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为了优化海洋综合观测浮标的通信系统,设计了一种通信方式集成系统,将多种通信模块进行集成管理,并在每个数据发送周期进行通信信号检测,经过比较选择最优的通信方式进行数据传输。该系统具有采集数据完整、数据冗余小、运行功耗低等优点,有效增强了浮标的通信能力,完善了原有通信系统的功能,并且后期还具备较强的可扩展性功能,如浮标舱内环境监测和独立定位等,进一步增强浮标的安全性。该系统已经完成12个月的海上试运行,系统运行稳定,功能达到预期,可满足海洋综合观测浮标对多种通信方式进行优化管理的需求。  相似文献   
An analysis of statistical expected values for transformations is performed in this study to quantify the effect of heterogeneity on spatial geological modeling and evaluations. Algebraic transformations are frequently applied to data from logging to allow for the modeling of geological properties. Transformations may be powers, products, and exponential operations which are commonly used in well-known relations (e.g., porosity-permeability transforms). The results of this study show that correct computations must account for residual transformation terms which arise due to lack of independence among heterogeneous geological properties. In the case of an exponential porosity-permeability transform, the values may be positive. This proves that a simple exponential model back-transformed from linear regression underestimates permeability. In the case of transformations involving two or more properties, residual terms may represent the contribution of heterogeneous components which occur when properties vary together, regardless of a pair-wise linear independence. A consequence of power- and product-transform models is that regression equationswithin those transformations need corrections via residual cumulants. A generalization of this result isthat transformations of multivariate spatial attributes require multiple-point random variable relations. This analysis provides practical solutions leading to a methodology for nonlinear modeling using correct back transformations in geology.  相似文献   
张德会 《云南地质》2006,25(4):444-444
渗透率是确定多孔介质传输流体能力或容量的一个重要流体动力学参数。多孔介质中的流体运动,当其流速不很大即为层流(1aminar flow)时可用Darcy定律来描述流体通量:  相似文献   
宁夏地震局于2013年全面建成宁夏强震动背景场台阵,共计台站数量11个,背景场台站使用SLJ-100型力平衡式加速度传感器、REFTEK130-REN数据采集器.REFTEK130-REN数据采集器每天24小时不间断收集采集数据、向计算机和服务器定向传输实时数据,并存储在设定好的目录中.传输过程中,路由器和数据采集器容易发生故障导致无法收到实时数据.为保证数据的连续性和完整性,本文用JAVA语言进行针对性软件设计,监测本地收取的波形数据,通过循环判断波形传输是否中断,并产出断记报警信息.经过为期半年的测试和预运行,背景场台阵断记报警软件的使用,一定程度上缩短了宁夏全区背景场台站的故障运维时间,也一定程度上提高了背景场台站的运维精度,从而快速高效的保证了背景场台站波形的顺利传输,为宁夏回族自治区地震局背景场台阵今后的高效运行提供了一定的保障.  相似文献   
利用UDP组播通信、进程监控、文件监控、网络监控等技术,研发了CC天气雷达数据流传输业务台站级监控报警系统,较早、较好地实现了雷达扫描状态、数据流上行传输、标准格式基数据本地存储、基数据补传、软件运行和网络运行状态的实时监控和短信报警。实践表明,软件运行较稳定,能对数据流传输业务进行有效监控,短信报警准确及时,报警阈值从6min缩短到40s,提升了故障的发现和处理效率,提高了天气雷达业务可用性和数据传输质量,减轻了雷达台站业务人员的值守压力。  相似文献   
This study investigates the Arctic Ocean warming episodes in the 20th century using both a high-resolution coupled global climate model and historical observations. The model, with no flux adjustment, reproduces well the Atlantic Water core temperature (AWCT) in the Arctic Ocean and shows that four largest decadalscale warming episodes occurred in the 1930s, 70s, 80s, and 90s, in agreement with the hydrographic observational data. The difference is that there was no pre-warming prior to the 1930s episode, while there were two pre-warming episodes in the 1970s and 80s prior to the 1990s, leading the 1990s into the largest and prolonged warming in the 20th century. Over the last century, the simulated heat transport via Fram Strait and the Barents Sea was estimated to be, on average, 31.32 TW and 14.82 TW, respectively, while the Bering Strait also provides 15.94 TW heat into the west- ern Arctic Ocean. Heat transport into the Arctic Ocean by the Atlantic Water via Fram Strait and the Barents Sea correlates significantly with AWCT ( C = 0.75 ) at 0- lag. The modeled North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index has a significant correlation with the heat transport ( C = 0.37 ). The observed AWCT has a significant correlation with both the modeled AWCT ( C =0.49) and the heat transport ( C =0.41 ). However, the modeled NAO index does not significantly correlate with either the observed AWCT ( C = 0.03 ) or modeled AWCT ( C = 0.16 ) at a zero-lag, indicating that the Arctic climate system is far more complex than expected.  相似文献   
用双差定位法精确测定玉树地震及其余震序列   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年4月14日7时49分,在青海省玉树县发生7.1级地震.玉树地震发生时,测震台站33个,采用有线或者无线的方式实时传输到青海省地震局.针对震中附近只有3个测震台站,不利于余震监测和震后趋势研判的情况,中国地震局及时协调四川和青海地震局的流动观测队伍赴玉树地区开展现场测震加密工作.  相似文献   
从数学上探讨了晴空大气红外窗区通道遥感陆面特性水汽吸收和陆面发射率的综合影响。首先,基于辐射传输方程推导出大气水汽含量和陆面发射率(ε)引起红外窗区通道遥感陆面亮温(Tg)变化的数学表达式,指出红外辐射在传输过程中水汽吸收衰减的影响主要是引起大气透过率的变化;分析了在高温高湿和低温干燥等不同地区,红外窗区通道的大气透过率所受到的不同程度的衰减,以及水汽吸收衰减和陆面发射率对不同的红外窗区通道的影响。此外,还建立了一个红外窗区通道遥感陆面温度与地面亮温差ΔT=(Ts-Tg,imax)与水汽含量变化Δq和陆面发射率ε的二元多项式拟合方程,进一步分析大气水汽含量和陆面发射率对不同的红外窗区通道遥感的影响;指出红外短波窗区通道不但受太阳辐射污染严重,而且受陆面发射率变化的影响激烈,特别是在寒冷干燥的亚北极冬季。最后强调,为了精确地反演陆面温度,最好采用热红外窗区通道;必须考虑大气订正,特别是在高温高湿区;同时应该考虑陆面发射率等因子的作用。  相似文献   
付载波频偏测量对于保证调频系统传输质量具有重要的意义。本文介绍了我们设计制作的付载波频编测量仪。该仪器便于携带、使用方便、精度送±10^-3*f0+1赫该精度满足模拟传输台网的需要。  相似文献   
利用计算机进行图象处理和彩色制印,编制了京津及邻区1:25万影象图。采用经数字处理的图象和制图分析等编改工艺,取得了高质量低成本的效果。  相似文献   
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