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Now GIS is turning into a good tool in handling geographical, economical, and population data, so we can obtain more and more information from these data. On the other hand, in some cases, for a calamity, such as hurricane, earthquake, flood, drought etc., or a decision-making, such as setting up a broadcasting transmitter, building a chemical plant etc., we have to evaluate the total population in the region influenced by a calamity or a project. In this paper, a method is put forward to evaluate the population in such special region. Through exploring the correlation of geographical parameters and the distribution of people in the same region by means of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, unit population database (1km× 1km) is established. In this way, estimating the number of people in a special region is capable by adding up the population in every grid involved in this region boundary. The geographical parameters are obtained from topographic database and DEM database on the scale of  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTION Since the first use in human genetic research in1966,allozyme has become the most popular genetic marker for population genetics studies for almost all groups of animals and plants(Lewontin and Hubby,1966;Murphy et al.,1996).In the past seve…  相似文献   
2005年,开封市国土资源局认真转变观念,转变职能,转变作风,完善体制,严格管理,积极参与宏观调控,妥善处理保护资源与保障经济发展的关系.积极采取有效措施.为开封城市建设和经济发展提供服务。全年报批国家重点项目用地11805亩;“三项整治”整理土地2514.028公顷;新增耕地而积768.3749公顷,再度实现全年耕地总量动态平衡;经营性土地招拍挂共推出六批18宗,出让土地41.8公顷,成交额1.5亿元,纯收益近1.2亿元.盘活存量土地106.25公顷。超额完成了省厅下达盘活存量土地30%的目标任务。  相似文献   
据说人类80%的活动都与地理位置相关,由此而产生了许许多多的与“位置”相关的技术与服务,从远古的路标、地图、……,到当今时髦的GIS、导航系统、……,都是每个人日常生活与工作中不可缺少的一部分。与此同时,人类的通讯手段也在不断发展,无线通讯已将“天涯咫尺”变为现实,以至于见到某个人对着电话说“您现在在哪儿,在国内吗?”时,已不会有人觉得奇怪了。得益于人类80%活动的需求和现代通讯技术的发展,定位服务(LocationBasedService,LBS)得以产生并飞速发展。LBS是多学科交叉融合的产物,它将无线通讯技术、互联网技术、空间数据库…  相似文献   
Urban heat environmental quality(UHEQ) is affected by the interacting of weather condition and underlying surface framework of urban area .In the last two decades,many researchers from domestic and overseas have studied many problems at the aspect of urban heat environment such as urban heat islands ,urban air temperature and their rela-tion with urban land cover,city population,air pollution etc,In the recent years,Hangzhou,acting as a center city of Zhejiang Province in China,its urbanization quantum and quantity have both changed greatly,in particular ,representing as business affairs building,resident real property and all kins of specialty market having arisen in built-up zone,Based on Landsat TM images data in 1991 and 1999,urban underlying surface temperature value and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) were calculated using image interpreting and supervised classification technique by remote sensing software ERDAS image 8.4,The relation model between urban underlying surface temperature (UUST )and urban air temperature was setup according to the certain correlation patten .Reference to the relational standard of assessing human comfort and other meteorology data of Hangzhou City in summer,the spatial distribution characteristic and the spatial varia-tion degree of human comfort of heat environmental quality are estimated and mapped on a middle scale,that is ,in six districts of Hangzhou City .Then the paper reveals the main characteristic of spatial variation from 1991 to 1999.Lastly,the change mechanism is analyzed and discussed from the viewpoint of city planning,construction and environmental protec-tion.  相似文献   
土地是人类赖以生存的基础,是工业生产活动最基本的生产要素之一。十分珍惜、合理利用每一寸土地是我国的基本国策,也是人类应尽的义务,浪费每一寸土地都是在犯罪。当前,土地资源的开发、保护、管理已纳入各级政府的重要日程,对土地资源的合理利用已成为社会广泛关注的焦点。就煤炭工业城市而言,采煤后沉陷区内废弃和闲置的土地如何进行再生利用,如何变废为宝,造福子孙,成为我们不容忽视的重大课题。解决好这一难题,既是促进地方经济发展的迫切需要,又是建设资源节约和环境友好型社会的必然要求。  相似文献   
In 2006, the Moscow publishing house Nauka (Science) published a 246-page book by Zoya A. Bessudnova entitled Geological Research at the Natural History. Museum of Moscow University, 1759-1930 as No. 32 in its series "Sketches on the History of Geological Knowledge'. The author is a geologist and Senior Researcher in the Department for the History of Geology of the Vernadsky State Geological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and a member of the International Commission on the History of Geological Sci- ences (INHIGEO).  相似文献   
中国工程项目网消息 合肥市2008年城市建设安排市政基础设施项目367个,总投资217.6亿元;其中路桥建设项目211个,总投入115亿元。 合肥大建设中涌现出的新路新桥,纵横交织如一条条大动脉,演绎着城市骨架路网从十字形到井字形的历史变化。  相似文献   
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