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加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省(B、C).当地华人又称卑诗省.位于加拿大西海岸.属英语区,目前,它有大约36万小学生和24万中学生。卑诗省的学生义务教育是从5岁的儿童学前班开始的,一直到中学的12年级。其中.从学前班到7年级为小学阶段,从8年级到12年级则为中学阶段。  相似文献   
温带海洋性气候大致位于南纬和北纬40°~60°之间的大陆西岸。这类气候分布于世界上四个区域:①西欧区。包括大不列颠群岛、法国、荷兰、比利时、丹麦、德国西部和斯堪的纳维亚半岛西部等地。②北美区。主要分布在北美洲西北部太平洋沿岸地区,包括阿拉斯加东南部、加拿大的不列颠哥伦比亚省、美国的俄勒冈和华盛顿两州部分地区。  相似文献   
In the Cordillera of western North America, the influence of the Pacific Interdecadal Oscillation only affects coastal areas west of the Coast Range and the lowlands of western and southern Alaska. The rest of the area is subject to a climate controlled by the relative strengths of three distinct air masses, viz., the cold cA/cP air that is dominant in winter, the mP air bringing cool moist air over the mountains throughout the year, and the dry hot cT air from the deserts of the southwestern United States. The Arctic Front marks the boundary between the cA/cP air mass and the other two. Changes in the relative strengths of these air masses appear to explain the climatic changes documented throughout the region. Thus, in the last 30 years, the average position of the Arctic Front has moved north from about 53°N to 58°N, causing the warming in northern British Columbia and cooling south of Calgary, Alberta. This concept of changing positions of the air masses also appears to explain the mechanism behind the past climatic changes in this region. During the last Neoglacial event (c.1400-1900 A.D.), it appears that the cA/cP air mass had strengthened enough to push the Arctic Front south of the 49th parallel. Incursions of mP air increased with localized areas of short-term heavy snowfalls resulting in small-scale advances of glaciers in these regions. This accounts for the variability in timing and extent of these glacial advances, while the resulting increased Chinook activity produced the development of a sand sea between Medicine Hat and Regina on the southern Prairies. The cT air mass was relatively weak, permitting these changes. During the maximum of the Altithermal/Hysithermal warm event (6,000 years B.P.), the Arctic Front had retreated into the southern Yukon Territory as the cT air mass became stronger. The mP air could not move inland as easily, resulting in drier climates across the region. Prairie plants mi- grated into the southern Yukon Territory, and land snails from the eastern United States were able to migrate up the Saskatchewan River system as far as Lake Louise, Alberta. On the southern Prairies, the many small sloughs and lakes dried up. During the maximum of the Late Wisconsin Glacial event (15,000 years B.P.), the Arctic Front had moved south to the vicinity of 30°N, while there had been a southward movement of the Zone of Intertropical Convergence from the equator to about 10°S. The mP air was also very strong and dumped enormous quantities of snow in the glaciated Canadian Cordillera, but it does not appear to have moved south any distance into the northern United States, witness the limited glaciation and widespread permafrost that developed there. Instead, there is evidence for buffering of the climatic changes in the closed basins in the northern Cordillera of the contiguous United States. The source of the cT air mass had moved south into the northern part of South America, permitting an exchange of savannah biota between the two continents. An extensive area of white dune sands inundated both savannah and forest along the inland hills in Guyana. This parallels the massive changes in African climatology during the last Ice Age (Fairbridge, 1964). If these changes occurred each time there was a major glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere, this would explain the movement of biota from all terrestrial environments between the two American continents in the last 2 million years. A similar northward movement of climatic belts occurred in South America, with the cA air from Antarctica expanding northwards into southern Argentina and Chili. However paucity of data and the potential effects of El Ni o and the Southern Oscillation make it difficult toprovide details of the changes there in the present state of knowledge. This technique of studying the mechanisms of present-day climatic changes and applying the results to past climatic events has considerable potential for elucidating past climatic changes elsewhere in continental regions. This may prove particularly valuable in studying the Siberian anticyclone that is the main cause of the distribution of permafrost, but this will need international cooperation to be successful.  相似文献   
斑点湖位于位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省和美国华盛顿州的交汇处,在夏天的烈日下,湖水蒸发和结晶出了很多矿物质,形成许多白色镶边界线和浅池,富含矿物质的水呈现深蓝、绿等奇特的颜色。湖水富含硫酸镁、钙、钠硫酸盐等高浓度矿物质,另外还含有银和二氧化钛。顾名思义,斑  相似文献   
陆婧希 《海洋世界》2013,(12):44-47
从地角到天涯,经历了几个世纪,这块土地见证了英国的变化和发展。那些故事和梦犹如出现在仲夏夜的星星一样,无法肯定他们曾经真的真实存在,只有这片土地,那些悬崖,  相似文献   
方舟 《海洋世界》2011,(7):66-67
加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的弗雷泽河拥有超过100种不同的鲑鱼,每一种鲑鱼都有自己独特而英勇的洄游故事.但是由于气候变化,水变得越来越温暖,这可能会给一些鲑鱼带来厄运.  相似文献   
客户成功案例1 Autodesk基础设施解决方案 BCMEM为勘探群体提供宝贵的数据 为最大程度上提高向勘探群体所提供的地理空间信息的价值,BCMEM转向使用互联网和Autodesk MapGuide来分发空间数据。  相似文献   
惊涛 《海洋世界》2007,(12):75-80
英国皇家海军已经没有了1918年拥有64艘装甲舰的气派,也没有了1945年拥有85万人的庞大规模,但却有着在21世纪继续成为世界最强大海军的意志。2007年7月31日英国议会刚刚批准了未来3年追加77亿英镑的国防预算.其中海军开支占重要比例。布朗政府要利用这笔预算建造2艘航空母舰和4艘弹道导弹核潜艇。英国新任首相布朗指出,他的目标是加强打击恐怖主义的海上作战能力,支持北约的濒海战略,支持英国军队在国外的远征作战行动,保持英国独立的核威慑能力。[编者按]  相似文献   
2008年4月,笔者随以省国土资源厅厅长孙纲为团长,省国土资源厅矿管处处长刘升林为秘书长的三人代表团访问加拿大。代表团在访加期间,拜访了加拿大BC(不列颠·哥伦比亚)省农业与土地部综合土地管理局,总裁艾丽克女士携三名部门领导热情地接待了代表团,双方在热烈友好的气氛中互相介绍了各自的情况,交换了资料,并建立了工作联系。  相似文献   
海沟通常拥有全球最深的区域--深渊,由于地理位置、地形地貌和气候等差异,海沟沉积物可能有不同的物质来源。因此,为进一步了解海沟深渊区的物质组成与来源,选取近陆的新不列颠海沟作为研究对象,通过分析其海底表层沉积物的地球化学特征,追踪新不列颠海沟不同水深与区域的沉积物来源。研究发现不论位于半深海、深海,乃至深渊区域,新不列颠"八字型"海沟的表层沉积物主要来自于周边岛屿的火山物质,但"八字型"海沟的西支和东支有差异,西支主要为新不列颠岛东部Rabaul火山和北部火山群及所罗门群岛的火山物质,其中在西支的最北站位新不列颠岛北部火山物质的比例最高。与西支相比,东支还受到了更多来源于TLTF(Tabar、Lihir、Tanga和Feni火山)火山链物质的影响,海沟东西支物源的差异与该地区复杂的洋流密切相关。此外,西支海沟轴部(最底端)站位更多来源于岛屿河流沉积物,受火山物质影响相对较小。  相似文献   
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