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随着我国核电工业建设步伐的加快,高放废物处置库的场址选择成为当前极为紧迫的课题。本文分析了甘肃北山高放废物处置库的选址现状,提出应加快相关核安全法规的建设以指导场址的选择;应对北山地区补充地震地质调查工作,特别是对区内的几条断层要进行断层能动性的研究。这对场址的适宜性是一个带有颠覆性的问题。  相似文献   
由日本深部地球探测中心(CDEX)负责实施的IODP331,332和333航次目前开始召集船上科学家。IODP331航次预计于2010年9~10月执行,航次的主题为深部热生物圈(Deep Hot Biosphere)。该航  相似文献   
近日,陕西省国土资源厅召开会议,学习传达党的十七届五中全会精神。会议要求,全省国土资源系统要把学习十七届五中全会精神作为当前重要的政治任务来抓。并注重与“十二五”规划相结合,通过积极组织讨论,撰写心得体会,逐步将学习贯彻活动引向深入。  相似文献   
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987110000113   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正>Against the current background of global climate change,the study of variations in the soil carbon pool and its controlling factors may aid in the evaluation of soil's role in the mitigation or enhancement of greenhouse gas.This paper studies spatial and temporal variation in the soil carbon pool and their controlling factors in the southern Song-nen Plain in Heilongjiang Province,using soil data collected over two distinct periods by the Multi-purpose Regional Geochemical Survey in 2005—2007, and another soil survey conducted in 1982—1990.The study area is a carbon source of 1479 t/km~2 and in the past 20 years,from the 1980s until 2005.the practical carbon emission from the soil was 0.12 Gt.Temperature,which has been found to be linearly correlated to soil organic carbon,is the dominant climatologic factor controlling soil organic carbon contents.Our study shows that in the relevant area and time period the potential loss of soil organic carbon caused by rising temperatures was 0.10 Gt,the potential soil carbon emission resulting from land-use change was 0.09 Gt,and the combined potential loss of soil carbon(0.19 Gt) caused by warming and land-use change is comparable to that of fossil fuel combustion(0.21 Gt).Due to the time delay in soil carbon pool variation,there is still 0.07 Gt in the potential emission caused by warming and land-use change that will be gradually released in the future.  相似文献   
Due to their particular physiology and life history traits, bryophytes are critical in regulating biogeochemical cycles and functions in alpine ecosystem. Hence, it is crucial to investigate their nutrient utilization strategies in comparison with vascular plants and understand their responses to the variation of growing season caused by climate change. Firstly, this study testified whether or not bryophytes can absorb nitrogen(N) directly from soil through spiking three chemical forms of 15N stable isotope tracer. Secondly, with stronger ability of carbohydrates assimilation and photosynthesis, it is supposed that N utilization efficiency of vascular plants is significantly higher than that of bryophytes. However, the recovery of soil N by bryophytes can still compete with vascular plants due to their greater phytomass. Thirdly, resource acquisition may be varied from the change of growing season, during which N pulse can be manipulated with 15N tracer addition at different time. Both of bryophytes and vascular plants contain more N in a longer growing season, and prefer inorganic over organic N. Bryophytes assimilate more NH4+ than NO3– and amino acid, which can be indicated from the greater shoot excess 15N of bryophytes. However, vascular plants prefer to absorb NO3– for their developed root systems and vascular tissue. Concerning the uptake of three forms N by bryophytes, there is significant difference between two manipulated lengths of growing season. Furthermore, the capacity of bryophytes to tolerate N-pollution may be lower than currently appreciated, which indicates the effect of climate change on asynchronous variation of soil N pools with plant requirements.  相似文献   
正活动教学,体现了现代教学理念,是在真实而富有意义的任务驱动下的"动"中学,地理学科综合性强的特点决定了地理课堂上活动的丰富多彩。活动隐藏在教材中和学生的生活体验中,等待着我们地理老师去深层次地挖掘、去开发。教学中教师根据学情和乡土实际灵活地开展"活动",在激励学生主动参与、主动实践、主动思考、主动探索的同时,能有机渗透生态文明教育,达到"润物细无声"的效果。一、巧妙预设,引发生成,举办"全球变暖……"的角色扮演活动,并上升为节能减排的绿色环保行动,生成了校本环保课程资源  相似文献   
正森林土壤是陆地生态系统土壤中最大的碳库,约占全球土壤碳库的3/4,在全球C循环中起至关重要作用[1]。土壤异养呼吸(Heterotrophic respiration,Rh)是森林生态系统土壤碳库损失的主要途径。土壤异养呼吸是指土壤在微生物参与下的矿化过程,主要包括根际微生物呼吸、矿质土壤呼吸(无根土壤)和枯枝落叶层呼吸,由于土壤动物呼吸量不大,因此森林生态系统的异养呼吸主要表现为矿质土壤呼吸[2-4]。土壤异养呼吸具有高度的空间变异性,在全球范围内,异养呼吸所占总呼吸的比例为7%~83%,其中在热带和温带(30%~83%)森林生态系统中所占比例高于寒带地区(7%~  相似文献   
李明 《海洋信息》2014,(2):56-62
日本海上保安厅的海洋情况部和海上特警队是其关键的核心部门。海洋情报部也称日本海洋研究中心,下设企画、技术、国际、海洋调查、海洋环境调查、海洋情报和航海情报等6个科室,主要负责海洋信息、海洋环境、海洋状况等的调查和航海图、水路图等的测量与制作;另外,还肩负着在军事和外交等活动中,提供相关海洋信息情报的任务。海上特警队现有7个编队,每队8名成员,主要负责镇压船上暴动和打击海盗、海上毒品运输、海上偷渡等;它是日本最具实力的海上警备力量之一。因此,认真解读日本海洋情报部和海上特警队的构造、职能及其成长,对加大加快中国海警发展建设的步伐,具有极高的参考价值。  相似文献   
正《海洋信息》(MARINE INFORMATION)是由国家海洋局主管,国家海洋信息中心主办的综合指导类海洋科技期刊(季刊),国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 1005-1724,国内统一连续出版物号:CN 12-1103/P,国内外公开发行。其办刊宗旨是以科学技术是第一生产力为指导思想,以海洋事业发展为中心任务,着重介绍国内外的海洋资源信息化建设与海洋信息技术的最新进展,与此同时,广泛报道国内外各类海洋信息,为推动我国海洋信息化进程服务,为我国海洋事业发展服务。刊物目前设有专题、海洋信息化建设、海洋信息技术、海洋信息服务、海洋环境保护、海洋开发与管理、沿海经济、科技兴海、依法治海、国际海洋动态等栏目。一、来稿要求1.来稿内容应具有科学性、前沿性、创新性和实用性,能够反映海洋科技的最新研究成果。来稿要求论点明确、论据充分、数据可靠、语言严谨、条理清晰,篇幅以5000字以内为宜。来稿请提供计算机打印稿(A4纸、每页42行、每行44字、五号字)并提供Word格式  相似文献   
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