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余若 《地理教学》1994,(3):46-47
波斯湾以伊朗的旧名波斯命名。这事发生在伊朗更改国名(1935年)以前。但沿岸的阿拉伯国家对此持有异议,转而自行给它命名阿拉伯湾。国际上不好处理,近些年来倾向于采取一种不介入的变通办法,索性略去专名部分(波斯),仅仅称之为“海湾”。  相似文献   
20 0 3年 1 2月 2 6日德黑兰当地时间上午 5点 2 8分 ,伊朗东南部地区发生里氏6 8级强烈地震 (根据伊朗地震台网修正后的数据。美国地震台网测定震级 6 7,中国地震台网测定震级为 7 0 ) ,震中位置为2 9 0 1°N ,58 30°E ,震源深度 33km。地震震中位于距克尔曼省省会克尔曼市约 1 80km的巴姆市。地震造成了大面积破坏 ,巴姆市有 6 0 %的房屋倒塌 ,一些具有历史价值的古迹也变成了废墟 ,巴姆及其附近地区的通讯、水、电供应均遭中断。联合国人道事务协调办公室派往伊朗巴姆地震灾区的救灾协调人员 1 2月 2 9日乘飞机对伊朗地震灾区进行了…  相似文献   
Background & objective: Medical geology is a discipline of environmental health dealing with the impacts of geological relationship between loess deposits and certain endemic diseases such as esophagus cancer. This article deals with loess deposits with medical geology aspect toward diagnosis and prognosis. Materials & Methods: In this study sampling from loess deposits from East towards West has been done. Collected samples have been undergone X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) for determination of minerals, surface morphology of minerals and chemical analysis for further studies, respectively. Results: In mineralogical studies dominated minerals are quartz, feldspar and calcite. Clay minerals are illite and chlorite, which are about 9.3%. The amount of quartz is variable from 56.3 to 45.4. The grains sizes are decreasing from northeast to southwest. Chemical analysis showed that loess deposits contain Si, Al, K and Ca, which are related to the presence of quartz, feldspar, calcite, illite and chlorite minerals. Conclusions: According to medical geology evidence, loess deposits of Gloestan Province could be closely related to the incidence of esophagus cancer due to effect of clay minerals on biochemical cycle, direct relation of grain size with the incidence of esophagus cancer and chemical composition of loess deposit for its high silica are also taken into consideration. As the esophagus cancer belt coincides with the loess deposits belt of the world.  相似文献   
1997年2月28日伊朗西北部的阿尔达比勒省发生了破坏性地震,造成了重大伤亡和广泛的破坏,该震共破坏了110个村庄,使965人丧生,2600人受伤,约4万人无家可归,文章综合介绍了这次地震的震源参数,破坏,伤亡和救灾情况等。  相似文献   
中伊地震专家对1997年5月10日伊朗霍拉桑省发生的7.1级地震联合进行了科学考察,取得了具有重要意义的成果。该文介绍了这次地震的震的震源参数及余震情况,强震记录及烈度分布、发震构造,震害及教训等。  相似文献   
1997年5月10日伊朗东北部地区再次发生破坏性地震。造成重大的人员伤亡和财产损失,几十个村庄被毁,4000余人互亡。6000我人受伤,数万人无家可归,直接经济损失约1.5亿美元。文章综合介绍了这次地震的震源参数,发震背景,破坏,伤亡和抗震求灾情况等。  相似文献   
Abundant ichthyoid remains, conodonts and holothurians sclerites were recovered near the Permian/Triassic boundary from a section south of Isfahan. Recovered ichthyoid remains include shark micro teeth and scales. The ichthyolith material is similar to a Fasanian ichthyolith from the Zakazane area in the Slovak karst of the Western Carpathians, which represents a subspecies of Acodina triassia. Conodont species are mostly neogondolellids. This fauna indicates that the sedimentary environment was marine, while to the north of localities near Isfahan and Zagross, terrestrial deposition was dominant at that time. Aluminasilicate and kaolin are present in a continental unit in Dopolan refractory main (Shahid Nilchian mine) and a section south of Chahriseh Village, north of Isfahan. Pisolitie, ironstone facies and bauxite clay are common near the Permian/Triassic boundary in the Chahriseh region.  相似文献   
“一带一路”倡议为中国与沿线国家的贸易提供了一个新的平台。伊朗是“一带一路”倡议的节点国家,研究中伊贸易结构与潜力不仅可以深化两国经贸合作,更有助于推动我国与“一带一路”沿线国家贸易往来。基于此,该文利用2010—2016年中伊双边贸易数据,结合比较优势指数、互补性指数以及劳伦斯指数,从多个角度深入分析两国贸易的结构;其次通过建立引力模型,评估中伊双边贸易潜力。研究结果表明:1)2010—2016年中国对伊朗出口贸易额增加48.01%,促使双边贸易逐渐趋于平衡;2)伊朗较好地发挥了对中贸易的互补优势,而中国未能发挥对伊贸易中石料等产品的互补优势;3)中伊双边贸易产品出口结构年际变化呈明显不规律性;4)中伊贸易潜力缩小16.89%,双边商品贸易发展空间有限,需要开拓新的贸易类型。研究认为未来中伊两国需要建立贸易应急备案,增强贸易互信,加大文化交流,借助“一带一路”平台实现创新驱动,寻求双边贸易新的增长点。  相似文献   
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