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渤海西部海平面资料均一性订正及变化特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
海平面资料的质量直接影响到海洋与气候分析的准确性,同时也影响了海洋与气候变化监测、检测和预测工作的业 务质量和研究水平的提高。以渤海西部资料序列变动明显的塘沽站(纳入全球海平面观测系统)、建站较短的京唐港和曹妃 甸站为例,从长期趋势、年际和年代际周期波动、季节海平面变化以及与邻近站比较等方面详细介绍了资料序列发生突变的 时间段诊断、变化原因、变动幅度以及订正方式。使用订正完的海平面月均及年均长期资料序列分析了海平面变化的长期趋 势、周期性波动、季节变化特征等,结果能很好地反映出局地区域的海平面变化特征,同时对于研究中国沿海以及西太的海 平面变化及气候变化有着重要的意义。  相似文献   
樊妙  章任群  金继业 《海洋通报》2013,32(3):246-250
海洋测绘数据是实施海洋各项研究和开发活动不可或缺的基础资料,以几类主要海洋测绘数据为目标,介绍了美国 海洋机构共享的海洋测绘数据的基本情况,在此基础上,以NOAA的NGDC为例,介绍并分析了其主要的空间数据管理方法 和模式,旨在为我国海洋测绘数据的共享和服务平台建设提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
Based on the comprehensive collection of the field observed salinity of the Bohai Sea (BHS) and the northern Huanghai Sea (NHS) from the 1950s to the present,the patterns of 10-years-averaged salinity at the different layers in the recent five decades (the 1950s,the 1960s,the 1970s,the 1980s and the 1990s) are obtained by the spatial-temporal interpolation technique with the scrupulous data quality control in this study.Then,by combining the spatial-temporal interpolation technique with successive correction method,the annual distributions of salinity both in the BHS and in the NHS are obtained as well.The data analyses indicate that the overall salinity in the BHS and the NHS increases from the 1960s till the present,with the increase of annual mean salinity of 0.04 psu from the 1950s,and the maximum increase rate of salinity is about 0.14 psu/a in the Bohai Bay.The high salinity tongue extended significantly from the NHS into the BHS.The intensified eastern wind field is related to the western intrusion of the NHS warm current,which probably leads to the moving forward of the high salinity water mass into the BHS.However,it is rather different from the salinity distribution characteristics between the 1950s and the 1960s.The extensive precipitation in the 1960s could lead to an increase in the discharge of the Huanghe River,which might result in the decrease of salinity in the BHS.But the salinity isoline of 32 in the NHS still extended significantly into the BHS in the 1960s.Since the 1980s,the patterns of salinity distribution have changed thoroughly.The salinity in the central area of the BHS was low,while the salinity in the Bohai Bay and the Liaodong Bay was higher than the other regions with its horizontal salinity gradient decreasing in the 1980s.The Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis (EOF) is also conducted to study the interannual salinity variability of the BHS and the NHS.The correlation coefficient between the time coefficient series of the main mode and the Huanghe River discharge can reach -64.57%.It can be concluded that salinity variation of the BHS and the NHS has strong negative correlation with the Huanghe River discharge.  相似文献   
A large area hypoxia has been already reported respectively by two interdisciplinary surveys off the Changjiang Estuary since summer of 1999 and 2006. The hypoxic zone shows distinct year-to-year variations. Observed oceanographic data are first analysized and reveal a big difference for the Changjiang Diluted Water (CDW) between these two periods. These great changes are related to the tremendous reduction of the freshwater discharge and variations of wind fields between these two years. It is also found that the monthly mean intrusion of Kuroshio and its branches has increased in the northern East China Sea (ECS), but decreased in the southern ECS in August of 2006 as compared with 1999 on the base of general circulation models. Then, the Regional Ocean Modelling Systems is applied to the East China Sea to evaluate the contributions and relative importance of impacts from the river discharge, wind forcing and open boundary data. Our simulations reproduce the phenomena that more fresh water extends northeastward in 2006 and forms a negative SSS anomaly to the northeast of the river mouth as compared with 1999, which is consistent with observations. The five group numerical tests suggest that the wind forcing dominates the CDW variations followed by the Kuroshio and its branches. The study implies important roles played by hydrodynamic processes on the variability of hypoxic zone in the study areas.  相似文献   
根据海道测量精密测量的需求,对姿态与定位数据融合的同步方法进行了研究。通过GPS大地高数据和升沉数据,建立了一种基于相关逼近原理的定位与姿态数据同步模型。该模型能够确定定位与姿态数据的相对延时,实现两类数据在同一时间基准下的同步。实例计算表明,定位与姿态数据的相对延迟时间已成为两类数据融合应用中必须考虑的因素。由同步模型解算后,GPS大地高数据与总升沉数据体现了更好的一致性,由此也验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   
卫星遥感数据同化技术已成为海洋学研究的一个有效手段。本文选取了日本以东黑潮流域作为研究海区,介绍了最优插值同化方法对海洋温度场和盐度场的分析,在此基础上对实验海区声场进行了研究。文中为了说明数据同化的优越性,利用WOA数据与其进行比较,体现了同化数据对真实场描述的可靠性。  相似文献   
美国卡罗莱纳州区域海洋观测预报系统简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了美国卡罗莱纳州区域海洋观测预报系统(Caro-COOPS系统)。该系统通过"实时观测-模式模拟-数据同化-业务应用"形成的一个完整链结,为卡罗莱纳州及其周边海域的科研、经济以及军事应用提供服务。观测系统依靠沿岸水文气象台站、海上浮标、潜标以及卫星遥感装置等,获得研究海区的准确观测资料。数值模拟模块是Caro-COOPS系统的核心部分,使用三重网格嵌套技术,并耦合了大气、海浪、泥沙输运以及生物化学模型,真实、全面地模拟出该海区的状况。Caro-COOPS系统中采用集合卡曼滤波和四维变分同化的方式,利用观测数据来调整计算误差。在模式的运行过程中,数据同化的作用主要体现在对初始场和强迫场的修正上,其观测结果经过统计分析处理后,可对原有的强迫场进行校正,将相对真实的强迫场提供给模式计算;模式计算的结果与观测数据相融合,通过滤波的方法调整积分的方向,以便更加逼近物理场的真实状态,将滤波调整后形成的物理场作为模拟下一个时刻计算所需的初始场。经过数据同化的调整,优化了模式计算所依赖的初始场和强迫场,减小了其与真实状态的误差,使模式的计算结果更加逼近真实值。Caro-COOPS系统的一大优势亮点是通过将预报结果与地理信息系统(GIS)相结合,快速而准确地定位洪水、风暴潮等自然灾害的影响区域,可准确至每一条街道乃至住宅,极大方便了决策部门有针对性地进行灾害预防和救助工作。GIS与模式结果的结合也极大地增强了Caro-COOPS系统服务社会的能力。  相似文献   
挪威斯塔万格大学科技学院前院长佩尔·阿内尔·比约库姆和挪威国家石油公司两位研究员经过10年研究,最近提出了油气勘探黄金地带理论,并经过了全球12万个已知油气田数据的验证。  相似文献   
黄河三角洲地区许多控制点存在着不同程度的沉降,个别点年沉降量高达8.01 cm。该三角洲地理环境复杂,控制网复测成本畸高,部分控制点甚至因地形变化而无法复测。为此,在无法应用常规变形分析理论方法的情况下,对该地区建国以来的测绘档案资料进行数据挖掘,利用G IS的空间分析方法,发现了一些用常规方法难以发现的规律,并进行了初步验证,进而对该类地区控制测量的一些现象重新分析,并总结了对建、管、用网的参考意义。  相似文献   
莫知 《海洋世界》2010,(8):43-45
<正>在医学上,CT是一种经常被用到的技术。CT即计算机体层摄影,扫描仪利用X线对人体某一范围进行逐层的横断扫描,取得信息,然后再经由计算机处理后获得重建的图像。所获的图像为人体的横断解剖图,最终可通过计算机处理得到三维的重建图像。  相似文献   
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