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This study focuses on the three‐dimensional (3‐D) characteristics of wave propagation in pipe‐pile using elastodynamic finite integration technique. First, a real 3‐D pile‐soil model in cylindrical coordinate system is presented. Then, the governing equations are established. With the boundary and initial conditions, the numerical solution is obtained. The accuracy and feasibility of the self‐written code are further verified via comparing with the measured data. Velocity histories at different angles of pile top and pile tip are illustrated, and the snapshots reflecting the 3‐D characteristics of wave propagation are given. It shows that the interferences of Rayleigh waves can confuse the result interpretation for pile integrity testing. The increase of hammer contact time can effectively mitigate the interferences, and the interferences of Rayleigh waves are weakest at an angle of 90° from where hammer hits. Besides, surrounding soil can partly mitigate the wave interferences. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper reports a preliminary investigation of CO2 sequestration and seal integrity at Teapot Dome oil field, Wyoming, USA, with the objective of predicting the potential risk of CO2 leakage along reservoir-bounding faults. CO2 injection into reservoirs creates anomalously high pore pressure at the top of the reservoir that could potentially hydraulically fracture the caprock or trigger slip on reservoir-bounding faults. The Tensleep Formation, a Pennsylvanian age eolian sandstone is evaluated as the target horizon for a pilot CO2 EOR-carbon storage experiment, in a three-way closure trap against a bounding fault, termed the S1 fault. A preliminary geomechanical model of the Tensleep Formation has been developed to evaluate the potential for CO2 injection inducing slip on the S1 fault and thus threatening seal integrity. Uncertainties in the stress tensor and fault geometry have been incorporated into the analysis using Monte Carlo simulation. The authors find that even the most pessimistic risk scenario would require ∼10 MPa of excess pressure to cause the S1 fault to reactivate and provide a potential leakage pathway. This would correspond to a CO2 column height of ∼1,500 m, whereas the structural closure of the Tensleep Formation in the pilot injection area does not exceed 100 m. It is therefore apparent that CO2 injection is not likely to compromise the S1 fault stability. Better constraint of the least principal stress is needed to establish a more reliable estimate of the maximum reservoir pressure required to hydrofracture the caprock.  相似文献   
问延煦  周健  贾敏才 《岩土力学》2007,28(8):1715-1718
在深入分析硬壳层对下卧软土层的封闭作用和扩散作用的基础上,推导了能考虑这两种作用的软土地基临塑荷载计算公式。同时通过对封闭作用产生机理的分析,指出传统的弹性力学分析方法无法考虑封闭作用对软土地基临塑荷载的影响。  相似文献   

Equatorial rivers of East Africa exhibit unusually complex seasonal and inter-annual flow regimes, and aquatic and adjacent terrestrial organisms have adapted to cope with this flow variability. This study examined the annual flow regime over the past 40 years for three gauging stations on the Mara River in Kenya and Tanzania, which is of international importance because it is the only perennial river traversing the Mara-Serengeti ecoregion. Select environmental flow components were quantified and converted to ecologically relevant hydraulic variables. Vegetation, macroinvertebrates, and fish were collected and identified at target study sites during low and high flows. The results were compared with available knowledge of the life histories and flow sensitivities of the riverine communities to infer flow–ecology relationships. Management implications are discussed, including the need to preserve a dynamic environmental flow regime to protect ecosystems in the region. The results for the Mara may serve as a useful model for river basins of the wider equatorial East Africa region.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor M. Acreman  相似文献   
柯玉军  薛有平  苗天德 《岩土力学》2005,26(Z2):145-150
锚杆锚固质量的超声应力波法(USW)检测包括锚杆长度检测和灌浆密实度检测。依据一维杆件的粘弹性波理论,建立了锚杆锚固的数学-力学模型并分析求解,研究了应力波在已锚固锚杆中的传播机理,并对几种情况进行分析,对应用超声应力波法检测锚杆长度和灌浆密实度的理论基础和机理进行了探讨和分析。结合在大型水电工程中的实际应用,证明超声应力波法用于锚杆锚固质量检测具有良好效果。  相似文献   
It is important to identify and locate glacial lakes for assessing any potential hazard. This study presents a combination of semi-automatic method Double-Window Flexible Pace Search (DFPS) and edge detection technique to identify glacial lakes using Sentinel 2A satellite data. Initially, Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) has been used to identify water and non-water areas, while DFPS and Edge detection technique has been used to identify an optimum threshold value to distinguish between water and shadow areas. The optimal threshold from DFPS process is 0.21, while threshold value of gradient magnitude using edge detection process is 0.318. The number of glacial lakes identified using the above algorithm is in close agreement with previously published results on glacial lakes in Gangotri glacier using different techniques. Thus, a combination of DFPS and edge detection process has successfully segregated glacial lakes from other features present in Gangotri glacier.  相似文献   
雷州半岛红树林边缘效应及其对海岸有机碳库的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为滨海湿地与邻近海区之间物质循环、能量和物种流动及其相互作用的重要界面,红树林的边缘效应对研究海陆生态系统相互作用,滨海湿地生物地貌形成过程以及海岸带有机碳库分布格局等方面的具有重要意义。文章以雷州半岛东岸红树林4种典型地貌分布区为重点,通过调查红树林前缘光滩,林缘及林内植被及土壤理化特征的变化,探讨红树林边缘效应的表现及其对土壤有机碳库的影响。结果表明,不同地貌类型红树林边界区的群落结构及土壤理化因子分布特征有所不同。边界区群落特征表现为林缘的冠层低于林内,叶面积指数低于林内,物种丰富度林内高于林缘(除河口区外),且林缘的植被盖度受风浪影响显著,表现出河口区>内湾区>岛屿区>前沿浪击区。土壤理化性质边缘效应表现为林缘的pH值、粒度低于光滩,氧化还原电位、盐度高于光滩(除内湾区外),而林内的土壤理化性质波动较大,可能受林缘植被演替及地貌双重影响。不同地貌单元红树林边界区的土壤表层有机碳含量,有机碳密度均表现为林内>林缘>光滩。综合影响表层土壤有机碳的主要生物及非生物因子进行主成分分析和相关分析,结果显示土壤表层有机碳密度与环境第一主成分呈显著负相关,即受植被盖度,叶面积指数和土壤pH因子影响密切。红树林土壤有机碳沉积虽然受到不同水文地貌的影响,但总体而言,红树林初级生产输入和土壤酸性环境对红树林林下土壤有机碳库的富存贡献显著。  相似文献   
陈敏  朱庆  朱军  徐柱  黄澜心 《测绘学报》2016,45(3):318-325
提出了一种基于影像边缘强度图描述的SAR影像与光学影像匹配方法。首先对影像进行粗纠正,消除影像之间的尺度和旋转变化;其次,改进相位一致性特征检测方法,提取对影像相干斑噪声稳健的特征点;然后基于高斯伽玛型双边窗口比值算子计算影像边缘强度图,在此基础上构造不变特征描述符;最后联合几何约束条件,实现SAR影像与光学影像匹配。试验结果证明,与现有方法相比,本文方法能够大幅提高SAR影像与光学影像匹配结果中的正确匹配特征数量以及影像配准精度。  相似文献   
次重力波(infragravity waves)是频率范围介于局地平均Brunt-V¾is¾l¾频率和0.05Hz(涌浪频率)之间的一种海洋波动,其能量在深水大洋中一般甚低,但在浅海中却很强.该波动的研究对于浅海海洋内部混合、近岸海洋工程、海洋生态学、海洋沉积学及军事海洋学均有重要的意义.Munk[1]很早就开始研究这类波动,然而主要由于观测技术的限制,对于该类波动的动力学机制的研究进展迟缓.  相似文献   
本文提出一种既可用于从图象上提取具有某种用途的一维边缘,又可用于提取具有多种用途的二维边缘的序贯一维型边缘检测新算法。由于构成该算法重要组成部分的基础算子的作用,以及将二维问题化为一维问题求解而使其明显具有简单,快速、有效的特点。该算法还具有Abdou [1] 等所建议的边缘检测算子应具有的两个特性。  相似文献   
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