造样式和期次等做了大量的研究工作,但对于具体体现内动力过程的岩浆活动关注较少,尤其是北部深水区的研究鲜有涉及。本文基于二维地震剖面的解译分析,将南海北部新生代岩浆岩划分为3个集中分布区:琼东南-西沙区、神狐区和东沙区。各区域岩浆岩的产出状态有所差异,其中琼东南-西沙区岩浆岩的平面展布规律性极强,主要受右行右阶的走滑断裂控制;神狐区岩浆岩位于NW向与NE向断裂的交汇处,侵位空间受先存断裂制约;东沙区岩浆岩的产生与东沙运动期间区域伸展过程有直接关系。作为内动力的表征,岩浆作用对于海底地形地貌具有重要的改造作用,与活动断裂、海底滑坡、浅层气等海底地质灾害也具有成因上的关联。  相似文献   
琼东南盆地深水区构造热演化特征及其影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
To reveal the tectonic thermal evolution and influence factors on the present heat flow distribution, based on 154 heat flow data, the present heat flow distribution features of the main tectonic units are first analyzed in detail, then the tectonic thermal evolution histories of 20 profiles are reestablished crossing the main deep-water sags with a structural, thermal and sedimentary coupled numerical model. On the basis of the present geothermal features, the Qiongdongnan Basin could be divided into three regions: the northern shelf and upper slope region with a heat flow of 50–70 m W/m2, most of the central depression zone of 70–85 m W/m2, and a NE trending high heat flow zone of 85–105 m W/m2 lying in the eastern basin. Numerical modeling shows that during the syn-rift phase, the heat flow increases generally with time, and is higher in basement high area than in its adjacent sags. At the end of the syn-rift phase, the heat flow in the deepwater sags was in a range of 60–85 m W/m2, while in the basement high area, it was in a range of 75–100 m W/m2. During the post-rift phase, the heat flow decreased gradually, and tended to be more uniform in the basement highs and sags. However, an extensive magmatism, which equivalently happened at around 5 Ma, has greatly increased the heat flow values, and the relict heat still contributes about 10–25 m W/m2 to the present surface heat flow in the central depression zone and the southern uplift zone. Further analyses suggested that the present high heat flow in the deep-water Qiongdongnan Basin is a combined result of the thermal anomaly in the upper mantle, highly thinning of the lithosphere, and the recent extensive magmatism. Other secondary factors might have affected the heat flow distribution features in some local regions. These factors include basement and seafloor topography, sediment heat generation, thermal blanketing, local magmatic injecting and hydrothermal activities related to faulting and overpressure.  相似文献   
温度应力下海底管线的整体屈曲是海底管线设计中的关键问题之一,不埋或半埋的海底管线较易发生水平向整体屈曲。海底管线会因为制造的缺陷或铺设的原因而具有初始变形,即初始侧向变形。研究了初始侧向变形对海底管线整体屈曲的影响,应用小变形理论建立了单拱侧向变形和反对称双拱侧向变形管线发生低阶模态水平向整体屈曲的理论分析方法,结合工程实例分析了初始侧向变形形态、侧向变形幅值以及地基土体强度特性对管线水平向整体屈曲的影响。结果表明,初始侧向变形的存在使管线更易发生整体屈曲;而反对称双拱侧向变形比单拱侧向变形更易引起管线整体屈曲;随初始侧向变形幅值的增加管线发生整体屈曲所需要的温差降低,且整体屈曲变形形态有所改变管土间摩擦系数的增加会提高管线发生整体屈曲的温差,从而提高管线抵抗整体屈曲变形的能力。  相似文献   
影响东海海底管道安全的灾害因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过多年的海底管道检测成果,分析了东海海区对管道路由存在威胁的灾害因素,认为可以分为人类活动、海流冲刷、浅部地质灾害和砂质底质等;重点探讨了拖痕、海流冲刷、浅层气和砂土液化等灾害因素的致灾机理和致灾结果,目的是加深对这些灾害的认识,以期在今后的检测中能够及时发现存在的安全隐患,并能采取相应的防范措施,确保海底管道的安全运行。  相似文献   
渤海海峡跨海通道区浅地层结构探测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在对2012年渤海海峡跨海通道区实测浅地层剖面资料进行地质解释的基础上,通过将浅地层剖面与钻孔地层岩性划分进行对比,标定了标准反射界面,通过对浅地层剖面各反射波组、内部反射结构的追踪、对比分析以及测线间的闭合检查,划分出5个主要反射界面和4个声学地层单元,揭示了各地层单元的分布特征。对拟建跨海通道路线选区典型探测剖面进行了系统的分析、讨论。  相似文献   
机载激光测深技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先基于海水的光学特性介绍了机载激光测深原理,然后根据国内外的研究现状介绍了机载激光测深系统的性能指标和系统构成,最后介绍了在海底地形测量、障碍物探测、近岸海洋工程建设等方面的应用。为从事机载激光测深系统研发和应用的技术人员提供相关原理和背景参考。  相似文献   
环境效应是天然气水合物科学体系中重要一环,同时,有关该领域的调查研究也是人类安全、环保、经济、科学地利用水合物资源的可靠保证。海底天然气水合物所孕育的独特的生态系统、与之关联的重大地学、环境问题以及资源的勘探开发均是充满魅力而又富有挑战的科学新领域。梳理了当前全球范围内有关水合物环境效应的大部分研究工作,综述了与天然气水合物环境有关的生物效应、化学效应和物理效应的研究现状及内容,着重强调了与该领域相关的基础问题和焦点问题,展望了该领域未来发展的趋势,希望藉此为我国的水合物环境效应调查与评价工作向纵深推进提供参考依据,并能引起广大研究者的兴趣与重视。  相似文献   
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