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高精度降雨监测雷达设备为获取精细化的流域面雨量信息提供了高新技术设备解决方案。其方法是利用物体对电磁波的散射作用来对面降雨量进行监测。对其组成和应用效果做出初步探讨,给出一个用常规雨量计所得到的累积降水量与测雨雷达收集得到的降水量比较,对雨量计算中各类方法的优缺点进行应用分析,总结技术应用成果并辅以案例说明。高精度降雨雷达设备以较高的时空分辨率,获取较大面积的测量数据,并能迅速更新降水的三维结构,将逐步成为广泛应用的高新技术设备。  相似文献   
以全球大地构造为背景讨论了玄武岩浆起源和演化的一些基本概念.这些概念的正确理解有助于合理解释各种环境中火成岩的形成机制,也有助于依据野外岩石组合来判别古构造环境.在此基础上结合已有资料和观察,对中国东部中生代岩石圈减薄及中-新生代基性火山岩成因提出了一些新解释.这些解释与地质观察相吻合,且符合基本的物理学原理.虽然中国东部基性火山活动可称为"板内"火山活动,但它实际上是板块构造的特殊产物.中国东部中生代岩石圈减薄是其下部被改造为软流层的缘故.这种改造是加水"软化"所致.水则源于中国东部地幔过渡带(410~660 km)内古太平洋(或其前身)俯冲板块脱水作用.其将岩石圈底部改造为软流层的过程,实际上就是岩石圈减薄的过程.因为软流层是地幔对流的重要部分,而大陆岩石圈则不直接参与地幔对流.中生代玄武岩具有εNd<0的特征,说明其源于新近改造而成的软流层,亦即原古老岩石圈之底部.中国大陆北北东-南南西向的海拔梯度突变界线与东-西部重力异常,陆壳厚度变化,以及地幔地震波速变化梯度吻合.因此可将北北东-南南西向梯度线称为"东-西梯度界".该界东-西海拔高差(西部高原与东部丘陵平原),陆壳厚度差异(西部厚而东部薄)和100~150 km的深度范围地幔地震波速差异(西部快而东部慢),均受控于上地幔重力均衡原理.这表明西部高原岩石圈厚度>150~200 km,而东部丘陵平原岩石圈厚度<80km."遥远"的西太平洋俯冲带具有自然的地幔楔吸引作用.此吸引作用可引起中国东部"新生"软流层东流.软流层东流必将引起西部高原底部软流层的东向补给(流动).这一过程必然导致东移软流层的减压,即从西部的深源(岩石圈深度>150~200 km处)到东部的浅源(岩石圈深度~80km处).东移软流层的减压分熔可合理解释具有软流圈地球化学特征(εNd>0)的新生代中国东部基性火山活动及玄武岩的成因.这些对中国东部中-新生代地质过程的解释,将为更加细致的,以岩石学和地球化学为主的讨论所验证.  相似文献   
东天山东戈壁钼矿辉钼矿Re-Os同位素年龄及地质意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
东戈壁钼矿位于新疆东天山哈密库姆塔格沙垄东侧,康古尔断裂与雅满苏断裂之间.矿体赋存于隐伏斑状钾长花岗岩体上部,赋矿岩石为下石炭统干墩组变质泥质砂岩、变质砂质泥岩、变质砂岩等.矿石矿物主要为辉钼矿、黄铁矿,微量黄铜矿、金红石、方铅矿、闪锌矿,白钨矿、钛铁矿等,石英脉和裂隙发育部位发育辉钼矿,形成矿区内的富矿体.对辉钼矿中的Re-Os同位素年龄测定,获得矿床形成的等时线年龄为(231.1±1.5) Ma,加权平均年龄为(232.3±1.2) Ma,成矿时代为中三叠世.该矿床测年结果代表了东天山地区印支期一次成矿作用的高峰,为重建东天山地区中生代以来岩浆演化与成矿作用提供了科学依据和重要线索.  相似文献   
李丰丹  李超岭  刘畅  吕霞 《地质通报》2008,27(7):980-985
空间数据库建库流程是数字地质调查系统总体技术流程的一个重要组成部分。针对地质人员实际工作量等方面的几个关键技术问题提出了详细的解决方案.并在数字地质调查系统的软件系统中以辅助建库工具、辅助检查工具、数据检索工具的形式加以实现。为建库提供了技术保障,保证了数据的质量,有效地提高了地质人员对地质调查系统的应用能力和建库的效率。  相似文献   
从美国引进的QLP/QLM—4582小径岩层产状仪是三臂式的小径仪器。仪器的上部是测量H_x、H_y、H_z三个磁场分量与I_x、I_y两个重力分量,用以确定钻孔倾角及其倾斜方位角,仪器的这部分可用井斜仪校验台标定,仪器的下部是测量岩层倾角用,测量三个高程差的微聚焦电极系安装在互成120°角的带推靠的三个井径臂端,其各中心电极为10mm×10mm的矩形。电极的岩层分辨率为10mm。在孔径为100mm的钻孔中,岩层缓倾斜时的倾角分辨率为5°42′,该部分的标定比较麻烦。为此1986年研制了简易产状刻度器,经过试验取得了一定效果,现介绍如下:  相似文献   
Dry intrusion plays an important role in the explosive development of cyclones and the evolution of cold fronts. Characteristics of dry intrusion during a rainfall event that occurred in northern China are analyzed in detail in this paper. The IM (ingredients-based methodology) developed by Doswell et al. in 1996 and Wetzel and Martin in 2001 is utilized. All the physical representations of dry intrusion defined in the past studies, such as low relative humidity, cold advection, and high potential vorticity (on either isobaric or isentropic surfaces), are combined into a simple and convenient physical parameter to characterize dry intrusion. This is a new attempt to extend the IM that was primarily applied to research on heavy rainfall to the study of dry intrusion. The new dry intrusion parameter is used to analyze the isentropic evolution of dry intrusion during the rainfall event. The results show that this parameter can better quantify the intensity of dry intrusion and diagnose its evolution shown in satellite infrared and water vapor imageries.It is found that dry intrusion maintains during the rainfall period. The intensity of precipitation increases with the increasing dry intrusion, which has pushed the rainy region southeastward. From the results on the isentropic surface and the corresponding isobaric surface,it is inferred that the analyses of dry intrusion on both surfaces are consistent with each other. The isentropic analysis of dry intrusion reveals that cold and dry air at the upper level overruns that in the lower troposphere where moist and warm air is located.Thus, potential instability is built up in the vertical direction, which favors the occurrence of precipitation.In practice,we may identify dry intrusion regions by tracking strong signals of the dry intrusion parameter,and further identify the instability near the dry intrusion regions.This will aid in improving the accuracy of precipitation forecast.  相似文献   
The effect of anomalous snow cover over the Tibetan Plateau upon the South Asian summer monsoon is investigated by numerical simulations using the NCAR regional climate model (RegCM2) into which gravity wave drag has been introduced. The simulations adopt relatively realistic snow mass forcings based on Scanning Multi-channel Microwave Radiometer (SNINIR) pentad snow depth data. The physical mechanism and spatial structure of the sensitivity of the South Asian early summer monsoon to snow cover anomaly over the Tibetan Plateau are revealed. The main results are summarized as follows. The heavier than normal snow cover over the Plateau can obviously reduce the shortwave radiation absorbed by surface through the albedo effect, which is compensated by weaker upward sensible heat flux associated with colder surface temperature, whereas the effects of snow melting and evaporation are relatively smaller.The anomalies of surface heat fluxes can last until June and become unobvious in July. The decrease of the Plateau surface temperature caused by heavier snow cover reaches its maximum value from late April to early May. The atmospheric cooling in the mid-upper troposphere over the Plateau and its surrounding areas is most obvious in May and can keep a fairly strong intensity in June. In contrast, there is warming to the south of the Plateau in the mid-lower troposphere from April to June with a maximum value in May.The heavier snow cover over the Plateau can reduce the intensity of the South Asian summer monsoon and rainfall to some extent, but this influence is only obvious in early summer and almost disappears in later stages.  相似文献   
利用陕西省96个气象站1971-2005年月平均气温、降水资料,计算各气象站35 a逐月帕默尔干旱指数(PDSI)和降水距平百分率.对比分析表明:PDSI不是采用简单的时段平均,它考虑因子全面,除降水外,还考虑蒸散、气温等综合因素,并引入气候适宜值的概念,因此计算结果与实际基本吻合,能反映出干旱过程,具有更大的时空尺度.在夏季高温蒸发较大的地区,PDSI比降水距平百分率描述干旱强度更准确.  相似文献   
"2005-05-31"暴雨天气过程多普勒雷达回波分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵杰 《贵州气象》2005,29(Z1):28-30
通过对2005年5月31日贵州省一次强降水的雷达回波强度、速度的分析,发现此次暴雨过程具有较为典型的冷锋过境的雷达回波特征,暴雨落区与雷达回波强度、移速有关,暴雨出现在逆风区附近.  相似文献   
区域气候模式RegCM3应用研究综述   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
周建玮  王咏青 《气象科学》2007,27(6):702-708
回顾了区域气候模式RegCM的发展历史,并对最近推出的RegCM3模式目前的应用进展情况进行了分类总结,同时讨论了今后的研究方向和其中存在的不足。  相似文献   
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