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针对现有机载激光雷达(LiDAR)点云滤波算法难以准确分离复杂地形中地面点与地物点问题,提出了一种基于点的多尺度形态学重建滤波方法 PMMF (Point-based Multi-scale Morphological reconstruction Filter)。在初始尺度层次下,PMMF通过构建一种基于点的形态学重建对原始点云滤波,即先在掩膜点云约束下借助k邻域结构元素和高程缓冲区反复膨胀标记点云,获取潜在地面点;然后通过自适应坡度方法剔除潜在地面点中的非地面点,其中,坡度阈值随地形复杂度自适应变化。在上层滤波结果基础上,PMMF通过提升种子点选择的网格尺度重复上层滤波过程,直至结果收敛。以国际摄影测量与遥感学会(ISPRS)发布的15组基准数据为研究对象,将PMMF滤波结果与近5年(2016年—2020年)提出的15种滤波算法比较表明,PMMF有8组数据滤波效果占优,15组数据平均总误差和Kappa系数分别为2.71%和91.08%。使用4种不同地形特征的高密度机载LiDAR点云数据进一步验证PMMF的滤波效果,并将计算结果与简单形态学滤波(SMRF)、布料模拟滤波(CSF)、渐进加密三角网滤波(PTD)和多分辨率层次滤波(MHF)比较。结果表明,PMMF滤波性能最优,平均总误差为3.24%,较其他4种滤波方法分别减小了12.0%、59.1%、70.1%和53.2%。  相似文献   
作为全国第5个国家级新区,兰州新区在城镇化发展进程中,多渠道、多方位拓宽被征地农民安置途径,探索以提供住房保障、技能培训、就业岗位、养老保障、救济救助等方式,让他们住有新居、掌握技术、干有工作、病有保险、老有所依,切实解决了“农民变居民”后的长远生计问题。  相似文献   
本刊讯 近日,郑州市金水区国土资源局对辖区闲置土地进行了全面排查,清理“疑似”闲置土地20宗,并对经过调查核实确定的闲置土地统计上报市主管部门。 通过此次清理,共核查土地变更图斑38宗65.7853公顷,疑似闲置20宗34.2585公顷。  相似文献   
胡笑伟  于志龙 《山东地质》2014,(5):F0002-F0002
5月8日-9日,全省国土资源规划工作暨节地挖潜三项试点现场会在潍坊召开。国土资源部规划司司长董祚继、省国土资源厅厅长刘俭朴出席会议并作重要讲话,副厅长宇向东通报了有关工作情况,副厅长张庆坤主持会议,潍坊市市长刘曙光出席会议并致辞。  相似文献   
沁水盆地煤层气成藏主控因素与成藏模式分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沁水盆地石炭-二叠系煤层厚度大、分布稳定、演化程度高,具有良好的煤层气勘探潜力,是目前国内首个成功商业化开发的煤层气盆地。基于研究区已有地质成果,对影响沁水盆地煤层气富集成藏的主控地质因素与成藏模式进行分析,认为构造运动、水动力条件、煤层埋深、煤岩组成及热演化程度是控制沁水盆地煤层气成藏的主要地质因素,高镜质组含量、高热演化程度、弱水动力条件和较大的埋深是煤层气成藏的有利条件,向斜是煤层气富集成藏的有利部位。  相似文献   
The basement of the Romanian Carpathians is made of Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic periGondwanan terranes variably involved in the Variscan orogeny,similarly to other basement terrains of Europe.They were hardly dismembered during the Alpine orogeny and traditionally have their own names in the three Carpathian areas.The Danubian domain of the South Carpathians comprises the Dragsan and Lainici-Paius peri-Amazonian terranes.The Dragsan terrane originated within the ocean surrounding Rodinia and docked with Rodinia at ~800 Ma.It does not contain Cadomian magmatism and consequently it is classified as an Avalonian extra-Cadomian terrane.The Lainici-Paius terrane is a Ganderian fragment strongly modified by Cadomian subduction-related magmatism.It is attached to the Moesia platform.The Tisovita terrane is an ophiolite that marks the boundary between Dragsan and Lainici-Paius terranes.The other basement terranes of the Romanian Carpathians originated close to the Ordovician NorthAfrican orogen,as a result of the eastern Rheic Ocean opening and closure.Except for the Sebes-Lotru terrane that includes a lower metamorphic unit of Cadomian age,all the other terranes(Bretila,Tulghes,Negrisoara and Rebra in the East Carpathians,Somes,Biharia and Baia de Aries in the Apuseni mountains,Fagaras,Leaota,Caras and Pades in the South Carpathians) represent late Cambrian—Ordovician rock assemblages.Their provenance,is probably within paleo-northeast Africa,close to the Arabian-Nubian shield.The late Cambrian-Ordovician terranes are defined here as Carpathian-type terranes.According to their lithostratigraphy and origin,some are of continental margin magmatic arc setting,whereas others formed in rift and back-arc environment and closed to passive continental margin settings.In a paleogeographic reconstruction,the continental margin magmatic arc terranes were first that drifted out,followed by the passive continental margin terranes with the back-arc terranes in their front.They accreted to Laurussia during the Variscan orogeny.Some of them(Sebes-Lotru in South Carpathians and Baia de Aries in Apuseni mountains) underwent eclogite-grade metamorphism.The Danubian terranes,the Bretila terrane and the Somes terrane were intruded by Variscan granitoids.  相似文献   
遥感,又称Remote Sensing,简称RS。一般指运用传感器/遥感器对物体的电磁波的辐射、反射特性的探测,并根据其特性对物体的性质、特征和状态进行分析的理论、方法和应用的科学技术。1957年第一颗人造地球卫星升空标志着人类进入了太空时代,从此人类以崭新的角度开始重新认识自己赖以生存的地球。  相似文献   
应用基于时间域有限差分法模拟软件GPRMax2D,对高铁隧道衬砌典型的不良情况,如厚度不足、空洞和钢筋布置不合理等进行了正演模拟,得到了隧道衬砌典型不良情况的正演模拟雷达图像。结合某高铁隧道工程实际检测得到的雷达图像,对两者图像作了对比分析,总结得到了隧道衬砌不良情况雷达图像的特征规律,完善了探地雷达图像资料特征解释库,提高了识别高铁隧道衬砌典型不良情况雷达图像的可信度,为高速铁路隧道的无损检测提供了有效的依据。  相似文献   
为了查明龙门石窟奉先寺周边岩体裂隙、岩体破碎带分布以及奉先寺顶部覆盖层厚度,为奉先寺的渗水治理提供基础资料,将探地雷达无损检测技术应用于奉先寺保护工程。探测结果显示,奉先寺顶部岩体较完整,神仙洞与卢舍那大佛之间裂隙和破碎带较多,形成了交叉网络渗水通道;奉先寺顶部覆盖层呈凹形分布,厚度在1~2.2m之间,有利于雨水的贮存和滞留。此次工程实践表明,将探地雷达技术应用于奉先寺岩体裂隙和覆盖层厚度调查是可行的,探地雷达在岩土文物保护中有巨大的应用前景。  相似文献   
Field surveys indicate lateral variation in peat humification levels (von Post) in dominantly occurring fibric,fibric to hemic,sapric and hemie to sapric peats across a gradient from the margin towards the centre of tropical lowland peat domes.Cement-peat stabilisation can be enhanced by adding mineral soil fillers (silt,clays and fine sands) obtained from Quaternary floodplain deposits and residual soil (weathered schist).The unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of the stabilised cement-mineral soil fifler-peat mix increases with the increased addition of selected mineral soil filler.Lateral variation in the stabilised peat strength (UCS) in the top 0 to 0.5 m layer was found from the margin towards the centre of the tropical lowland peat dome.The variations in the UCS of stabilised tropical lowland peats along a gradient from the periphery towards the centre of the peat dome are most likely caused by a combination of factors due to variations in the mineral soil or ash content of the peat and horizontal zonation or lateral variation in the dominant species of the plant assemblages (due to successive vegetation zonation of the peat swamp forest from the periphery towards the centre of the tropical lowland peat dome).  相似文献   
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