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在豫西北晋、冀、豫三省交界,有一个闻名退尔的古老集镇,她西依林虑山,东绕太行余脉,地势平坦,交通便利,人杰地灵,她就是林州市姚村镇。这个古镇现有近8万人口,农民2.5万户,总面积100平方公里,耕地面积6万亩,新河公路穿境而过,举世闻名的红旗渠一、二干渠像两条绿色巨龙盘绕在姚村盆地的东、西山腰,98个自然村像一颗颗璀璨的明珠镶嵌在两龙盘绕的青山绿水盆地之中。  相似文献   
开展土地综合整治,实施“万村土地综合整治”示范工程,是今年国土资源部推出的一项重大行动。大力推进土地综合整治可增加有效耕地面积,改善农业生产条件和农村生活环境,促进土地节约集约利用,也是保发展、保红线的结合点,统筹城乡发展的新平台,当前还能有效地拉动农村投资和消费需求。溆浦县桥江镇新坪村是怀化土地综合整治的首个试点村,近来就该村实施情况进行了调查。  相似文献   
土地整理的全程产业化管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国现行土地整理工作采用的是行政主导型土地整理运作模式,整个过程由行政来推动。但这种土地整理运作模式没有引入市场机制,必然存在着缺陷与不足,且越来越不适应我国经济快速发展而引起的土地利用变化,尤其是在土地整理的规模不断扩大、整理的质量标准越来越高的情况下,行政  相似文献   
为更好地发展省土地整理复垦工作,现就在以往规划设计中存在的对农田防护工程的规划原则和目标不够明确的问题进行分析,希望在今后的工作实践中得以参考。  相似文献   
各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构: 经报请国务院同意,现将《清理整顿现有各类开发区的具体标准和政策界限》印发给你们。请各地严格按照《国务院办公厅关于清理整顿各类开发区加强建设用地管理的通知》(国办发[2003]70号)、《国务院关于加大工作力度进一步治理整顿土地市场秩序的紧急通知》(国发明电[2003]7号)的精神和《清理整顿现有各类开发区的具体标准和政策界限》的要求,切实做好现有各级各类开发区的清理整顿工作。国土资源部将会同有关部门对开发区清理整顿工作进行核查和验收。 附件:《清理整顿现有各…  相似文献   
今年的6月25日是第十四个全国“土地日”。今年“土地日”的宣传主题是坚持科学发展观,珍惜每一寸土地。  相似文献   
近年来,嵊州市国土资源局党委在省国土资源厅和当地党委、政府的正确领导下,带领全系统干部职工围绕发展这一主题,以创新求进的理念,诚信务实的作风,切实保护耕地,全力盘活存量土地,努力做好保护耕地与保障建设用地的统筹文章,为嵊州市统筹城乡发展作出了积极的贡献,赢得了社会各界的一致好评.  相似文献   
How land-cover has been changed by human use over the last 300 years is one of the five overarching questions guiding the Land-use/Cover Change (LUCC) Science/Research Plan. China has variety of historical docu-ments providing unique data superiority. So the characteristics of farmland area in Shandong Province during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) are summarized firstly: 1) the rising trend of farmland area was striking; 2) farmland area had re-markable fluctuation; 3) farmland area per capita decreased dramatically; 4) wasteland reclamation index increased rapidly. Then, the driving forces of farmland area change are analyzed. It is concluded that natural and human factors are jointly influential. Among the driving forces, human dimensions are the main factors of farmland area change,which direct the general tendency of the changes mentioned above. And the natural factors influence the stability of farmland area as well. Variation of the natural factors would act as the major contributory factor to farmland area change during years or periods of abrupt climatic changes, or during the intensive occurring periods of natural hazards.Besides, the passive aspects of human factors, such as war chaos also influenced the fluctuation of the farmland area.This research indicates that it is feasible to study the land-use/cover change by Chinese historical literatures, which has huge potential to provide a comprehensive picture of the growing dominance of human land-use and land-cover pat-terns that can be used in many global change research oroiects.  相似文献   
翻开土地管理的发展历史,大体都要经过三个阶段:管住、管好和服务。土地管理所追求的是:没有“管理”只有“服务”。 ——题记  相似文献   
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