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雨水节气一般从2月18日或19日开始,到3月4日或5日结束。太阳的直射点也由南半球逐渐向赤道靠近了,这时的北半球.日照时数和强度都在增加.气温回升较快.来自海洋的暖湿空气开始活跃.并渐浙向北挺进。与此同时.冷空气在减弱的趋势中并不甘示弱.与暖空气频繁地进行着较量.既不甘退出主导的地位.也不肯收去余寒。  相似文献   
Two parallel sets of numerical experiments (an ozone-hole simulation and a non-ozone-hole simulation) were performed to investigate the effect of ozone depletion on surface temperature change using the second spectral version of the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model (FGOALS-s2), focusing on the eastern Antarctica (EA) continent in austral summer. First, we evaluated the ability of the model to simulate the EA surface cooling, and found the model can successfully reproduce the cooling trend of the EA surface, as well as the circulation change circling the South Pole in the past 30 years. Second, we compared the two experiments and discovered that the ozone depletion causes the cooling trend and strengthens the circumpolar westerly flow. We further investigated the causes of the EA surface cooling associated with the ozone hole and found two major contributors. The first is the ozone-hole direct radiation effect (DRE) upon the surface that happens because the decrease of the downward longwave (LW) radiation overcomes the increase of the downward shortwave (SW) radiation under clear sky. The second is the cloud radiation effect (CRE) induced by ozone depletion, which happens because the decreased downward SW radiation overcomes the increased downward LW radiation in the case of increased cloud. Although the CRE is theoretically opposite to the DRE, their final net effect makes comparable contributions to the EA surface cooling. Compared with the surface radiation budget, the surface heat flux budgets have a much smaller contribution. We additionally note that the CRE is basically ascribed to the circulation change.  相似文献   
利用1961~2006年NCEP/NCAR全球月平均再分析资料以及云南省124站5月降水资料,研究前期1~4月南半球大气环流对云南5月降水的影响。结果表明:前期1~2月影响的关键区主要位于南半球中纬西风带,当南半球中纬西风带位势高度偏高(低)时,5月降水易偏多(少),前期1月,南极绕极波北线与5月降水显著正相关。前期3...  相似文献   
国际地圈-生物圈计划中由PAGES项目研究过去的全球变化,这个项目的主要依据是过去全球变化可以为将来伴随温室增温效应而来的全球变化提供有用的类似信息。在缺乏理解大气中具温室效应的气体通量变化对调节气候变化的机制的条件下,对于这种类似信息的运用存在着不同的看法。尽管如此,来自南极东方站(Vostok)冰芯的证据  相似文献   
主要分布在北半球,占世界人口约四分之一的发达国家,控制了地球上将近80%的财富、80%的贸易和90%的工业。而主要分布在南半球和北半球南部,占世界人口四分之三的120多个发展中国家,只享有地球上20%的财富、20%的贸易和10%的工业。在80年代的10年中,尽管东亚和东南亚等一些发展中国家及地区的经济取得了引人注目的发展,但南亚、中东、非洲和拉丁美洲等发展中国家经济发展速度普遍下降。  相似文献   
正题目下图中阴影部分表示黑夜,关于图中①、②、③、④四地昼长的说法,正确的是A.①、②、③三地的昼长相等B.①地的昼长大于②地的昼长C.四地的昼长一定不相等D.③地的昼长大于④地的昼长剖析关于这道题,前三幅图是比较容易判读的。其中图a是太阳光照图侧视图,这幅图所呈现的是夜半球图;图b是从南极上空看到的太阳光照图俯视图,这幅图呈  相似文献   
正题目(2012年度第一学期浙江省某重点中学高一地理期中考试的一组地理题)下图为某一沿水平方向流动河流的一处断面,图中所示左右方向为观察者面向河流下游的视角。读图回答6~8题。左岸横剖面右岸树高:5米影长:5米6.此河流位于A.北半球B.南半球C.赤道上D.无法确定7.若此河流自东向西流,有一岸经常需要挖泥船  相似文献   
南大洋气旋气候与变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
A new climatology of cyclones in the Southern Ocean is generated by applying an automated cyclone detection and tracking algorithm(developed by Hodges at the Reading University) for an improved and relatively highresolution European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts atmospheric reanalysis during 1979–2013.A validation shows that identified cyclone tracks are in good agreement with a available analyzed cyclone product.The climatological characteristics of the Southern Ocean cyclones are then analyzed,including track,number,density,intensity,deepening rate and explosive events.An analysis shows that the number of cyclones in the Southern Ocean has increased for 1979–2013,but only statistically significant in summer.Coincident with the circumpolar trough,a single high-density band of cyclones is observed in 55°–67°S,and cyclone density has generally increased in north of this band for 1979–2013,except summer.The intensity of up to 70% cyclones in the Southern Ocean is less than 980 h Pa,and only a few cyclones with pressure less than 920 h Pa are detected for1979–2013.Further analysis shows that a high frequency of explosive cyclones is located in the band of 45°–55°S,and the Atlantic Ocean sector has much higher frequent occurrence of the explosive cyclones than that in the Pacific Ocean sector.Additionally,the relationship between cyclone activities in the Southern Ocean and the Southern Annular Mode is discussed.  相似文献   
通过天文望远镜观看行星,火星可以说是相当好看的行星之一了,土星有着美丽的光环,木星有着丰富的条型色带和大红斑,火星呢,恐怕就是那如火如荼的红色以及南北极冠白茫茫的冰盖了。图2是2008年1月拍摄到的火星南半球尘暴遗迹。尘暴处于风的旋涡,起因于上升热气流在大气高层遇到的剪切力。  相似文献   
孙淑清  刘舸  张庆云 《大气科学》2007,31(6):1189-1200
利用中国气象局提供的热带气旋资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和美国NOAA向外长波辐射(OLR)等资料, 研究了西太平洋(125°E~150°E)夏季热带气旋生成频数多寡的可能机理, 讨论了南北半球环流系统共同作用的物理过程及其对热带辐合带(Intertropical Convergence Zone, 简称ITCZ), 进而对热带气旋频数的影响, 并重点探论了从澳大利亚东侧位势高度异常到北半球西太平洋热带气旋频数响应的可能物理过程。研究发现: 澳大利亚东侧的环流异常和西太平洋热带气旋活动频数密切相关。南半球的澳大利亚东侧环流异常可能不完全是通过越赤道气流, 而主要是通过Rossby波的传播造成的南北半球遥相关作用, 影响北半球环流系统的, 进而影响菲律宾以东赤道辐合带对流活动的强弱, 导致西太平洋热带气旋生成频数的多寡差异。当澳大利亚东侧的位势高度为正距平时, 相应地在菲律宾以东地区也会出现正距平。即西太平洋副高偏强, 且偏南西伸, 抑制热带辐合带的对流活动发展, 使菲律宾以东的对流活动偏弱, 从而使热带气旋生成频数偏少。而当澳大利亚东侧的位势高度为负距平时, 相应地在菲律宾以东地区也会出现负距平。也即西太平洋副高偏弱, 且位置偏北。菲律宾以东地区对流活动偏强, 热带气旋生成频数偏多。另外, 西太平洋 (125°E~150°E) 以西的上游赤道西风也对热带气旋频数也有重要影响。具体表现为, 当90°E附近的越赤道气流强时, (5°N~15°N, 125°E~150°E)范围内的西风也随之加强, 从而使菲律宾以东对流活动加强, 西太平洋热带气旋频数增高。反之, 当该支越赤道气流弱时, 上游赤道西风随之偏弱, 从而造成菲律宾以东对流活动偏弱, 西太平洋热带气旋生成偏少。  相似文献   
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