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杨房沟坝址高边坡工程地质特征及稳定性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为掌握杨房沟坝址高边坡稳定性情况及治理措施,采用现场调查及室内分析计算方法对河谷高边坡岩体工程地质特征及稳定性展开了全面研究。得出以下结论:高边坡花岗闪长岩可划分为块状、次块状及镶嵌结构等类型;边坡岩体质量从坡面向内分别为Ⅲ2、Ⅲ1、Ⅱ类,Ⅳ类岩体很少;天然边坡存在松动张裂、楔形体滑动及崩塌等破坏形式,控制性结构面为顺河向卸荷裂隙;从河谷演化角度通过数值模拟方法分析现今边坡应力分布、塑性区范围、变形规律及总体稳定性,认为坝址区天然边坡整体稳定性较好,降雨或地震等不利条件边坡可能存在浅部块体滑移失稳。  相似文献   
特尔菲法在土地利用总体规划评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文总结了土地利用总体规划评价中存在的问题,说明了评价的内涵及内容,提出了评价体系;运用特尔菲(Delphi)法,建立了土地利用总体规划综合评价模型和指标体系;评价方法的建立,有助于政府相关部门对规划评价的规范化和制度化。  相似文献   
旨在为秦皇岛市地质灾害风险区划提供依据,提出地质灾害土地资源易损性的综合评价方法.在充分论证评价因子的基础上,对2008年秦皇岛市地质灾害土地资源易损性进行综合评价和区划.  相似文献   
从目前正在实施的全国矿产资源潜力评价大地构造相图的空间数据库建设,分别对大地构造相图中大地构造相单元、沉积岩建造组合、火山岩岩石构造组合、侵入岩岩石构造组合、变质岩岩石构造组合、大型变形构造等各专业图层数据质量及属性进行技术讨论。  相似文献   
It is an effective way in realizing urban coordinated and sustainable development to establish a series of indicators and to evaluate urban environmental and socioeconomic development. According to the characteristics of Harbin City in Northeast China, an indicator system including five subsystems and 37 indicators was established for comprehensive evaluation on urban sustainable development. The development indexes of all urban subsystems and complex system were calculated quantitatively using the comprehensively integrated methods composed of Principle Component Analysis, Analytic Hierarchy Process and weighed index method, and then the comprehensive level of urban sustainable development and the degree of urban interior coordination were analyzed. The results indicated that 1) the overall urban development presented an uptrend, however, the interior development was not well balanced from 1996 to 2006; 2) the development in each subsystem presented a strong fluctuation; and 3) the development in resources subsystem showed a downtrend. Based on those results, the suggestions of urban sustainable development were put forward at the end.  相似文献   
河流健康评价的主评指标筛选   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
冯彦  何大明  杨丽萍 《地理研究》2012,31(3):389-398
河流健康是近年来探讨水资源问题的一个热点,其评价指标体系正成为河流管理的目标。为了筛选出一些基本的、易于量化的主要评价指标来揭示河流健康基本状况和变化趋势,通过对1972~2010年约150篇相关文献、45个河流健康评价指标体系902项指标的整理和归纳,应用统计、层次和相关性分析法,确定各指标的被采用率,并同时综合考虑指标的重要性、普遍性、可量化性和易获得性,筛选出揭示河流生境物理、水环境、生物和水资源利用4类特征的主要指标。结果表明,有以下8个指标可作为河流健康的主评指标:河岸植被覆盖率、河流连通性、湿地保留率、径流量变化率、水质达标率、鱼类生物完整性指数、水资源利用率和流域天然植被覆盖率。  相似文献   
次生滑坡灾害的影响是震后较长时间里人们持续关注的焦点,对其开展敏感性评价具有重要意义。选取5.12地震的重灾区汶川县北部作为研究区,利用遥感与地理信息技术提取地震滑坡信息,在全面分析滑坡与高程、坡度、坡向、岩性、断裂带、地震烈度以及水系等7个影响因子相关特性的基础上,采用信息量法与逻辑回归模型进行灾害敏感性评价,将研究区划分为极轻度、轻度、中度、高度和极高危险5个级别,并对不同模型的适用性开展分析和对比。结果表明,逻辑回归模型在描述区域滑坡灾害危险度总体特征方面稍具优势。  相似文献   
Road network is a critical component of public infrastructure,and the supporting system of social and economic development.Based on a modified kernel density estimate(KDE)algorithm,this study evaluated the road service capacity provided by a road network composed of multi-level roads(i.e.national,provincial,county and rural roads),by taking account of the differences of effect extent and intensity for roads of different levels.Summarized at town scale,the population burden and the annual rural economic income of unit road service capacity were used as the surrogates of social and economic demands for road service.This method was applied to the road network of the Three Parallel River Region,the northwestern Yunnan Province,China to evaluate the development of road network in this region.In results,the total road length of this region in 2005 was 3.70×104km,and the length ratio between national,provincial,county and rural roads was 1∶2∶8∶47.From 1989 to 2005,the regional road service capacity increased by 13.1%,of which the contributions from the national,provincial,county and rural roads were 11.1%,19.4%,22.6%,and 67.8%,respectively,revealing the effect of′All Village Accessible′policy of road development in the mountainous regions in the last decade.The spatial patterns of population burden and economic requirement of unit road service suggested that the areas farther away from the national and provincial roads have higher road development priority(RDP).Based on the modified KDE model and the framework of RDP evaluation,this study provided a useful approach for developing an optimal plan of road development at regional scale.  相似文献   
运用模糊数学的基本思想方法,结合海(咸)水入侵的特点,依据寿光地区2015年丰水期地下水水质监测结果,选取Cl-、矿化度、咸化系数、钠吸附比等4项水化学指标作为评价因子,构建模糊综合评价数学模型,对寿光海(咸)水入侵现状进行了模糊综合评价,并验证了此模糊综合评价结果的可靠性。  相似文献   
"生态环境地质"的概念是近年地质、水文地质与工程地质研究向引起"地质状态变迁"的"生态环境"要素研究领域拓宽所提出的一个新概念,是"生态环境与地质、特别是水文地质的交叉研究结果,而"生态环境地质"质量评价体系建立却非常困难,重点讨论了生态、环境、地质之间的关系,尝试性提出了"生态环境地质质量"评价体系,选择了评价因子与确定性模糊综合评价方法,进行了岷江上游生态环境地质系统评价,获得良好效果。  相似文献   
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