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谢莉 《热带地理》2006,26(4):365-369
南岳衡山是我国南方唯一的一处五岳名山,历史上也是我国南方最大的文化、宗教活动中心之一,素享"五岳独秀"、"文明奥区"、"宗教圣地"、"抗战名山"等盛名.在抗日战争中,衡山曾一度成为国民政府的军事指挥中心,留下了大量的抗战军事文化史话、遗存和胜迹等文化旅游资源.衡山抗战军事文化资源极具个性特色,拥有较高的开发利用价值.文中从衡山抗战军事文化资源形成的历史地理背景入手,全面阐述了衡山抗战军事文化资源,探讨如何把衡山"抗战名山"资源转变为现实旅游资源或现实的经济优势,提升南岳衡山生态文化旅游的品位,实现南岳衡山  相似文献   
论述了军事地理学在信息时代创新的必要性,以及如何创新的问题。  相似文献   
本文概述了目前外军军事测绘保障装备与技术的发展现状及其主要特点,并就如何加强我军军事测绘保障业务建设提出了建议。  相似文献   
军事地理信息系统构想与空间决策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地理信息系统具有强大的空间分析功能,因此其在军事领域中,特别是同武警部队执勤、处突和反恐怖任务结合起来,综合地、动态地获取、管理和分析区域内地理环境信息及军事专题属性信息,服务于执勤、处突环境分析和辅助决策的指挥自动化应用系统,充分发挥其效益,是一种尝试。基于地理信息系统软件ArcView3.2,武警北京总队军事地理信息系统演示系统突出强调了网络分析功能、地图绘制功能及三维模拟分析功能;系统主要由最佳路线、机动支援、空间分析、制图绘图、三维模拟及卫星影像6个子功能模块组成,实现了北京地区二环线内武警机动部队的最佳路线、最近设施的选择、军事地图的绘制与输出、北京天安门地区的三维模拟显示。该演示系统能为指挥自动化系统进行辅助决策提供地理信息保障,实现北京地区的军事地理信息互通及共享,提高工作效率,节约人力物力资源。  相似文献   
<正>福州,有福之州,"海上丝绸之路"上不能不提的一座城市。古代素有"榕城"美称,在唐代和五代时期,中国对外贸易的重心逐渐由陆上丝绸之路转向东南沿海,在这种形势下,福州与中原文化交流增多,为福州海外交通贸易的发展创造了极为有利的条件。而闽安古镇正是当年最繁荣的四大重镇之首,古港口中的军事要地,福州海上丝绸之路的必经之路。来闽安之前,查阅了不少资料,怀着对历史的珍重与尊敬,很期待这一次能找到资料中展现的那些古朴又沧桑的历史遗迹。出  相似文献   
中国,一个天然的濒海大国就这样被自我限定为一个内陆农业大国,而在地球的另一边,西方列强围绕海上霸权的拼杀长期以来未曾中止当通过海战而确立起海上新霸权地位的英国为打开其对中国的贸易困境而对中国动用武力时,结局似乎早已注定。  相似文献   
The Ordos basin was developed from Mid-Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous, and then entered into its later reformation period since the Late Cretaceous. Its main body bears the features of an intra-cratonic basin. The basin also belongs to a multi-superposed basin which has overlapped on the large-scale basins of the Early and Late Paleozoic. Currently, Ordos basin has become a residual basin experienced reformation of various styles since the Late Cretaceous. It's suggested that there were at least four obvious stages of tectonic deformations existing during the basin's evolution, dividing the evolution and sedimentation into four stages. The prior two stages were of the most prosperous, during which the lake basin was broad, the deposition range was more than twice larger than the current residual basin, resulting in major oil- and coal-bearing strata. The two stages were separated by regional uplift fluctuations in the area. At the end of the Yan'an Stage, the depositional interruption and erosion were lasting for a short period of time. The third one is the Mid- Jurassic Zhiluo-Anding stage, in which the sedimentation extent was still broad but the lake area was obviously reduced. In the Late Jurassic tectonic deformation was intensive. A thrust-nappe belt was formed on the basin's western margin while conglomerate of different thickness were accumulated within the foredeep of the eastern side. The central and eastern parts of the basin were subject to erosion and reformation. A regional framework with "uplift in the east and depression in the west" took shape in the area west of the Yellow River. In the Early Cretaceous sediments were widely distributed, unconformably overlapping the former western margin thrust belt and the ridges on the northern and southern borders. There are abundant energy resources such as oil, natural gas, coal and uranium deposits formed in Ordos Basin. The main stages of generation, mineralization and positioning of the multiple energy resources have obvious responding co  相似文献   
论述了未来战争的基本特征;以此为出发点,研究了军事地理学在未来战争中的地位、作用,概括出军事地理的发展特点.  相似文献   
本文以1:50万军事交通图数据库为基础,探讨并研究了数据库支持下的自动制图综合的理论,方法和实施过程:重点研究了地图内容的选取、线状要素的化简和重迭要素的移位问题;尤其是对图形要素的移位,做了较为详细的分析,提出了检查线状要素之间图形重迭的方法及自动移位的具体措施,并给出了用于程序运行的一些详细算法。  相似文献   
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