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正本刊讯为了更好地把握新形势下工程勘察设计行业的发展现状及未来发展趋势,提供行业发展的相关对策与参考建议,由中国勘察设计协会组织编写的《工程勘察设计行业年度发展研究报告(2012-2013)》(以下简称《行业报告》)近日出版发行。《行业报告》是在住房和城乡建设部建筑市场监管司支持下,由中国勘察设计协会组织业内各方专家在对相关数据、资料进行深入分析、研究的基础上撰写而成的。这是反映勘察设计行业发展状况的第五个年度报告。为了撰写《行业报告》,相关人员走访了  相似文献   
Ectomycorrhizal fungi,a group of widcspread symbiotic fungi with plant,obtain carbon source from trees and improve plant mineral nutrient uptake with their widespread hyphal network.Ectomycorrhizal fun...  相似文献   
日前,宁安市第二次土地调查工作全面启动,计划利用三年的时间,利用高科技手段,全面清查全市范围内的土地利用状况,并掌握真实的土地基础数据。  相似文献   
地籍管理是国土资源管理的一项基础工作,它通过地籍调查和土地登记工作,对土地的利用状况、产权产籍状况及其法律关系依法进行确认,从而为国土资源管理工作和社会经济发展提供服务。  相似文献   
全国土壤污染状况详查工作是落实国务院《土壤污染防治行动计划》的首要任务,是一项重要的国情调查,是贯彻习近平生态文明思想、全面推进生态文明建设、打好打胜净土保卫战的重要工作.该工作由原环境保护部、财政部、原国土资源部、原农业部、国家卫计委等五部委联合部署,在已有相关调查基础上,以农用地和重点行业企业用地为重点,针对性地推...  相似文献   
正繁华拥挤的上海,建设用地占比45%,几近规划设定的"天花板"。今年上半年,上海连续发布多个土地节约集约利用政策,大力促进存量建设用地盘活利用,进一步提高土地利用质量,以土地利用方式转变促进经济转型升级。日前,记者专程前往上海采访,不过这次吸引记者的并不是土地政策本身,而是上海系列土地新政背后,地质工作为"节约集约利用土地,转变土地利用方式"提供的服务与支撑。  相似文献   
正今年4月22日是第45个世界地球日,一份《全国土壤污染状况调查公报》却让我们对赖以生存的地球担忧起来:我国耕地土壤点位污染物超标率为19.4%,镉、镍、铜、砷、汞、铅、滴滴涕(双对氯苯基三氯乙烷)和多环芳烃成为罪魁祸首。作为百姓"米袋子"、"菜篮子"的耕地土壤正在受到越来越多的污染,甚至威胁到我们每天食用的蔬菜、水果、粮食这些"舌尖上的安全"。或许这些污染并不像烟囱中冒的黑烟、河流里淌的污水那么直观、但它们的确就在我们身边——我们的土壤现状近日,环境保护部和国土资源部联合发布《全国土壤污染状况调查公报》。调查结果显示,全国  相似文献   
正1月19日发布的中央一号文件明确,以解决好地少水缺的资源环境约束为导向深入推进农业发展方式转变,以满足吃得好吃得安全为导向大力发展优质安全农产品。在粮食产量十连增的大背景下,人们对这一蓝图寄予无限憧憬。但是,4月17日发布的全国土壤污染状况调查公报显示,全国土壤16.1%的总超标率。不禁让人担忧上述理想能否顺利实现。此次在全国范围首次开展的土壤污染状况综合调查显示,我国土壤环境状况  相似文献   
Based on the characteristics of land use and drainage network of the upper watershed of the Miyun Res-ervoir, Beijing, 26 monitoring and sampling sites were selected in different sub-catchments. Temporal and spatial variations in nutrient loss were dealt with in this paper in terms of the monitoring data on the water quality of the main tributaries flowing into the Miyun Reservoir. In combination with the monitoring data on water quality, the impacts of watershed characteristics including land-use type, landscape pattern, and drainage density were assessed, The concentrations of nutrients in the rainy season are higher than those in other seasons, and the concentrations of NO3--N are linearly related to those of total N which is the main form of nitrogen present in the fiver water. The concentrations of nitrogen become higher toward the reservoir along the main rivers. The seasonal variation of ni-trogen in the watershed affected by intensive human activities is very obvious; in the watershed with steady or low water flow, the seasonal variation of nitrogen is less obvious. Forest land and grassland can trap and filter nitrogen effectively. Land-use pattern also has important impacts on the loss of nitrogen. The concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in the water bodies show great temporal and spatial variations. On a temporal scale, the concentrations of TN and TP in the rainy reason are higher than those in other seasons. On a spatial scale, the concentrations of TN and NO3--N in the Qingshui River and Chaohe River are highest all the time. The spatial variation of TP is distinct, being obvious at sampling sites near villages. The form of nitrogen and phosphorus loss varies in different hydrological seasons. Dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus are the main forms in streams in non-rainy seasons, the dissolved nitro-gen and total nitrogen decrease in percentage in the rainy season. Particulate nitrogen and phosphorus are the main forms in some rivers. The concentrations of TN and NO3--N from orchards and villages are high whereas those from forest land are lowest. Land-use pattern has impacts on TN and NO3--N losses, at the sampling sites near the source landscape, the concentrations are higher than those at the sampling sites near the sink landscape. Water quality of the rivers which flow into the Miyuan Reservior is influenced by the composition of adjacent soils.  相似文献   
通过调查河北省遵化市低山丘陵区油松林、板栗、草地和坡耕地等典型土地利用方式对土壤养分和土壤容重的影响,土地取样取土壤表层0-20cm,结果表明,森林的砍伐以及随后的耕种显著增加了土壤容重并降低了大部分土壤养分。和林地相比,草地、当年开垦的农地、板栗和耕种3年的农地容重分别增加了13.3%,14.2%,27.5%,39.7%。除全磷外,板栗和耕种3年的农地土壤养分有显著下降,和林地相比,板栗有机质减少了60.7%,全氮减少了35.6%,全钾减少了21.3%,速效钾减少了57%;耕种3年的农地土壤有机质、全氮、全钾和速效钾则分别减少了62.9%,52.6%,31%和60%。土壤退化指数的计算结果表明板栗和耕种3年的农地土壤发生了较为严重的退化。  相似文献   
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